Miscellaneous Config Options

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Work in Progress
The page is a work in progress.

Only some config options that are not in files have been added. This list is not yet exhaustive

This page describes configuration options that do not appear in any specific configuration files present in the main codebase (inc. pub_lib flavour).


  • access_logger_func - Defines a function that is called every time a documents is downloaded or abstract/summary page is viewed (i.e. an access record is created). This is used by recent versions of IRStats2, so it can process stats from a file-based access records rather than the database, which becomes a lot more efficient if the access database table is large.
  • access_table_logger_disabled - Whether access records should still be saved to the database. (Without a setting database will continue to store access records).
  • allow_duplicate_usernames - Whether the validation of user metadata should check for duplicate usernames. (Without a setting user metadata validation will fail if duplicate usernames. This should only bet set to 1 temporarily if username changes are required that may temporarily lead to duplicates).
  • allow_uploaded_doc_js - A malevolent user could deliberately upload malicious JavaScript to perform a clickjacking or similar attack against logged in users. Should uploaded JavaScript only be returned with a Content Security Solicy (CSP) to prevent it from being run on the client web browser. (Without a setting CSP to prevent JavaScript running on the client is enabled).
  • auth_basic - Deprecated configuration for configuring basic rather than cookie-based user authentication.


  • browse_views_max_items - Global setting for the maximum number of results that can be displayed on a browse view listing page. Superseded if a particular view has a max_items attribute set. (Without a setting this defaults to 2000 items).


  • custom_handlers - If you have a third-party application that needs to integrate with its own connector (e.g. Pure), then this allow you to define configuration for this.


  • dbdriver - Which database driver (type of database, i.e. mysql, Pg or Oracle) to use. (Without a setting this defaults to mysql).
  • dbschema - Which database schema to use. This is only applicable for Pg (PostGreSQL) databases.
  • default_export_plugin - Which export plugin to pre-select on browse view and search results pages. (Without a setting, whichever export plugin appears first is pre-selected).
  • deps - Defines dependencies of ingredients on other ingredients. By default this is not defined as no ingredients package in an EPrints release have any dependencies.
  • disable_basic_auth - Ensure authentication cannot accidentally fallback to basic (rather than cookie-based) authentication. (Without a setting it could fallback but it is very unlikely to do this unless your EPrints repository has been significantly modified).
  • disable_make_open_access - Remove the option on the Request Copy approval form to immediately make the document open access. (Without a setting the checkbox for this is present).
  • does_user_own_eprint - Allows a function to augment what eprint records a user appears to own. This may be useful if a particular user is acting as a surrogate for another user.


  • email_blacklist -
  • enable_file_imports -
  • enable_import_fields -
  • enable_web_imports -
  • eprints_access_restrictions_callback -
  • expiry_for_doc_request -
  • expiry_for_unresponded_doc_request -
  • export_fieldlists -


  • file_local_path_function -


  • generic_filenames -
  • get_users_owned_eprints -


  • history_enable -


  • ignore_login_ip -
  • items_filters -
  • items_filters_order -
  • import_xml_permitted_tags -




  • login_monitoring
    • enabled -
    • fields -
    • function -
  • login_required_for_cgi -
  • login_required_for_eprints -
  • login_required_for_views -
  • login_required_url -


  • max_history_width -



  • oai
    • v2
      • output_plugins -
      • sample_identifier -
  • order_auto_submit -




  • recaptcha
    • ignore_countries -
    • private_key -
    • public_key -
    • 'timeout -
  • recaptcha3
    • ignore_countries -
    • min_score -
    • private_key -
    • public_key -
    • 'timeout -
  • request_copy_cc -
  • required_formats -
  • retain_embargo_dates -
  • rewrite_exceptions -
  • robotstxt
    • crawl_delay
      • default_seconds -
      • seconds -
      • user_agents -


  • saved_search_additional_recipients -
  • saved_search_citation -
  • signup_style -
  • STAFF_ONLY_LOCAL_callback -


  • theme -


  • user_access_restrictions_callback -
  • user_area_template -
  • user_cookie_timeout -
  • user_inactivity_timeout -
  • user_session_timeout -


  • version_extra -
  • view_sort_function -
  • virtualhost -


  • workflow_datepicker -