EPrints Glossary

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EPrints repository software uses a long list of terminology. Sometimes this terminology overloads existing terminology in similar realms. Other times different terms are used interchangeably to mean the same of similar things. This glossary is intended to help clarify the various terminology you may come across whilst installing, configuring or using EPrints repository software.


Abstract page

An abstract page (sometimes referred to as a summary page) is a web page on the repository providing metadata about a particular eprint (a.k.a publication record). Most prominently it displays the abstract for the publication but also its title, citation links to download associated documents and further metadata in a summary table.


An access is a data object that represent a HTTP request accessing either an abstract page or document.

Actions tab

The actions tab appears on the view page for a data object. However it typically the term in used in the context of an eprint. This tab include buttons to carry out various action against the data object. For an eprint this may include:

  • Depositing an item.
  • Creating a new version (i.e. one that succeeds the current item).
  • Using as a template to create a completely new item based on the current item.
  • Editing an item.
  • Removing an item (i.e. full deleting it from the archive). With or without a notification.
  • Moving to the live archive.
  • Moving to the review buffer.
  • Reindexing the item.
  • Changing the depositing user of the item.
  • Exporting the item in one of various formats.

Admin menu

The admin menu is only accessible to repository admins that provides access to various adminstrative tools to manage their repository.

Advanced search

An advanced search over EPrints in the live archive. Unlike simple search this provides multiple input fields to individually search against particular metadata fields. Advanced search configuration can be found in eprint_search_advanced.pl.


Often conflated with repository. EPrints repository software provides a repository that can host multiple archives. Commonly a repository will only host a single archive, so the terms are often used interchangeably.

Archive ID

The ID of an archive. This is set by the first input when the archive is created using the bin/epadmin command line tool. This will also be the directory name for the archive under EPrints' archives/ sub-directory. Guides on this wiki often use the placeholder ARCHIVEID.

Archive level

This is a shorthand term to describe a configuration file that appears under the archive's directory structure or to an effect that will only apply to a specific archive rather than the repository as a whole, (which may have multiple archives).

Archive name

The name of an archive. This is set by an early input when the archive is created using the bin/epadmin command line tool. WHere the value set will be copied as a phrase to the archive's archive_name.xml under archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/lang/en/phrases/.



The Bazaar hosts EPrints packages of functionality (EPMs), which can be installed on a repository via the EPrints Bazaar tool in the Admin web interface.

Bazaar plugin

See EPM.

Box plugin


Branding refers to the changing of the appearance of the web pages for your repository. Typically to line up with your institutional branding used on its other websites. Advice is available on Branding with confidence. Branding is typically done by editing template configuration files and adding your own bespoke CSS, JavaScript and images/icons. This can be done at an archive level of by creating a theme so it can be applied to multiple archives hosted on the same repository.

Browse view

A browse view is a collection of pages that display menus and listings of for all live archive EPrints in an archive, organised by a particular metadata field. By default these fields are: year, subjects, divisions and creators. All the browse views can be found under the equivalent URL for archive to the following:


The configuration for browse views can be found in views.pl, which by default is found under flavours/pub_lib/cfg.d/ but should be copied to the archive's cfg/cfg.d/ for editing. See browse views category for more information.


Shorthand for Review buffer.



In EPrints repository software a citation means something slightly different from what in means in research publication. For the former it refers to a text string describing a publication, which may more commonly described in research publications as a reference.

EPrints repository software has citation style files, which describe how to generate the text string, not just for EPrints but also other data objects, each of which can have different citation style files for different purposes. These files can be found under lib/citations/. flavours/pub_lib/citations/ and the archive's cfg/citations/ directory.

See here for more information about the citation formats and a training video about citation styles.

Core codebase

The core codebase refers to the main code directories of the EPrints repository software. In some contexts this refers to all directories except the archives directory which contains the configuration for individual archives. In other contexts this refers to just the following directories (i.e. excludes flavours, ingredients and site_lib, as well as non-code directories).

Contact page

This is a static page that is accessible on an archive at the equivalent URL to the following:


This page is intended to provided contact information, so to those accessing the archive can contact those responsible for it to report problems or ask questions.

