How to configure DKIM email verification (using sendmail on Rocky9)
These instructions have been tested on CentOS7 and Rocky9 both of which using sendmail (not postfix). You will likely be able to adapt these instructions fairly easily to suit your operating system and mail transfer program.
As eprints user
1. Create a directory to store the keys
mkdir /opt/eprints3/archives/<REPO-ID>/dkim
As root user
1. Install the opendkim libraries
dnf install opendkim opendkim-tools
2. Open the opendkim config file and change the following lines
vim /etc/opendkim.conf
2. a. Change
Mode V
Mode sv
2. b. Remove comments from the following lines:
KeyTable /etc/opendkim/KeyTable SigningTable refile:/etc/opendkim/SigningTable ExternalIgnoreList refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts InternalHosts refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts
2. c. Add the following lines (the DOMAIN is the domain which our server sending email on behalf of)
Domain <DOMAIN> RequireSafeKeys False
2. d. Replace the Socket declaration with the following line (it should be commented out above the declaration being used)
Socket inet:8891@localhost
3. Modify /etc/opendkim/KeyTable, to add the following line
default._domainkey.<DOMAIN> <DOMAIN>:default:/opt/eprints3/archives/<REPOID>/dkim/default.private
example: ``
4. Modify /etc/opendkim/SigningTable, to add the following line
*@<DOMAIN> default._domainkey.<DOMAIN>
example: `*`
5. Modify /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts, to add the following line
example: *
6. Generate the keypair
sudo opendkim-genkey -b 1024 -d <DOMAIN> -D /opt/eprints3/archives/<REPO-ID>/dkim<DOMAIN> -s default -v
7. Change ownership and permissions
sudo chown opendkim:opendkim /opt/eprints3/archives/<REPO-ID>/dkim/* -R sudo chmod 660 /opt/eprints3/archives/<REPO-ID>/dkim/*
8. Send the txt public key to whoever has access to the DNS records, probably their IT team
cat /etc/opendkim/keys/<DOMAIN>/default.txt
It should look something like this.
9. Start opendkim
systemctl start opendkim; systemctl enable opendkim
10. Make sure it is running with the following commands
service opendkim status
This should say running.
ps -aux | grep dkim
The opendkim process should be running: "/usr/sbin/opendkim -f -x /etc/opendkim.con"
netstat -nap | grep 8891
This command should show that opendkim is listening on localhost port 8819
11. Sendmail Configuration
11. a. Modify, append the following line
INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`opendkim', `S=inet:8891@localhost')
11. b. re-make, restart sendmail.
/etc/mail/make systemctl restart sendmail
12. Send a test email
echo “Subject: DKIM testing” | sendmail
13. If the test email has worked, test again using the web interface admin tool "Send Test Email"
14. Debug any issues using
tail -F /var/log/maillog*