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== Repository Triggers ==
== Repository Triggers ==
* '''EP_TRIGGER_LOG''' - When logging messages to standard error
* '''EP_TRIGGER_BOILERPLATE_RDF''' - When generating the boilerplate RDF for the repository
When logging messages to standard error.  (<font style="color: red;">Not currently implemented</font>.  You can use <code>$c->{log}</code> setting in [[log.pl]] instead).
* '''EP_TRIGGER_REPOSITORY_RDF''' - When generating repository specific RDF.
* '''EP_TRIGGER_BEGIN''' - When an <code>EPrints::Repository</code> object is created.
* '''EP_TRIGGER_BEGIN_REQUEST''' - At the start of an HTTP request being processed.
When generating the boilerplate RDF for the repository.
* '''EP_TRIGGER_END_REQUEST''' - At the end of processing an HTTP request.
* '''EP_TRIGGER_END''' - Just before an <code>EPrints::Repository</code> object is destroyed.
==== Example ====
* '''EP_TRIGGER_DOC_URL_REWRITE''' - Rewriting an URL for a document so it can be responded to with the correct resource.
Adds boilerplate triples (e.g. licence and attribution) to the RDF output.
* '''EP_TRIGGER_MEDIA_INFO''' - When extracting media information about a file (e.g. MIME type, resolution if image/video, duration if audio/video, etc.)
$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_BOILERPLATE_RDF, sub {
* '''EP_TRIGGER_INDEX_FIELDS''' - When fields are being indexed.
    my( %o ) = @_;
* '''EP_TRIGGER_INDEX_REMOVED''' - When fields are being removed from the index.
* '''EP_TRIGGER_URL_REWRITE''' - Rewriting an URL so it can be responded to with the correct resource.
    my $license_uri = $o{repository}->config( "rdf", "license" );
* '''EP_TRIGGER_VALIDATE_FIELD''' - When a metadata field is being validated.
    if( defined $license_uri )
* '''EP_TRIGGER_LOCAL_SITEMAP_URLS''' - When generating URLs to add to the repository sitemap (i.e. sitemap.xml)
* '''EP_TRIGGER_DYNAMIC_TEMPLATE''' - When the dynamic template for a web page response to a request is being generated
* '''EP_TRIGGER_THUMBNAIL_TYPES''' - When determining what thumbnails types to generate for (a) file(s) associated with a document,
            subject => "<>",
            predicate => "cc:license",
            object => "<$license_uri>" );
                subject => "<>",
                predicate => "rdfs:comment",
                object => "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license.",
                type => "xsd:string" );
        my $attributionName = $o{repository}->config( "rdf", "attributionName" );
        if( defined $license_uri )
                subject => "<>",
                predicate => "cc:attributionName",
                object => $attributionName,
                type => "xsd:string" );
        my $attributionURL = $o{repository}->config( "rdf", "attributionURL" );
        if( defined $attributionURL )
                subject => "<>",
                predicate => "cc:attributionURL",
                object => "<$attributionURL>" );
When generating repository specific RDF.
==== Example ====
Adds repository-specific triples to the RDF output.
$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_REPOSITORY_RDF, sub {
    my( %o ) = @_;
    my $repository_uri = "<".$o{repository}->config( "base_url" )."/id/repository>";
    my @eprint_ids = sort @{$o{repository}->dataset("archive")->get_item_ids( $o{repository} )};
    my $oai_config = $o{repository}->config( "oai" );
        subject => $repository_uri,
        predicate => "rdf:type",
        object => "ep:Repository" );
        subject => $repository_uri,
        predicate => "dct:title",
        object => $o{repository}->phrase( "archive_name" ),
        type => "xsd:string" );
        subject => $repository_uri,
        predicate => "foaf:homepage",
        object => "<".$o{repository}->config( "base_url" )."/>" );
        subject => $repository_uri,
        predicate => "ep:OAIPMH2",
        object => "<".$o{repository}->config( "base_url" )."/cgi/oai2>" );
    my $root_subject = $o{repository}->dataset("subject")->dataobj("ROOT");
    foreach my $top_subject ( $root_subject->get_children )
            subject => $repository_uri,
            predicate => "ep:hasConceptScheme",
            object => "<".$top_subject->uri."#scheme>" );
When an <code>EPrints::Repository</code> object is created. (<font style="color: red;">Not currently implemented</font>. Use <code>$c->{session_init}</code>).
At the start of an HTTP request being processed.
At the end of processing an HTTP request.