This page can be found at EPRINTS_PATH/lib/lang/en/static/contact.xpage but should be copied to the archive's cfg/lang/en/static/ directory for editing. The email address displayed on this page comes from the $c->{adminemail} in adminemail.pl.


Sometimes an EPrint has a contributor who could not usefully be described as a creator or editor. The contributor metadata field is intended to allow these people to be associated with the EPrint. As well as being able to add the contributor's family and given name, the type of contributor can be specified. This list of types is defined in EPRINTS_PATH/lib/namedsets/contributor_type. If additional types are needed, then this file should be copied to the archive's cfg/namedsets/ directory for editing.


Creator (or creators) is a Metadata field for an EPrint. Sometimes this is alternatively referred to as author but creator is a more generic term better suited to audiovisual/artistic as well as more traditional research publication items.

A creator typically has several separate sub-fields:

  • Given name (a.k.a. first name)
  • Family name (a.k.a. surname)
  • ID (typically email address)


CRUD API (Create, Read, Update Delete Application Programming Interface) refers to a programmatic interface used for the management of data objects. It is often also referred to as the REST API as when it is called over HTTP it meets the requirements of a REST API.


Data flavour

As of EPrints 3.4 there are different flavours to service different purposes for a repository. The data flavour is intended for repository hosted research data items, as opposed to research publications.

Data object

A data object is a single record made up of metadata fields. EPrints repository software has various types of data object. The most prominent are:

All the data objects of the same type make a dataset.


A dataset is all the data objects of a particular type within a single repository. (E.g. eprint, user, document, etc.). Virtual datasets exist for subsets of datasets such as live archive, review buffer, etc.

Depositing user

This is the user who created the EPrint and has deposited it to the review buffer.

Details tab


A document is a second class Data object in EPrints repository software. Documents must be part of an eprint object. Sometimes the term is used interchangeably with the actual document file (e.g. a PDF, Word document, etc.). To avoid confusion, it is best to refer to a document within EPrints as a "document object". A document object can be associated with multiple file objects. Typically because derived files are generated to provide preview and thumbnail image but also because multiple files can be uploaded for a single document object.

Document content

Document content is a metadata field for the document object. It allow selections of a single value from a pre-defined list (i.e. a namedset) metadata field. The options provided are intended to help describe the version of the document (e.g. draft, submitted version, accepted, updated) within the publication lifecycle or other types of content that may be uploaded (e.g. supplemental, presentation, coverimage, metadata, bibliography, other). These are based on the Versions toolkit for authors but are analogous to other definitions, such as:

  • Author's Original Manuscript (AOM) is equivalent to submitted.
  • Accepted Manuscript (AM) is equivalent to accepted.
  • Version of Record (VoR) is equivalent to published.

Document security

Document security is a metadata field for the document object. It defines who can access document file and any files in derived document objects (e.g. preview images). By default this is one of three values:

If one of the last two option is applied with an embargo that expires on a certain date, then the security value for that document will be updated to public on that date.

Documents directory

This is a directory found under the archive's directory structure, (i.e. EPRINTS_PATH/archives/ARCHIVEID/documents/). This is where the uploaded documents for an eprint are stored under the latter's own sub-directory (e.g. eprint 1234 has documents sub-directory documents/00/00/12/34/). Each document is stored in its own two-digit sub-directory based on its pos metadata field, which is zero-padded if the number is less than 10. The sub-directory also stores derived "documents" for those uploaded (e.g. preview and thumbnail images). It also stores revision files in the eprint's own revisions sub-directory.



On EPrints repository software editor could refer to one of two different things:

  1. A type of EPrints user that has permissions to access some or all publication items in the review buffer to make ammendments and either push the item to the live archive or return it to the user's workarea.
  2. A metadata field in the eprint data object to record editors of the publication, e.g. the editors for a book. Like creator, by default this field has family name, given name and ID (i.e. email address) sub-fields.

Education flavour

This is a flavour of EPrints repository software version 3.4+. It is intended to produce repositories for open education. I.e. for hosting files such as presentation slides, videos of lectures/seminars, instructions for learning tasks, in-class quizzes, etc.


