20 baseurls.pl

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20_baseurls.pl uses 10_core.pl to build the URLs it will need use in template, code and configuration elsewhere. You should probably never edit this file unless you really really know what your doing.


        my $uri = URI->new( "http://" );
        if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $c->{host} ) )
                $uri->scheme( "http" );
                $uri->host( $c->{host} );
                $uri->port( $c->{port} );
                $uri = $uri->canonical;
                $uri->path( $c->{http_root} );
                $uri->scheme( "https" );
                $uri->host( $c->{securehost} );
                $uri->port( $c->{secureport} );
                $uri = $uri->canonical;
                $uri->path( $c->{https_root} );

# EPrints base URL without trailing slash
        $c->{base_url} = "$uri";
# CGI base URL without trailing slash
        $c->{perl_url} = "$uri/cgi";