Document Object

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Revision as of 23:22, 14 February 2022 by (talk | contribs) (Updated document object with latest info)
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EPrints 3 Reference: Directory Structure - Metadata Fields - Repository Configuration - XML Config Files - XML Export Format - EPrints data structure - Core API - Data Objects

Data Objects: Access - Document - EPrint - Event Queue - File - History - Import - Login Ticket - Request - Saved Search - Subject - User

Built in Fields

The version (e.g. draft, submitted, published, etc.) of the document.
Field NameTypeDescription
docidint fieldThe ID number of this Document Object (unique within a single repository)
rev_numberint fieldThe metadata revision number. Increased by 1 every time this record is modified.
filesmultiple file fieldFile Objects associated with the Document Object
eprintideprint itemref field{[EPrint Object]] of the Document Object
posint fieldPosition of the Document Object within the EPrint Object (used in URLs)
placementint fieldPlacement of the Document Object within the EPrint Object (used in the workflow/citation ordering)
mime_typeid fieldMIME type of the primary file of the Document Object.
formatnamedset field documentGeneralised format of the document.
formatdesctext fieldDescription of the format of the document .
languagenamedset field languagesLanguage of the document.
securitynamedset field securitySecurity for accessing the document.
licensenamedset field licensesLicence for the document.
mainset fieldThe filename of the document
date_embargodate fieldThe date the document is emabargoed until.
date_embargo_retaineddate fieldRetained version of the embargo date for once it is lifted.
embargo_reasonnamedset field embargo_reasonThe reason the. document was embargoed

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