Documents added to an EPrint can have their access restricted. Sometimes this access need only be restricted for a set amount of time. These documents can be embargoed until a set embargo date. These can then be lifted of this date using thge bin/lift_embargos script. More recently embargoes allow a reason to be chosen from a pre-determined set of options provided by the embargo_reason named set.


EPM (EPrints Package Manager) is a package of functionality, sometimes referred as a Bazaar plugin, which can be installed in an automated fashion, typically from the Bazaar. It can sometimes refer to the pages for managing the installing of these packages, (e.g. the EPrints Bazaar page available through the Admin web interface).


An eprint is a first class data object in EPrints repository software. These are often referred to as items or publication records as they are generally intended hold metadata about a publication of some kind.

EPrint locking

Whilst a user is editing an EPrint it is best that another user does not try to edit it as well. When an EPrint is locked even permitted users will not be able to edit the record unless they remove the edit lock. Locks are automatically released when a user saves or cancels editing an EPrint or (by default) 1 hour after the user started editing the EPrint.

EPrint revision

An EPrint revision is a numbered version of the eprint's metadata stored in the rev_number metadata field. Revisions of eprints metadata are exported as XML revision files and stored under the documents directory of the archive.

EPrint status

The status of an eprint represent the stage it is in the depositing lifecycle. By default in EPrints repository software this can be one of four states:

  1. User workarea - The eprint is still being edited by the depositing user as there is still metadata they need to add or change.
  2. Review buffer - The eprint has been submitted for review by an editor for the archive.
  3. Live archive - The eprint has been reviewed by the editor and they have deposited it into the live archive for public access.
  4. Retired - The eprint has been removed from the live archive as it is not longer appropriate for it to have public access.

EPrint type

This is the type of publication the eprint represents. The available types for a repository are specified in a namedsets file. ( lib/namedsets/eprint or flavours/pub_lib/namedsets/eprint) or can be copied to the archive's archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/namedsets/ directory to add extra types for a specific archive. By default EPrints' publication flavour has the following type options:


Type is by default presented on the first stage of the EPrint workflow, as the option chosen will affect the fields that can/need to be completed in later stages.

EPrint URI

The URI for an eprint is its globally unique identifier. In a form like:


Technically, a URI only need be an identifier and therefore not return the resource itself. However, in the case of EPrints repository software, this will return the resource. Prior to EPrints 3.4, this would be by redirecting to the eprint URL but since then the publication flavour uses the same string for the eprints URL and URI with the old style URL redirecting the the longer URI format URL.

EPrint URL

The URL of an eprint is the location it can be found at on the World Wide Web. Historically with [[#EPrints repository software|EPrints repository software] it has taken a form like:


However, since EPrints 3.4, it has been possible to configure the URL to take a long format like that of the eprint URI:


By using the following setting (typically in the archive's cfg/cfg.d/20_baseurls.pl):

$c->{use_long_url_format] = 1;

By making this change the old style URL will still work but will redirect to the new format. The reason for the change was to make it more apparent that the URL represented a publication within EPrints repository. Web crawlers and bots often record links (i.e. URLs) they find on web pages but they don't actually access them. In particular Google Scholar would disregard these URLs without checking them, as there was nothing from the URL to indicate they represented a publication. By adding /id/eprint/ into the URL it makes it the URL distinct from other common URLs of the form http://HOSTNAME/ID, which are mostly not URLs for EPrints abstract pages.

EPrint view page

The view page for an eprint is a multi-tabbed management page for that particular item. It can typically be reached by clicking on the View Item link towards the bottom of an eprint's abstract page. This page will tend to have the following tabs:

  1. Preview - What will the abstract page look like when the eprint is moved to the live archive.
  2. Details - The values for all the metadata fields for the eprint.
  3. Actions - All the actions that can be carried out against the eprint.
  4. History - The revision history of the eprint.
  5. Issues - The issues detected for this eprint, if any.

EPrint workflow

This is the workflow that pertains specifically to the eprint data object.

EPrints repository software

Often shortened to just EPrints but not to be confused with multiple EPrint data objects. The actual software that can be used to create Open Access repositories and available as Open Source from GitHub.

