Contribute: Plugins/ExportPluginsZip

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Export Plugin Tutorial 5: Zip

package EPrints::Plugin::Export::MyPlugins::Zip;

@ISA = ("EPrints::Plugin::Export");

use strict;
use Archive::Any::Create;
use IO::File;
use IO::String;

sub new
        my ($class, %opts) = @_;

        my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%opts);

        $self->{name} = "Zip";
        $self->{accept} = [ 'list/eprint' ];
        $self->{visible} = "all";
        $self->{suffix} = ".zip";
        $self->{mimetype} = "application/zip";

        return $self;

sub output_list
	my ($plugin, %opts) = @_;

	my $archive = "";
	my $FH = IO::String->new(\$archive);
	my $zip = Archive::Any::Create->new;

	foreach my $dataobj ($opts{"list"}->get_records)
		my $dirpath = "eprints-search/".$dataobj->get_id()."/";

		my $i = 1;
		foreach my $doc ($dataobj->get_all_documents)
			my $subdirpath = $dirpath."doc$i/";
			my %files = $doc->files;

			foreach my $filename (sort keys %files)
				my $filepath = $subdirpath.$filename;
				my $file = $doc->local_path."/".$filename;

				if (-d $file)

				my $data = '';
				my $datafh = IO::String->new(\$data);

				open (INFH, "<$file") or die ("Could not open file $file");
				while (<INFH>) 
					print {$datafh} $_;
				close INFH;
				$zip->add_file($filepath, $data);	

        if (defined $opts{"fh"})
                return undef;
        return $archive;


In More Detail

package EPrints::Plugin::Export::MyPlugins::Zip;

@ISA = ("EPrints::Plugin::Export");

use strict;
use Archive::Any::Create;
use IO::File;
use IO::String;

sub new
        my ($class, %opts) = @_;

        my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%opts);

        $self->{name} = "Zip";
        $self->{accept} = [ 'list/eprint' ];
        $self->{visible} = "all";
        $self->{suffix} = ".zip";
        $self->{mimetype} = "application/zip";

        return $self;

sub output_list
	my ($plugin, %opts) = @_;

	my $archive = "";
	my $FH = IO::String->new(\$archive);
	my $zip = Archive::Any::Create->new;

	foreach my $dataobj ($opts{"list"}->get_records)
		my $dirpath = "eprints-search/".$dataobj->get_id()."/";

		my $i = 1;
		foreach my $doc ($dataobj->get_all_documents)
			my $subdirpath = $dirpath."doc$i/";
			my %files = $doc->files;

			foreach my $filename (sort keys %files)
				my $filepath = $subdirpath.$filename;
				my $file = $doc->local_path."/".$filename;

				if (-d $file)

				my $data = '';
				my $datafh = IO::String->new(\$data);

				open (INFH, "<$file") or die ("Could not open file $file");
				while (<INFH>) 
					print {$datafh} $_;
				close INFH;
				$zip->add_file($filepath, $data);	

        if (defined $opts{"fh"})
                return undef;
        return $archive;


Testing Your Plugin

Restart your webserver and test the plugin as in the previous tutorial.