EPrints Glossary

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EPrints repository software uses a long list of terminology. Sometimes this terminology overloads existing terminology in similar realms. Other times different terms are used interchangeably to mean the same of similar things. This glossary is intended to help clarify the various terminology you may come across whilst installing, configuring or using EPrints repository software.


Abstract page

An abstract page (sometimes referred to as a summary page) is a web page on the repository providing metadata about a particular EPrint (a.k.a publication record). Most prominently it displays the abstract for the publication but also its title, citation links to download associated documents and further metadata in a summary table.


An access is a data object that represent a HTTP request accessing either an abstract page or document.

Admin menu

The admin menu is only accessible to repository admins that provides access to various adminstrative tools to manage their repository.

Advanced search

An advanced search over EPrints in the live archive. Unlike simple search this provides multiple input fields to individually search against particular metadata fields. Advanced search configuration can be found in eprint_search_advanced.pl.


Often conflated with repository. EPrints repository software provides a repository that can host multiple archives. Commonly a repository will only host a single archive, so the terms are often used interchangeably.

Archive ID

The ID of an archive. This is set by the first input when the archive is created using the bin/epadmin command line tool. This will also be the directory name for the archive under EPrints' archives/ sub-directory. Guides on this wiki often use the placeholder ARCHIVEID.

Archive name

The name of an archive. This is set by an early input when the archive is created using the bin/epadmin command line tool. WHere the value set will be copied as a phrase to the archive's archive_name.xml under archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/lang/en/phrases/.



The Bazaar hosts EPrints packages of functionality (EPMs), which can be installed on a repository via the EPrints Bazaar tool in the Admin web interface.

Bazaar plugin

See EPM.

Box plugin


Branding refers to the changing of the appearance of the web pages for your repository. Typically to line up with your institutional branding used on its other websites. Advice is available on Branding with confidence. Branding is typically done by editing template configuration files and adding your own bespoke CSS, JavaScript and images/icons. This can be done at an archive level of by creating a theme so it can be applied to multiple archives hosted on the same repository.

Browse view

A browse view is a collection of pages that display menus and listings of for all live archive EPrints in an archive, organised by a particular metadata field. By default these fields are: year, subjects, divisions and creators. All the browse views can be found under the equivalent URL for archive to the following:


The configuration for browse views can be found in views.pl, which by default is found under flavours/pub_lib/cfg.d/ but should be copied to the archive's cfg/cfg.d/ for editing. See browse views category for more information.


Shorthand for Review buffer.



In EPrints repository software a citation means something slightly different from what in means in research publication. For the former it refers to a text string describing a publication, which may more commonly described in research publications as a reference.

EPrints repository software has citation style files, which describe how to generate the text string, not just for EPrints but also other data objects, each of which can have different citation style files for differenyt purposes. These files can be found under lib/citations/. flavours/pub_lib/citations/ and the archive's cfg/citations/ directory.

See here for more information about the citation formats and a training video about citation styles.


Creator (or creators) is a Metadata field for an EPrint. Sometimes this is alternatively referred to as author but creator is a more generic term better suited to audiovisual/artistic as well as more traditional research publication items.

A creator typically has several separate sub-fields:

  • Given name (a.k.a. first name)
  • Family name (a.k.a. surname
  • ID (typically email address)


Contact page



Data flavour

Data object

Data set

Depositing user

This is the user who created the EPrint and has deposited it to the review buffer.


Document content

Document security




Documents added to an EPrint can have their access restricted. Sometimes this access need only be restricted for a set amount of time. These documents can be embargoed until a set embargo date. These can then be lifted of this date using thge bin/lift_embargos script. More recently embargoes allow a reason to be chosen from a pre-determined set of options provided by the embargo_reason named set].


EPM (EPrints Package Manager) is a package of functionality, sometimes referred as a Bazaar plugin, which can be installed in an automated fashion, typically from the Bazaar. It can sometimes refer to the pages for managing the installing of these packages, (e.g. the EPrints Bazaar page available through the Admin web interface).


An EPrint is a first class Data object in EPrints repository software. These are often referred to as items or publication records, as they usually hold metadata about a publication of some kind.

EPrint locking

Whilst a user is editing an EPrint it is best that another user does not try to edit it as well. When an EPrint is locked even permitted users will not be able to edit the record unless they remove the edit lock. Locks are automatically released when a user saves or cancels editing an EPrint or (by default) 1 hour after the user started editing the EPrint.

EPrint revision

EPrint status

EPrint type

EPrint URI

EPrint URL

EPrints repository software

Often shortened to just EPrints but not to be confused with multiple EPrint data objects. The actual software that can be used to create Open Access repositories and available as Open Source from GitHub.

EPrints path

The path on your operating system under which EPrints repository software is installed. Guides on this wiki often use the placeholder EPRINTS_PATH to represent this. Typically EPrints path will either be /opt/eprints3/ or /usr/share/eprints/ depending on how installed EPrints repository software was installed.

EPrints release

A release of the EPrints repository software.

EPrints version

Same as #EPrints release but with specific reference to a version number.

Event plugin

Also see Indexer task.

Event queue

Export plugin







This page refer to #EPrint history or #User history both make reference to changes between EPrint revisions.



Import plugin


Same as #User workarea.

Inc file


Indexer task




Same as EPrint.




Latest tool


Sometimes spelt licence.

Live archive



Metadata field


Named set



Order key



These are Perl modules that "Plug in" to the EPrints software to provide a particular piece of functionality. They break down into several categories. The most prominent being:

Other plugin categories include Box, Convert, Event, InputForm, Issues, Search and Storage.

Often the term "Bazaar plugin" is used to refer to a package of functionality (a.k.a. EPM) that can be installed from the Bazaar. Although an EPM can often contain individual plugins, it is a complex set of files rather than a single plugin file.


Policies page

Publication flavour

Publication record

Same as EPrint.




Repository admin


Request copy



Review buffer


Often used as shorthand for EPrint revision.


Saved search

Screen plugin

Simple search

A simple search over EPrints in the live archive. Unlike advanced search this provides a simgle input field to search against multiple metadata fields. Simple search configuration can be found in eprint_search_simple.pl.

Staff search

Search across all EPrints whatever their EPrint status. See Admin/Editorial Tools/Search items for more information.

Static page


Subject tree


Summary page

Same as Abstract page. Sometimes even referred to as the abstract/summary page.

Summary table

A table on an Abstract page that lists the names and values for specific Metadata fields for the EPrint. These can be specified, typically in the archive's cfg/cfg.d/eprint_render.pl, under $c->{summary_page_metadata}.

Sword API






A User is a first class Data object in EPrints repository software. It represent a user of Repository and provides an account under which that user can login. Storing metadata about that user, such as their username, given and family names, email address, department, etc.

User history

User review scope

User search

A form for searching across the users in a repository. See here for more information.

User profile

A page displaying the metadata about a user. This often links to a page where these metadata can be modified.

User workarea

This is the status of an EPrint whilst it is being edited by the depositing user. This status is often also referred to as Inbox. User workarea can sometimes refer to the Manage deposits page where the current user can see a listing of all the EPrints they have created.


Volatile field




Xapian search