EPrints path

The path on your operating system under which EPrints repository software is installed. Guides on this wiki often use the placeholder EPRINTS_PATH to represent this. Typically EPrints path will either be /opt/eprints3/ or /usr/share/eprints/ depending on how installed EPrints repository software was installed.

EPrints release

A release of the EPrints repository software.

EPrints version

Same as EPrints release but with specific reference to a version number.

Event plugin

A type of plugin that generates Indexer tasks to get the indexer to perform some asynchronous and potential long-running task.

Event queue

The event queue contains all generated and yet to be successfully completed indexer tasks. It can be accessed through the admin menu's System tools tab using the Status button and then clicking on the number next to the Background Task Queue. There is also the Event Queue Object, which is a data object to represent an individual indexer task.

Export plugin

This is a plugin designed to provide a formatted export of a data object's metadata, typically for an eprint. By default, EPrints repository has export plugins for many different formats, which can be found in the perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Export/ and flavours/pub_lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Export/ directories. Bespoke export plugins can also be added to the archive's cfg/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Export/ directory or may be installed from the EPrints Bazaar into the lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Export/ directory.



A file is a third class data object. This is because it is a sub-object of a document data object, which in turn is a sub-object of an eprint data object. A file data object store metadata relevant to the file such as its filename, size, MIME type and modified time and a hash (by default MD5) to maintain the integrity of the file. Typically uploading a document to an eprint will only create a single data object but it is possible to add additional files to a document after it is uploaded.

File data objects are also used to capture XML revision files created for the eprint's history.

First class data object

Data objects in EPrints repository software take a particular order. First class data objects are those that are not a sub-objectd of other data objects, such as:

Other data object may be described as either second class or third class.


From version 3.4 of EPrints repository software different flavours have been introduced. EPrints was originally designed as a repository for research publications but over the years it has been repurposed for different tasks, which has led to the codebase getting a little messy. So in EPrints 3.4 a separate sub-directory structure was created to store code and configuration that makes EPrints suitable for a particular task, (i.e. a flavour). There are three main flavours but most development has continued to focus on research publication:

  1. Publications flavour - For research publications. Provided in flavours/pub_lib/.
  2. Data flavour - For research data. Provided in flavours/data_lib/.
  3. Education flavour - For Open Education, i.e. teaching materials. Provided in flavours/edu_lib/.

As well as flavours in EPrints 3.4, there are also ingredients, which provide additional functionality, similar to a Bazaar plugin / EPM. Any EPrints flavour has an inc file found in its top-level directory (e.g. flavours/pub_lib/inc). This tells the flavour which paths to include. By default, this would include the flavour itself. It may also contain various ingredients and potential site lib if the repository has multiple archives, which require the same bespoke functionality. However, it is better if this bespoke functionality can be converted into ingredients to separate out discrete parts of functionality.



Help text

A help text is associated with a metadata field, providing advice on how this should be filled in as part of the workflow. This text is defined using a phrase. E.g. the phrase ID for the title metadata field of the eprint data object is eprint_fieldhelp_title.

History tab

This tab refers to eprint history or user history both make reference to changes between EPrint revisions.


The homepage for an archive is found at the top-level URL for a repository. Usually, that is something like:


The homepage is a static page although often contains dynamic elements, like the list of latest publications. By default, the file is located at either lib/lang/en/static/index.xpage or flavours/pub_lib/lang/en/static/index.xpage with the latter taking precedence if it exists. Configuration for the archive ensure this page display bespoke information for your archive such as the archive name. However, you will most likely want to make changes to your homepage, so you should copy the appropriate index.xpage to your archive's cfg/lang/en/static/ directory, creating the directory if it does not already exist.


Import plugin

This is a plugin designed to provide a formatted import of metadata for a data object, typically for an eprint. By default, EPrints repository has import plugins for numerous different formats, which can be found in the perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Import/ and flavours/pub_lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Import/ directories. Bespoke import plugins can also be added to the archive's cfg/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Import/ directory or may be installed from the EPrints Bazaar into the lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Import/ directory.


Same as User workarea.

