Render html field
EPrints::Extras provides a render_xhtml_field but that method only works with well-formed XML.
This method uses the HTML::Parser tool to render plain-HTML:
use HTML::Parser; sub render_html_field { my( $repo, $field, $value ) = @_; my $xml = $repo->xml; my $frag = $xml->create_document_fragment; my %compress = map { $_ => 1 } @EPrints::XML::COMPRESS_TAGS; my $c = $frag; my $p = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3, start_h => [sub { eval { if( $compress{$_[0]} ) { $c->appendChild( $xml->create_element( @_ ) ) } else { $c = $c->appendChild( $xml->create_element( @_ ) ) } }; $c->appendChild( $xml->create_text_node( "Error parsing '@_': $@" ) ) if $@; }, 'tagname,@attr'], end_h => [sub { $c = $c->parentNode if $c->nodeName eq $_[0] && !$compress{$_[0]} }, 'tagname' ], text_h => [sub { $c->appendChild( $xml->create_text_node( Encode::encode_utf8($_[0]) ) ) }, 'dtext'], ); $p->empty_element_tags( 1 ); $p->strict_end( 1 ); $p->parse( $value ); $p->eof; return $frag; }
To use this method drop the above into a cfg.d script - recommend you use the name '' to ensure it's loaded before use. Add this to a field definition:
render_value => \&render_html_field,