Time field
EPrints 3 Reference: Directory Structure - Metadata Fields - Repository Configuration - XML Config Files - XML Export Format - EPrints data structure - Core API - Data Objects
Metadata Fields: Arclanguage - Base64 - Bigint - Boolean - Compound - Counter - Dataobjref - Date - Decimal - Email - Fields - Float - Id - Idci - Image - Int - Itemref - Keywords - Langid - Longtext - Longtext_counter - Multilang - Multipart - Name - Namedset - Pagerange - Recaptcha - Recaptcha3 - Relation - Search - Secret - Set - Storable - Subject - Subobject - Text - Time - Timestamp - Url - Uuid
This field is very similar to date field but allows the inclusion of hours, mintues and seconds. It is used for the various timestamps associated with an eprint record.
Times are always stored in UTC and rendered in the local timezone.
Additional Properties
Same as Date fields except for
Name | Default Value | Required? | Description | Notes |
min_resolution | second | NO | Indicates the smallest unit of measure that must be entered to make a value valid. Can be second, minute, hour, day month or year. | Different from Date field default (day). E.g. day indicates year, month and day are required and hour, minute and second are optional. |
render_res | second | NO | Indicates the smallest unit of time that should be rendered for the value. an be second, minute, hour, day month or year. | Different from Date field default (day). This is not too useful in configuring the field, but can be set as a print option inside citation files. Although it can be handy to store the time right down to the second, you often will just want to render the hours and minutes for day to day use. |
render_style | long | NO | Whether to render time in long or short format. | Same default value as Date field. However, if long then renders like 8 September 1998 23:12:11 +01:00. If short then renders like 08 Sep 1998 23:12:11. |
Required Phrases
No additional phrases beyond those required for Date fields.
fieldname_year SMALLINT(6) fieldname_month SMALLINT(6) fieldname_day SMALLINT(6) fieldname_hour SMALLINT(6) fieldname_minute SMALLINT(6) fieldname_second SMALLINT(6)
See API page.
Most basic example.
{ name => 'timestamp', type => 'time', }
Only render valyes down to the nearest minute.
{ name => 'datestamp', type => 'time', render_res => 'minute', }
Render date and time in short form.
{ name => 'timestamp', type => 'time', render_style => 'short', }
Render date and time in short form.
{ name => 'datestamp', type => 'time', render_style => 'short', }
Require minimum resolution to be to the hour.
{ name => 'timestamp', typ e=> 'time', min_resolution => 'hour', }