Training Video:Deposit Workflow

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This video shows the deposit process from registering as a user, through depositing an item to making editorial decisions on deposits.

What You Will Learn

  • How to register as a user and log in
  • How to create a new item, complete the description and deposit it in the repository
  • How to manage deposits as an Editor
  • How to retire an item

What You Should Already Know

  • No prior knowledge assumed



The Video can be found at


The Video

Notes, Errata and Additional Information

  • EPrints 3.3.14
  • Ubuntu 15.04

Test Yourself

Create a user account on EPrints (use if you don't have a test repository to play with.)

Create a new item and add a document to it. Then describe it using the metadata fields available.

Deposit your item in the repository.

Create a user with Editorial rights and review the item you deposited. Make an editorial decision to either move it to the repository or return it to the user.

More Reading