Dynamic template.pl

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Revision as of 22:08, 22 January 2022 by Drn@ecs.soton.ac.uk (talk | contribs) (Added page about config file)
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EPrints 3 Reference: Directory Structure - Metadata Fields - Repository Configuration - XML Config Files - XML Export Format - EPrints data structure - Core API - Data Objects

Back to cfg.d

This file contains the enabling (i.e. $c->{dynamic_template}->{enable} = 1;) and the option to define a function for the dynamic template. This allow parts of the template (i.e. pins) to be defined on-the-fly.

$c->{dynamic_template}->{function} = sub {
  my( $repository, $parts ) = @_;
  $parts->{mypin} = $repository->xml->create_text_node( "Hello, World!" );

The above example sets the pin mypin to the text string Hello, World!. This can then be included in the archive's template (e.g. cfg/lane/en/templates/default.xml) with the markup:

<epc:pin ref="mypin"/>

As well as the dynamic template function there is configuration to define the order that the main options in EPrints' key_tools:

$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::Login"}->{appears}->{key_tools} = 100;
$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::Register"}->{actions}->{register}->{appears}->{key_tools} = 150;
$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::Logout"}->{appears}->{key_tools} = 10000;
$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::Admin::Config::Edit::XPage"}->{actions}->{edit}->{appears}->{key_tools} = 1250;
$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::Admin::Phrases"}->{actions}->{edit}->{appears}->{key_tools} = 1350;
$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::OtherTools"}->{appears}->{key_tools} = 20000;