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[[Installing Eprints 3 on Fedora Core 5]]
See the [[Main Page]] for other areas of this wiki.
* [[Introduction|Introduction to EPrints]] and [[History|History of EPrints]]
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= Releases =
''See also the note on [[EPrints Version Numbering]]''
= Download =
= Installation =
* [[Recommended Platforms]]
* [[Required software]]
* Install Guides
** [[Installing EPrints on RHEL/Fedora/CentOS]]
*** Primarily RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS 7 and 8.
*** Guides for installing from RPM package and from source.
** [[Installing EPrints on Debian/Ubuntu]]
*** Primarily Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS.
*** Guides for installing from Deb package and from source.
* [[Installation|Generic EPrints installation instructions]]
* [[How to use EPrints with HTTPS]]
** [[Setting up HTTPS using Let's Encrypt]]
** [[HTTPS-only and HSTS]]
* [[Installing EPrints using Docker]]
= Post Installation =
* [[Getting Started with EPrints 3]]
= Maintenance =
* [[Backups]]
* [[Generate Scripts]]
* [[Alerts]]
* [[Log Files]]
* [[Automating your maintenance]]
* [[Troubleshooting]]
* [[Apache Hardening]]
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= Training Materials =
* [[:Category:Training Video|EPrints Training Course]]
* [http://www.eprints.org/software/training/ Training materials] provided by EPrints Services.
= How-to Guides =
''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howto What is a how-to?]
* [[:Category:Howto|Orientation/Overview]] <span style="color: #f94; font-size: 130%">(Start here)</span>
** [[Configuration orientation|New to EPrints 3?]]  - ''before diving into the how-tos, take some time to read through this brief orientation guide and familiarise yourself with the EPrints configuration landscape ...''
* [[Front Page Warning | Removing the Front Page Warning]] - Your first go at branding
* [[Branding with confidence]] - ''one of the most common EPrints customisations is to add your own institution's branding and "look and feel" to the interface...''
** [[Branding, the next level]] - ''how to completely change the interface to your own design''
* [[OAI]]
* [[Adding new views]]
* Workflow
* Deposit Types
** [[Removing types]]
* Metadata
* Subjects (fold in with Organisation Hierarchy under "controled vocabularies")
* [[EPrints_3_Organisation_Hierarchy|Organisation Hierarchy]] - ''how to put your own organisation's Hierarchy into EPrints 3''
* Searches
* [[Autocompletion and Authority Files (Romeo Autocomplete)]] - ''add autocomplete functionality to the Publication Title input field based on an authority file downloaded from EPrints Romeo...''
* [[Create Export Plugins]] - ''create a Perl Module that will export your data...''
* [[Login-Only Repository]] - ''require a username and password to access all pages (including search, browse, and the front page)...''
* [[Change Deposit Status in Bulk]] - ''move a large number of deposits from inbox to archive.''
* [[SWORD]] - ''how to configure the SWORD protocol on EPrints.''
* [[Custom handlers]] - ''how to add a custom handler for intergration with third-party applications.''
* [[User Deposit Agreement]] - ''How to add a user deposit agreement to the workflow.''
* [[ORCID]]
** [[Import From ORCID]]
* Javascript
** [[Include Javascript in the workflow]]
* DKIM email verification
** [[How to configure DKIM email verification (using sendmail on Rocky9)]]
= How to contribute =
There's a number of different ways you can contribute to the EPrints project. This section covers all the ones we can think of...
[[Installing on RedHat Enterprise 4]]
Always make an entry on http://files.eprints.org/ for your contribution, even if you don't upload the files. This will make it the one-stop place for people to find EPrints extensions.
* [[:Category:Documentation Needed| Create some of the missing documentation]]
* [[Contribute: Plugins | Plugins]]
* [[Contribute: Scripts | Scripts]]
* [[Contribute: Themes | Themes]]
* [[Contribute: Translations | Translations]]
* [[Contribute: Other | Other neighbourly things to do]]
* [[Extension Packages]]
The pages linked on the right represent the core pages of the EPrints manual. Other pages on this wiki may be useful as well, but new users should start here.
See the [[Main Page]] for other areas of this wiki.
= Misc =
* [[Preservation Support]] in EPrints 3
* [[:Category:Languages|Language support and translations]]
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[[EPrints Directory Structure]] - will be linked somewhere better, later.
= Technical Reference =
* [[EPrints Directory Structure]] - How code and configuation files are organised.
* [[EPrints Glossary]] - A listing of terminology used within EPrints.
* [[User Menu]] - Explaining the menu options available to an EPrints user.
* [[Admin|Admin Menu]] - Explaining the tools available to a repository administrator.
* [[Metadata]] - configuring metadata fields.
* [[Archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/|Repository Configuration]]
* [[XML Configuration]] Files
** [[EPScript]] - documentation for the EP3 Scripting language (for use in citations and workflow files).
** [[EPrints Control Format]] - the structure used to embed EPScript in an XML configuration file.
** [[Citation Format]]
** [[Workflow Format]] - the structure of the EP3 workflow files
** [[Phrase Format]]
** [[Template Format]]
** [[XPAGE Format]]
* [[XML Export Format]]
* EPrints data structure
** of the software
** of the database (relating the dataobjects to each other using eprints fields)
* [[Data Object]]s and data sets
** The [[EPrint Object]]
** The [[User Object]]
** The [[Document Object]]
** The [[Subject Object]]
** The [[Saved Search Object]]
** The [[History Object]]
** The [[Access Object]]
** The [[Request Object]]
* [[:Category:Plugins|Plugins]]
** [[Create Export Plugins|Export]]
** Import
** [[Screen Plugins|Screen]]
* [[Autocompletion]]
** [[Understanding IDs in Workflow Forms]]
* [[API]]
* [[Dynamic Template System]]
* [[Config Options by File]]
* [[Triggers|Trigger functions]]
[[Workflows]] - the structure of the EP3 workflow files
= The EPrints Bazaar =
* [[:Category:EPrints_Bazaar|The EPrints Bazaar]] (Start Here)
* The [[EPM Specification]]
* [[:Category:Bazaar_Package|Bazaar Packages]]
[[EPScript]] - documentation for the EP3 Scripting language (for use in citations and workflow files).

Latest revision as of 17:26, 25 July 2024

See the Main Page for other areas of this wiki.


See also the note on EPrints Version Numbering



Post Installation


Training Materials

How-to Guides

What is a how-to?

How to contribute

There's a number of different ways you can contribute to the EPrints project. This section covers all the ones we can think of...

Always make an entry on http://files.eprints.org/ for your contribution, even if you don't upload the files. This will make it the one-stop place for people to find EPrints extensions.


Technical Reference

The EPrints Bazaar