Storable field

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EPrints 3 Reference: Directory Structure - Metadata Fields - Repository Configuration - XML Config Files - XML Export Format - EPrints data structure - Core API - Data Objects

Metadata Fields: Arclanguage - Base64 - Bigint - Boolean - Compound - Counter - Dataobjref - Date - Decimal - Email - Fields - Float - Id - Idci - Image - Int - Itemref - Keywords - Langid - Longtext - Longtext_counter - Multilang - Multipart - Name - Namedset - Pagerange - Recaptcha - Recaptcha3 - Relation - Search - Secret - Set - Storable - Subject - Subobject - Text - Time - Timestamp - Url - Uuid


This field supports arbitrary Perl data structures by serialising them using Storable perl module, up to the same maximum length of Longtext fields.

When serialised into XML the values are further encoded in Base64 to avoid any problems with invalid XML character data being emitted by Storable.

This field does not support storing simple scalars, (e.g. "Hello, World!").


Additional Properties

Name Default Value Required Description Notes
sql_index 0 NO Whether field should be index for quicker lookup by the database. Different from Metadata default (1).

Required Phrases

No additional phrases beyond the standard metadata field phrases.


Storable fields are stored in the database as

 fieldname BLOB


See API page.


Most basic example.

    name => 'configuration',
    type => 'storable',