Just before an <code>EPrints::Repository</code> object is destroyed. (<font style="color: red;">Not currently implemented</font>. Use <code>$c->{session_close}</code>).
When rewriting an URL for a document so it can be responded to with the correct resource.
==== Example ====
Send the coversheeted version of the document rather than the original.
$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_DOC_URL_REWRITE, sub
    my( %args ) = @_;
    my( $request, $doc, $relations, $filename ) = @args{qw( request document relations filename )};
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK unless defined $doc && ref $doc eq "EPrints::DataObj::Document"; # To avoid missing field error with dark documents that do not get coversheeted.
    # check document is a pdf
    my $format = $doc->value( "format" ); # back compatibility
    my $mime_type = defined $doc->value( "mime_type" ) ? $doc->value( "mime_type" ) : "";
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK unless( $format eq "application/pdf" || $mime_type eq "application/pdf" || $filename =~ /\.pdf$/i );
    # ignore thumbnails e.g. http://.../8381/1.haspreviewThumbnailVersion/jacqueline-lane.pdf
    foreach my $rel ( @{$relations || []} )
        return EP_TRIGGER_OK if( $rel =~ /^is\w+ThumbnailVersionOf$/ );
    # ignore volatile documents
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK if $doc->has_relation( undef, "isVolatileVersionOf" );
    my $session = $doc->get_session;
    my $eprint = $doc->get_eprint;
    # search for a coversheet that can be applied to this document
    my $coversheet = EPrints::DataObj::Coversheet->search_by_eprint( $session, $eprint );
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK unless( defined $coversheet );
    # check whether there is an existing covered version and whether it needs to be regenerated
    my $current_cs_id = $doc->get_value( 'coversheetid' ) || -1; # coversheet used to cover document
    my $coverdoc; # existing covered version
    if( $coversheet->get_id == $current_cs_id )
        # get the covered version of the document
        $coverdoc = $coversheet->get_coversheet_doc( $doc );
    if( defined $coverdoc )
        # return the covered version
        $coverdoc->set_value( "security", $doc->get_value( "security" ) );
        $request->pnotes( document => $coverdoc );
        $request->pnotes( dataobj => $coverdoc );
        # Only update request filename to coverdoc's filename if it is defined and the document filename matches that used in the request. 
        # If the document filename does not match that used in the request, then not updating the filename will mean requests with a
        # spurious filename will get a 404 error rather than returning the document under a spurious filename.
        $request->pnotes( filename => $coverdoc->get_main ) if defined $coverdoc->get_main && defined $doc->get_main && $filename eq $doc->get_main;
    # return the uncovered document
    return EP_TRIGGER_DONE;
}, priority => 100 );
When extracting media information about a file (e.g. MIME type, resolution if image/video, duration if audio/video, etc.).
Set the <code>mime_type</code> index for <code$epdata</code> to whatever is determined from the file extension using the <code>mimemap</code> index.
$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_MEDIA_INFO, sub {
    my( %params ) = @_;
    my $epdata = $params{epdata};
    my $filename = $params{filename};
    my $repo = $params{repository};
    return 0 if defined $epdata->{mime_type};
    if( $filename=~m/\.([^.]+)$/ )
        my $suffix = "\L$1";
        $epdata->{mime_type} = $repo->config( "mimemap", $suffix );
    return 0;
}, priority => 5000);
When fields are being indexed.
==== Example ====
Also index fields in the Xapian index.
$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_INDEX_FIELDS, sub {
    my( %params ) = @_;
    my $repo = $params{repository};
    my $dataobj = $params{dataobj};
    my $dataset = $dataobj->dataset;
    if( !$repo->config( 'xapian', 'enabled' ) )
    if( !$dataset->indexable )
        $repo->log( "Xapian::Index: dataset %s is not indexable", $dataset->id );
    # caches the Xapian indexing module in the current EPrints::Repository object
    # only relevant when a full dataset re-indexing is performed (to avoid re-connecting
    # to the Xapian DB too often)
    my $indexer = $repo->{_xapian_indexer};
    if( !defined $indexer )
        $indexer = $repo->{_xapian_indexer} = EPrints::Xapian::Index->new(
            repository => $repo,
            dataset => $dataset,
    if( !defined $indexer )
        $repo->log( "Failed to load EPrints::Xapian::Index" );
    $indexer->index_dataobj( $dataobj );
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK;
} );
When fields are being removed from the index.
==== Example ====
Remove indexing from Xapian index.
