Decimal field

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Metadata Fields: Arclanguage - Base64 - Bigint - Boolean - Compound - Counter - Dataobjref - Date - Decimal - Email - Fields - Float - Id - Idci - Image - Int - Itemref - Keywords - Langid - Longtext - Longtext_counter - Multilang - Multipart - Name - Namedset - Pagerange - Recaptcha - Recaptcha3 - Relation - Search - Secret - Set - Storable - Subject - Subobject - Text - Time - Timestamp - Url - Uuid


This field stores a decimal number. It could be used for prices or other numerical floating point numbers with a spefied amount of precision.


Additional Properties

As for Float fields except for:

Name Default Value Required Description Notes
integer 16 NO The maximum number of digits to store before the decimal point.
fractional 2 NO The number of digits to store after the decimal point.

Required Phrases

No additional phrases beyond those required for Float fields.


Float fields are stored in the database as

fieldname DECIMAL(16,2)

The 16 and 2 will vary depending on what is set for integer and fractional respectively.


See API page.


Most basic example.

    name => 'total',
    type => 'decimal',

Set smaller number of digits before the decimal point

    name => 'price',
    type => 'decimal',
    integer => 8,

Set larger number of digits after the decimal point.

    name => 'latitude',
    type => 'decimal',
    fractional => 8,