Admin/System Tools

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Admin: Editorial Tools - System Tools - Config. Tools

System Tools: Status - Create user - Start Indexer - Stop Indexer - Force Start Indexer - Regenerate Abstracts - Regenerate Views - EPrints Bazaar - Send Test Email - Database Schema

This page pertains to the System Tools tab of the Admin web page for an EPrints repository. By default this tab has the following buttons:

  • Status - Links to a page that details the status of the repository. Basicall, the number of items in each dataset (e.g. eprints, users, event queue, etc.).
  • Create user - Links to a page to create a new user account on the EPrints repository.
  • Start Indexer - Starts the EPrints Indexer. Button only present if indexer is not already running.
  • Force Start Indexer - Forcefully starts the EPrints Indexer. Button only present if indexer appears to already be running.
  • Stop Indexer - Stops the EPrints Indexer. Button only present if indexer is already running.
  • Regenerate Abstracts - Sets a flag on the filesystem for which all abstract pages cached before this time should be recached.
  • Regenerate Views - Sets a flag on the filesystem for which all view menu and listing pages cached before this time should be recached.
  • EPrints Bazaar - Links to the EPrints Bazaar plugins management page.
  • Send Test Email - Links to a page where a test email can be sent to any email address.
  • Database Schema - Links to a page showing the current state of the EPrints database schema.