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[[Installing Eprints 3 on Fedora Core 5]]
See the [[Main Page]] for other areas of this wiki.
* [[Introduction|Introduction to EPrints]] and [[History|History of EPrints]]
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= Releases =
''See also the note on [[EPrints Version Numbering]]''
= Download =
= Installation =
* [[Recommended Platforms]]
* [[Required software]]
* Install Guides
** [[Installing EPrints on RHEL/Fedora/CentOS]]
*** Primarily RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS 7 and 8.
*** Guides for installing from RPM package and from source.
** [[Installing EPrints on Debian/Ubuntu]]
*** Primarily Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS.
*** Guides for installing from Deb package and from source.
* [[Installation|Generic EPrints installation instructions]]
* [[How to use EPrints with HTTPS]]
** [[Setting up HTTPS using Let's Encrypt]]
** [[HTTPS-only and HSTS]]
* [[Installing EPrints using Docker]]
The pages linked on the right represent the core pages of the EPrints manual. Other pages on this wiki may be useful as well, but new users should start here.
= Post Installation =
* [[Getting Started with EPrints 3]]
See the [[Main Page]] for other areas of this wiki.
= Maintenance =
* [[Backups]]
* [[Generate Scripts]]
* [[Alerts]]
* [[Log Files]]
* [[Automating your maintenance]]
* [[Troubleshooting]]
* [[Apache Hardening]]
<td width="33%" valign="top" style="border-left: solid 1px #ccc; border-right: solid 1px #ccc;">
= Training Materials =
* [[:Category:Training Video|EPrints Training Course]]
* [http://www.eprints.org/software/training/ Training materials] provided by EPrints Services.
= How-to Guides =
''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howto What is a how-to?]
* [[:Category:Howto|Orientation/Overview]] <span style="color: #f94; font-size: 130%">(Start here)</span>
** [[Configuration orientation|New to EPrints 3?]]  - ''before diving into the how-tos, take some time to read through this brief orientation guide and familiarise yourself with the EPrints configuration landscape ...''
* [[Front Page Warning | Removing the Front Page Warning]] - Your first go at branding
* [[Branding with confidence]] - ''one of the most common EPrints customisations is to add your own institution's branding and "look and feel" to the interface...''
** [[Branding, the next level]] - ''how to completely change the interface to your own design''
* [[OAI]]
* [[Adding new views]]
* Workflow
* Deposit Types
** [[Removing types]]
* Metadata
* Subjects (fold in with Organisation Hierarchy under "controled vocabularies")
* [[EPrints_3_Organisation_Hierarchy|Organisation Hierarchy]] - ''how to put your own organisation's Hierarchy into EPrints 3''
* Searches
* [[Autocompletion and Authority Files (Romeo Autocomplete)]] - ''add autocomplete functionality to the Publication Title input field based on an authority file downloaded from EPrints Romeo...''
* [[Create Export Plugins]] - ''create a Perl Module that will export your data...''
* [[Login-Only Repository]] - ''require a username and password to access all pages (including search, browse, and the front page)...''
* [[Change Deposit Status in Bulk]] - ''move a large number of deposits from inbox to archive.''
* [[SWORD]] - ''how to configure the SWORD protocol on EPrints.''
* [[Custom handlers]] - ''how to add a custom handler for intergration with third-party applications.''
* [[User Deposit Agreement]] - ''How to add a user deposit agreement to the workflow.''
* [[ORCID]]
** [[Import From ORCID]]
* Javascript
** [[Include Javascript in the workflow]]
* DKIM email verification
** [[How to configure DKIM email verification (using sendmail on Rocky9)]]
= How to contribute =
There's a number of different ways you can contribute to the EPrints project. This section covers all the ones we can think of...
Always make an entry on http://files.eprints.org/ for your contribution, even if you don't upload the files. This will make it the one-stop place for people to find EPrints extensions.
* [[:Category:Documentation Needed| Create some of the missing documentation]]
* [[Contribute: Plugins | Plugins]]
* [[Contribute: Scripts | Scripts]]
* [[Contribute: Themes | Themes]]
* [[Contribute: Translations | Translations]]
* [[Contribute: Other | Other neighbourly things to do]]
* [[Extension Packages]]
= Misc =
* [[Preservation Support]] in EPrints 3
* [[:Category:Languages|Language support and translations]]
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= Technical Reference =
* [[EPrints Directory Structure]] - How code and configuation files are organised.
* [[EPrints Glossary]] - A listing of terminology used within EPrints.
* [[User Menu]] - Explaining the menu options available to an EPrints user.
* [[Admin|Admin Menu]] - Explaining the tools available to a repository administrator.
* [[Metadata]] - configuring metadata fields.
* [[Archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/|Repository Configuration]]
* [[XML Configuration]] Files
** [[EPScript]] - documentation for the EP3 Scripting language (for use in citations and workflow files).
** [[EPrints Control Format]] - the structure used to embed EPScript in an XML configuration file.
** [[Citation Format]]
** [[Workflow Format]] - the structure of the EP3 workflow files
** [[Phrase Format]]
** [[Template Format]]
** [[XPAGE Format]]
* [[XML Export Format]]
* EPrints data structure
** of the software
** of the database (relating the dataobjects to each other using eprints fields)
* [[Data Object]]s and data sets
** The [[EPrint Object]]
** The [[User Object]]
** The [[Document Object]]
** The [[Subject Object]]
** The [[Saved Search Object]]
** The [[History Object]]
** The [[Access Object]]
** The [[Request Object]]
* [[:Category:Plugins|Plugins]]
** [[Create Export Plugins|Export]]
** Import
** [[Screen Plugins|Screen]]
* [[Autocompletion]]
** [[Understanding IDs in Workflow Forms]]
* [[API]]
* [[Dynamic Template System]]
* [[Config Options by File]]
* [[Triggers|Trigger functions]]
= The EPrints Bazaar =
* [[:Category:EPrints_Bazaar|The EPrints Bazaar]] (Start Here)
* The [[EPM Specification]]
* [[:Category:Bazaar_Package|Bazaar Packages]]
[[EPrints Directory Structure]] - will be linked somewhere better, later.
[[Workflows]] - the structure of the EP3 workflow files
[[EPScript]] - documentation for the EP3 Scripting language (for use in citations and workflow files).

Latest revision as of 17:26, 25 July 2024

See the Main Page for other areas of this wiki.


See also the note on EPrints Version Numbering



Post Installation


Training Materials

How-to Guides

What is a how-to?

How to contribute

There's a number of different ways you can contribute to the EPrints project. This section covers all the ones we can think of...

Always make an entry on http://files.eprints.org/ for your contribution, even if you don't upload the files. This will make it the one-stop place for people to find EPrints extensions.


Technical Reference

The EPrints Bazaar