Recaptcha field

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EPrints 3 Reference: Directory Structure - Metadata Fields - Repository Configuration - XML Config Files - XML Export Format - EPrints data structure - Core API - Data Objects

Metadata Fields: Arclanguage - Base64 - Bigint - Boolean - Compound - Counter - Dataobjref - Date - Decimal - Email - Fields - Float - Id - Idci - Image - Int - Itemref - Keywords - Langid - Longtext - Longtext_counter - Multilang - Multipart - Name - Namedset - Pagerange - Recaptcha - Relation - Search - Secret - Set - Storable - Subject - Subobject - Text - Time - Timestamp - Url - Uuid



Please refer to the notes in EPRINTS_PATH/archives/ARCHIVE_NAME/cfg/cfg.d/

If this files does not exist, copy EPRINTS_PATH/lib/defaultcfg/cfg.d/ to the path above and edit it.

This field uses the Google "reCAPTCHA" service ( and renders a Captcha (a test that humans can easily pass, but robots shouldn't be able to).

Note: This MetaField was updated in October 2017 to reCAPTCHA v2. The previous version of reCAPTCHA will cease to work in March 2018.


As for Id fields.

Required Phrases

validate:recaptcha_mismatch - Phrase to display if reCAPTCHA submission errored in some way.