Adding a twitter channel to eprints is dead easy.
First set up a twitter account for your repository.
Add the following to a .pl file in cfg.d/
Add the username and password for the account.
$c->{eprint_status_change} = sub { my( $eprint, $old_status, $new_status ) = @_; if( $new_status eq "archive" ) { my $twitter_username="username"; my $twitter_password="password"; my $cmd1 = "curl -s '".$eprint->get_url."'"; my $shorturl = `$cmd1`; my $title = $eprint->get_value( "title" ); $title =~ s/'/\\'/g; my $cmd2 = "curl --basic -s --user $twitter_username:$twitter_password --data status='$title - $shorturl'"; `$cmd2 &`; } };
Add your twitter to the list:
- - ECS EPrints, Southampton