Files/EPrints 2 to 3 toolkit
EPrints version 2.3 to 3.0 migration toolkit
Download at:
Currently v0.1
on your EPrints 2.3 system will generate a directory called ARCHIVEID_ep3cfg which will contain some cfg files for EPrints 3.0 and a notes.txt file with some additional comments in.
What the current version doesn't do, but later releases should
- citations
- searches
- views
- export script to export in the EPrints 3.0 XML import format (including files). (this is nearly complete).
- spotting issues it can't handle and at least giving some advice on what needs to be done by hand
- converting document types into mime types would be nice, to make it more EPrints 3 ish.
What the toolkit will (probably) never do
These will need to be done by hand
- handling for render_single type options in fields
- copying the template (you're better off re-doing it, as so many options have changed)
- the ArchiveRenderConfig methods will need porting, but that shouldn't be *too* hard, we've put in a hell of a lot of back compatability methods to smooth this.
- custom bits like LDAP based login
- You'll probably want to tweak the workflow to use the new features like autocomplete and multifield components etc.