See also: Files/EThOS_webservice_download_tool
Eprints 3 users - the OAI interface to expose UKETD_DC is already bundled with the Eprints 3 distribution. However, it is still necessary to configure your installation to allow entry of metadata conforming to EThOS requirements. To this end you may find the EPrints v3 Configuration Notes helpful.
EPrints v3 Configuration Notes
UKETD_DC: The metadata core set recommended by EThOS
[hide]Mandatory Fields
Ethos Field name | EPrints field used by Ethos plugin | Comments |
Title | title | |
Author | creators_name | |
Awarding Institution | institution | |
Year of Award | date | Implicitly assumed that this is date on title page of thesis. |
Type | type | Material type, i.e. Thesis |
Qualification level | thesis_type | Default thesis_type values mix qualification level (eg. Masters) and qualification name (eg. PhD). Suggest refining thesis_type values and optionally adding new thesis_name field. |
Qualification name | thesis_name | Not in EPrints default. Name of the degree, e.g. Ph.D., M.D. |
Optional Fields
Ethos Field name | EPrints field used by Ethos plugin | Comments |
Alternative Title | alt_title | Not in EPrints defaults. |
Supervisor(s)/advisor(s) | advisor | Not in EPrints defaults. Plugin expects single value text field. Suggest using default Contributors field instead (adjust plugin to look for contributors with Thesis advisor role). |
Abstract | abstract | |
Language* | language | Not in EPrints defaults. ISO639-2 language code for the main language of the text, e.g eng |
Sponsors/Funders* | sponsors | Not in EPrints defaults. |
Grant number | ||
Institutional Repository URL* | Link to the Institutional Repository page for the thesis. Note plugin uses both $eprint->get_url and official_url for dc:isReferencedBy. | |
URL for digital object(s)* | URL for the digital object (and any associated data files) for full-text harvesting by EThOS. Plugin uses $document->get_url | |
Embargo date* | date_embargo | Not in EPrints defaults. Not to be confused with document.date_embargo. |
Embargo Type* | To be used if only part of the thesis is embargoed. Value = Partial | |
Rights* | rights | Not in EPrints defaults. |
Subject keywords | subjects | |
DDC | Dewey Decimal Classification | |
LCC | Library of Congress Classification | |
LCSH | Library of Congress Subject Headings | |
MESH | Medical Subject Headings | |
Author Affiliation | department | |
Work Identifier(s) | Identifier(s) for the thesis e.g. DOI, ISBN, ISTC | |
Author Identifier(s) | Identifiers for the author, e.g. HUSID, ISNI, ORCID |
* = Mandatory if applicable
Deprecated Fields
Ethos Field name | EPrints field used by Ethos plugin | Comments |
File Format | document.format | |
File Size | ||
Checksum | checksum | Not in EPrints defaults |
File Version |
Other (not in Ethos spec)
Ethos Field name | EPrints field used by Ethos plugin | Comments |
Editor?/Contributor? | editors_name | dc:contributor |