Inc file

The inc file is the critical part of a flavour, which defines the paths that should be included for code and configuration. It is found in the top-level directory of the flavour (e.g. /flavours/pub_lib/inc). Initially from the first sub-version of EPrints 3.4 this will be just the path for the flavour (e.g. flavours/pub_lib) but increasingly core ingredients will be added to this (e.g. for providing integration with the Bazaar or for enabling different JavaScript libraries. This is the only file outside the archive's directory structure that should need to be modified, unless you have a site_lib. However, the default inc file will probably not need changing in the case of most repositories.

The ordering of paths within the inc file is important, as it determines, which configuration files get loaded an which takes precedence. If you have a configuration file with the same filename in the cfg.d/ directories for all three paths in the example inc file below, the file in site_lib will be used in precedence to the other two:


However, if you also have the same filename is the archive's cfg/cfg.d/ directory this will take precedence, although only for that archive, if you have a multi-archive repository.


The indexer is used by EPrints repository software to carry out asynchronously tasks that may take a long time. Typically, this would be indexing tasks, which include indexing of both the metadata for an eprint data object and the full text (i.e. all the words in the PDF, Word, etc. document) for documents uploaded for those eprints.

The Indexer can be managed through the admin menu specifically, its System Tools tab, which provides options to stop, start and force start the indexer. Also, the Status option takes you to a page that lists the number of tasks yet to be successfully completed by the indexer. Commonly referred to as the event queue or background task queue.

Indexer task

An indexer task is a scheduled operation to be carried out by the indexer. It is also a data object in its own right but in this context is referred to as an Event Queue Object. As until it is successfully completed it will appear in the event queue. An indexer task has several significant attributes:

  • Status - Whether the task is Waiting, In Progress or Failed.
  • Start time - The earliest time the indexer task can start.
  • Plugin - The Event plugin that can perform this indexer task.
  • Action - The specific action of the Event plugin for this indexer task.
  • Parameters - The parameters needed to run the indexer task (e.g. the data object and potentially metadata fields to be used by the indexer task.


Since EPrints version 3.4, the concept of ingredients has been introduced along with flavours. The main purpose of ingredients is to allow complex functionality to be developed but deployed in a way that does not make a mess of the existing core codebase by spewing files in different places, like some Bazaar plugins can do. Also, as Bazaar plugins are designed to be one-click install, they should require limited configuration, as this takes away from ease of deployment that one-click install implies. Instead, ingredients can be much more complex. Although effort should be taken to avoid mixing distinctly separate pieces of functionality when they could be kept apart.

Typically, an ingredient would be deployed by checking out a tagged version of the Git repository for that ingredient on GitHub. Although that requires more technical knowledge than a one-click install, this is also inherently a safety feature, to avoid accidental installation of new functionality that could damage the data stored by the repository, which could happen when installing some of the more complex Bazaar plugins, without understanding of how they behave.


An issue is a secondary #Data object defining a potential problem discovered about an eprint data object. Unlike validation errors for specific metadata fields displayed whilst navigating the eprint workflow issues are determined by comparing eprints across the dataset or checking for more subjective problems. By default this includes:

  • Duplicate titles - Two or more eprints have the exact same title.
  • Similar titles - Two or more eprints share very similar titles.
  • Old but unpublished - Date set for eprint is more than two years in the past but its publication status is still not published.
  • Short family name - Family name for a creator is less than two characters or not set. (Single name creators should always put this under family name).

Issues are checked for across all eprints in the live archive and review buffer through a scheduled task running the bin/issues_audit script. This can be deployed with a cron job similar to the following in the eprints user's crontab (substituting EPRINTS_PATH and ARCHIVEID as appropriate):

38 23 * * * EPRINTS_PATH/bin/issues_audit ARCHIVEID --quiet

Additional types of issue can be added in one of two ways:

  1. Creating a new Issues plugin.
  2. Adding XML markup to the archive's cfg/issues.xml.

Issues for a particular eprint can be found under its Issues tab of its view page or searched for through the admin menu's Search issues tool (under the Editorial Tools tab).

Issues tab

This is a tab that appear on the eprint view page and lists the issues associated with that eprint.


