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EPrints 3 Reference: Directory Structure - Metadata Fields - Repository Configuration - XML Config Files - XML Export Format - EPrints data structure - Core API - Data Objects

Back to cfg.d contains configuration for searching over issues affecting an eprint. This configuration is stored under $c->{issues_search} hash reference. This contains the following parts:

  • search_fields - The fields that the issues search will query.
  • preamble_phrase - The HTML phrase that will appear at the top of the issues search form explaining who to use it.
  • title_phrase - The HTML phrase title, which appears as the main heading on the issues search page.
  • citation - The citation format for items in the results page of issues search.
  • page_size - The number of results that should appear per page.
  • order_methods - Ordering options provided at the top of the issues search results page.
  • default_order - The default order search results will appear for issues search.
  • show_zero_results - Should the isses search go to the results page if there are no results of stay on the search form page with a warning about no results.