Admin/Editorial Tools/Search users

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Revision as of 13:15, 22 March 2022 by (talk | contribs) (Added more detail about how search users works)
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Admin: Editorial Tools - System Tools - Config. Tools

Editorial Tools: Search items - Search issues - Search users - Search history

This page pertains to the Search users administration page that can be accessed from the Editorial Tools tab of the Admin web page for your repository web interface.

Search Form

The Search users form allows searching over all uses, which is what simple and advanced search are limited. By default the form has the following fields its searches over:

  • Name - The user's full name, including given and family name.
  • Username - The username of the user.
  • User ID - The ID of the user in the EPrints database. (An auto-incrementing number as users are added).
  • Department/Organisation - The department within the organisation or the organisation itself to which the user belongs.
  • Address/Country - The physical address and/or country for/of the user.
  • User Type - The type of user: Repository Administrator, Editor or regular User.
  • Email address - The email address of the user.

This user search allows all or any of the values set for these fields to be required in search results. It also allows, the results to be ordered based upon:

  • registration date (newest first)
  • name (i.e. full name not username)
  • registration date (oldest first)
  • user type

Editing Search Configuration

The configuration for the Search users page can be found under (or more specifically the configuration setting $c->{search}->{user}). This can normally be found under lib/cfg.d/ but should be copied to the archive's cfg/cfg.d/ for editing.