Same as eprint.




Latest tool

The latest tool is a piece of functionally that allows JavaScript to be used to include a dynamically updating list of the latest eprints to be put into the live archive on to a static page like the homepage. This is provide through a script that can be requested at the equivalent following URL:


It can be configured in the archive's cfg/cfg.d/latest_tool.pl to set the number of eprints shown and the citation style used.


Sometimes spelt licence, is the licence under which a document is made available in an archive. By default, EPrints repository software provides the Commons (v4) licenses as options in the named set file licenses in lib/namedsets/. These include:

Live archive

Live archive refers to both the status or an eprint as well as a virtual dataset of all eprints that have their status set to live archive. When an editor reviews and is happy with an eprint, they will change its status to live archive, so it becomes publicly accessible.



Metadata is all the values for the metadata fields for a particular data object.

Metadata field

A metadata field, sometimes shortened to metafield (or even just field) is part of a data object and store a particular piece of pieces of information for that data object. Metadata fields have different types and have different types of properties roughly broken down into the following categories:

  • Core - This includes the name, aforementioned type, whether it should have multiple values and whether to add an SQL index for it.
  • Rendering - This includes how the render the metadata field within abstract pages, browse views and search results, where applicable.
  • Input and validation - This is includes how to display the input for the metadata field within a workflow and any additional functionality to how this field is used of subsequently validated.
  • Ordering, indexing and searching - Whether the metadata field should be included in EPrints repository software's full-text indexing and how the data object can be ordered or search over using this field.
  • Other - Miscellaneous properties, such as whether the metadata field's value(s) should be copied across to a cloned version of the data object or be able to be set through an import. Also, whether the field its value should appear in various management pages within the repository or in exports.


Named set

A named set refers to both a type of metadata field with the type name namedset and the file that defines the options for this type of metadata field. A named set metadata field is much like a set field. However, rather than defining the options within [#EPrints repository software|EPrints repository software]]'s Perl-based configuration, they can be added to a simple text file where each new option is separated by a new line. Such as for eprint types.

Named set files by default can be found in either the lib/namedsets/ or flavours/pub_lib/namedsets/ directories. If you need to edit them to add or remove options, then the file should be copied to the archive's cfg/namedsets/ directory before editing. It is generally advised not to modify an option in this file once your archive is in use. It is better to change the phrase that relates to that option. E.g. the type field for an eprint would have the phrase eprint_typename_article for the value article in flavours/pub_lib/namedsets/eprint.



Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is a standard for harvesting metadata from Open Acesss repository archives like those provided by EPrints repository software. For this EPrints has a separate interface for accessing OAI-PMH, which is available at the equivalent following URL:


Order key

An order key or orderkey is the (potentially language-specific) string used to order by a particularmetadata field. EPrints repository software's default orderkey generation can be overridden by defining your own orderkey method and assigning it to the make_value_orderkey or make_single_value_orderkey property of the metadata field. This property is passed value(s) and returns (an) ordervalue string(s) after processing the value(s) for that metadata field. Typically, you may want to define your own order keys to manage special characters, maybe to avoid accented characters appearing separately in a browse view. Some examples of bespoke order keys can be found in make_orderkey.pl.



These are Perl modules that "Plug in" to the EPrints software to provide a particular piece of functionality. Default plugins for EPrints repository software can be found under the [perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/] and [flavours/pub_lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/]] directories They break down into several categories. The most prominent being:

Other plugin categories include Box, Convert, Event, InputForm, Issues, Search and Storage.

Bespoke plugins can be written for an archive and located in the archive's cfg/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/ directory.

Often the term "Bazaar plugin" is used to refer to a package of functionality (a.k.a. EPM) that can be installed from the Bazaar. Although an EPM can often contain individual plugins, it is a complex set of files rather than a single plugin file. If an EPM does contain individual plugins, they will be installed to the lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/ directory.


A phrase in Prints repository software is some text or HTML markup associated with an associated placeholder ID defined using EPrints' bespoke XML markup. Phrases have various purposes. One is to ensure consistent use of terminology throughout the archive. It also essential for supporting multi-language archives. They are used for defining all metadata field names and their help texts. They are also used extensively in screen plugins to allow them to be customised with informative messages.

