EPrints Live CD Help

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The EPrints3 Live CD is designed to help you experience EPrints without the need for a machine to run it on. The CD comes complete with a fully installed EPrints3 distribution which also has our own training archive already set up. It also contains a recent version of out training documentation and exercises as well as example material.

From the environment the CD provides you can harness the full power of EPrints3 to setup your own archives for testing and also have an easy way to test new EPrints functionality without putting your active archive at risk.

For new repository maintainers the Live CD can also be one click installed permanently onto your hard drive. This will enable you to preserve changes to your archives between reboots (without needing to use a memory stick).

The Live CD really does provide the all in one solution for experiencing EPrints repository management software.

The CD is currently only available for the x86 (32-bit) platforms and is based upon the Ubuntu Linux distribution.

Development News

The live CD is based upon the Ubuntu Linux Live CD with Open Office removed to make available the space to install EPrints + all its dependencies whilst still remaining small enough to fit on a single CD.

Using the LIVE CD (Start Here)

  • Download the image (Documentation#Download) and burn it to a cd using your favorite cd writing application. (Make cup of tea)
  • Boot PC from the CD. (Drink cup of tea)
  • (Not required with Live CD v.1.1) To prepare EPrints to run from the Live CD open a terminal (available from Applications->Accessories) and type the following:
 sudo setup_eprints_live
  • Open Firefox or similar browser and navigate to http://training.eprints.org (which is linked to your local machine, no net connection required)

To Install From the Live CD

  • From a clean boot into the Live CD click the install icon. (Go make fresh coffee from ungrounded coffee beans)
  • Once installed and running from your hard drive execute the following from within a terminal:
 sudo touch /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
 sudo apache2ctl stop
 sudo apache2crl start
  • To enable the training archive:
 sudo echo " training.eprints.org training" >> /etc/hosts.conf

Storing your Archive on a Memory Stick

By using the live cd, any changes made will be lost when the system is shut down to avoid this we have created some scripts which backup your archive onto a memory stick.

These scripts should be stored somewhere on the memory stick and the files are stored in a folder called "live_cd" relative to the position to the scripts.

Extract this file onto your memory stick and execute as root:

Archive only Backup

This will only backup your archive, it will not include any of the global plugins or settings which apply to all repositories.

 root@ubuntu$ bash archive_to_usb.sh archive_name

Complete EPrints Tree Backup

This will backup everything in your eprints3 tree.

  root@ubuntu$ bash all_to_usb.sh archive_name

Don't forget to safely unmount the memory stick, on the live cd close any windows which popped up when the memory stick was inserted and then as root:

 root@ubuntu$ cd /
 root@ubuntu$ umount /media/disk

Script Details

The script backs up both your archive and the related database by doing the following, it assumes you have not set a root password on the mysql database:


 if [ "$1" = "" ]
   echo "No Archive Specified"
   mkdir "$FOO/live_cd"
   rm -fR "$FOO/live_cd/$1"
   mkdir "$FOO/live_cd/$1"
   tar -cf "$FOO/live_cd/$1/$1.tar" /usr/share/eprints3/archives/$1
   mysqldump -u root $1 > $FOO/live_cd/$1/$1.sql
   echo "DONE"


 if [ "$1" = "" ]
       echo "No Archive Specified"
  mkdir "$FOO/live_cd"
  rm -fR "$FOO/live_cd/eprints3"
  mkdir "$FOO/live_cd/eprints3"
  rm -fR "$FOO/live_cd/$1"
  mkdir "$FOO/live_cd/$1"
  tar -cf "$FOO/live_cd/eprints3/eprints3.tar" /usr/share/eprints3/*
  mysqldump -u root $1 > "$FOO/live_cd/$1/$1.sql"
  echo "DONE"

Restoring your archive from memory stick

Don't forget to follow the step above to configure ePrints to run from the live cd first!

Locate the place where you extracted the files to previously on your memory stick and as root:

Archive Only

 root@ubuntu$ bash usb_to_archive.sh archive_name

Complete EPrints Tree

 root@ubuntu$ bash usb_to_all.sh archive_name  

Script Details

Pretty much the opposite of the other script:


 if [ "$1" = "" ]
   echo "No Archive Specified"
   rm -fR /usr/share/eprints3/archives/$1
   tar -xf live_cd/$1/$1.tar -C /
   echo "drop database $1" | mysql -u root
   echo "create database $1" | mysql -u root
   mysql -u root $1 < live_cd/$1/$1.sql
   echo "DONE"


 if [ "$1" = "" ]
  echo "No Archive Specified"
  rm -fR /usr/share/eprints3/
  tar -xf live_cd/eprints3/eprints3.tar -C /
  echo "drop database $1" | mysql -u root
  echo "create database $1" | mysql -u root
  mysql -u root $1 < live_cd/$1/$1.sql
  echo "DONE"


If you find any problems with the CD please contact myself (David Tarrant) dct05r[at]ecs.soton.ac.uk.

Any problems with the EPrints software should be referred to the EPrints development team.