A prominent example of a phrase is an archive's name which is appears in the archive's cfg/lang/en/phrases/archive_name.xml, as follows:

<epp:phrase id="archive_name">Example Archive</epp:phrase>

Policies page

The policies page is a static page available at the equivalent URL to:


The page contains policies for use of the archive typically based on OpenDOAR. This contains sections for:

  • Metadata Policy stating the access rights and permissions for information describing items in the repository, and the minimum metadata requirements.
  • Data Policy stating the access rights and (re-)use permissions for full-text and other full data items.
  • Content Policy stating the types and versions of documents and datasets held.
  • Submission Policy concerning eligible depositors, quality control and copyright statements.
  • Preservation Policy concerning the long-term retention, migration, and withdrawal protocols.

Preview tab

The preview tab is part of the eprint view page which displays a preview of the abstract page for the eprint.

Publication flavour

This is a flavour of EPrints repository software version 3.4+. It is intended to produce repositories for research publications. This code for this flavour was separated from the core codebase for EPrints 3.4, so that EPrints as a whole could be more easily customisable for other purpose such as research data and open education. The separated code and configuration can be found under flavours/pub_lib/, where configuration files override those under lib/ but are overriden by those at an archive level.

Publication record

Same as eprint.




Repository admin


Request copy



Review buffer


Often used as shorthand for EPrint revision.

Revision file


Saved search

Screen plugin

Second class data object

These are data objects that are sub-objects of a first class data object. These include:

Simple search

A simple search over EPrints in the live archive. Unlike advanced search this provides a simgle input field to search against multiple metadata fields. Simple search configuration can be found in eprint_search_simple.pl.

Site lib

Staff search

Search across all EPrints whatever their EPrint status. See Admin/Editorial Tools/Search items for more information.

Static page


This is a concept where a data object is part of another data object, such as a document being part of an eprint. Where the former is known as a second class data object and the latter is known as a first class data object.

EPrints::DataObj::SubObject is an abstract class within EPrints repository software, which second class (and third class) data object classes extend.


Subject tree


Summary page

Same as Abstract page. Sometimes even referred to as the abstract/summary page.

Summary table

A table on an Abstract page that lists the names and values for specific Metadata fields for the EPrint. These can be specified, typically in the archive's cfg/cfg.d/eprint_render.pl, under $c->{summary_page_metadata}.

Sword API




Third order data object

These are data objects that are sub-objects of second class data objects to exist, which in turn are sub-objects of first class data objects. The main example of such a data object in EPrints repository software is a file data object.

File --sub-object of--> Document --sub-object of--> EPrint



A User is a first class Data object in EPrints repository software. It represent a user of Repository and provides an account under which that user can login. Storing metadata about that user, such as their username, given and family names, email address, department, etc.

User history

User review scope

User search

A form for searching across the users in a repository. See here for more information.

User profile

A page displaying the metadata about a user. This often links to a page where these metadata can be modified.

User workarea

This is the status of an EPrint whilst it is being edited by the depositing user. This status is often also referred to as Inbox. User workarea can sometimes refer to the Manage deposits page where the current user can see a listing of all the EPrints they have created.


View page

The view page displays information about a data object, typically an eprint. This is why "view page" is often used as shorthand for eprint view page.

Virtual dataset

A virtual dataset is one that is derived from a real dataset. In particular, EPrints repository software has virtual datasets for:

All of these are sub-sets of the eprint dataset where the eprint status is a particular value.

Additional virtual datasets can be configured for a repository or at an archive level.

Virtual field

Volatile field



First order Data objects in EPrints repository software have a workflow to allow the metadata they store to be edited via a set of forms. The most common of these is the eprint workflow for the eprint data object. By default the configuration for this workflow is written in XML and can be found in default.xml in either lib/workflows/eprint/ or flavours/pub_lib/workflows/eprint/. If this needs to be modified it should be copied to the archive's cfg/workflows/eprint/ directory before editing. Explanation of the various elements and attributes are described in the workflow format guide.


Xapian search