$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_INDEX_REMOVED, sub {
    my( %params ) = @_;
    my $repo = $params{repository};
    my $dataset = $params{dataset};
    my $id = $params{id};
    if( !exists $repo->{_xapian} )
        $repo->{_xapian} = undef;
        $repo->{_xapian_limit} = 0;
        # if plugin disabled, don't continue
        return if !defined $repo->plugin( "Search::Xapian" );
        my $path = $repo->config( "variables_path" ) . "/xapian";
        EPrints->system->mkdir( $path ) if !-d $path;
        $repo->{_xapian} = eval { Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase->new(
        ) };
        $repo->log( $@ ), return if $@;
    my $db = $repo->{_xapian};
    return if !defined $db;
    my $key = "_id:/id/" . $dataset->base_id . "/" . $id;
    my $enq = $db->enquire( Search::Xapian::Query->new( $key ) );
    my @matches = $enq->matches( 0, 1 );
    if( @matches )
        $db->delete_document( $matches[0]->get_docid );
When rewriting an URL so it can be responded to with the correct resource.
==== Example ====
Use the MePrints handler for serving profile pages.
$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_URL_REWRITE, sub
    my( %args ) = @_;
    my( $uri, $rc, $request ) = @args{ qw( uri return_code request ) };
    if( defined $uri && ($uri =~ m#^/profile/(.*)$# ) )
        $request->set_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => [ 'EPrints::Plugin::MePrints::MePrintsHandler' ] );
        ${$rc} = EPrints::Const::OK;
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK;
}, priority => 100 );
When a metadata field is being validated.
==== Example ====
Validates that if a <code>password</code> field is submitted that it is no longer that the maximum length specified in <code>$c->{password_maxlength}</code> to protect against a Denial-of-Service attack, as password hashing is very expensive if the input is excessively long.
$c->add_trigger( EPrints::Const::EP_TRIGGER_VALIDATE_FIELD, sub
    my( %args ) = @_;
    my( $repo, $field, $user, $value, $problems ) = @args{qw( repository field dataobj value problems )};
    return unless defined $user && $user->isa( "EPrints::DataObj::User" ) && $field->type eq "secret";
    my $password;
    foreach my $key ( keys %{ $repo->{query}->{param} } )
        my $fieldname = $field->name;
        if ( $key =~ m/$fieldname$/ )
            $password = $repo->{query}->{param}->{$key}->[0];
    if ( defined $password && defined $repo->config( "password_maxlength" ) && length( $password ) > $repo->config( "password_maxlength" ) )
        my $fieldname = $repo->xml->create_element( "span", class=>"ep_problem_field:".$field->get_name );
        $fieldname->appendChild( $field->render_name( $repo ) );
        my $maxlength_el = $repo->make_text( $repo->config( "password_maxlength" ) );
        push @$problems, $repo->html_phrase( "validate:password_too_long",
            fieldname => $fieldname,
            maxlength => $maxlength_el,
}, priority => 1000 );
When generating URLs to add to the repository sitemap (i.e. sitemap.xml).
==== Example ====
Add creators browse view pages to sitemap.
$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_LOCAL_SITEMAP_URLS, sub
    my( %args ) = @_;
    my( $repository, $urlset ) = @args{qw( repository urlset )};
    $urlset->appendChild( EPrints::Utils::make_sitemap_url( $repository, {
        loc => $repository->config( "base_url" ).'/view/creators/',
        changefreq => 'monthly'
    } ) );
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK;
When the dynamic template for a web page response to a request is being generated.
==== Example ====
$c->add_trigger( $EPrints::Plugin::Stats::EP_TRIGGER_DYNAMIC_TEMPLATE, sub
    my( %args ) = @_;
    my( $repo, $pins ) = @args{qw/ repository pins/};
    my $protocol = $repo->get_secure ? 'https':'http';
    my $head = $repo->make_doc_fragment;
    $head->appendChild( $repo->make_javascript( undef,
        src => "$protocol://www.google.com/jsapi"
    ) );
    $head->appendChild( $repo->make_javascript( 'google.charts.load("current", {packages:["corechart", "geochart"]});' ) );
    if( defined $pins->{'utf-8.head'} )
        $pins->{'utf-8.head'} .= $repo->xhtml->to_xhtml( $head );
    if( defined $pins->{head} )
        $head->appendChild( $pins->{head} );
        $pins->{head} = $head;
        $pins->{head} = $head;
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK;
} );
When determining what thumbnails types to generate for (a) file(s) associated with a document.
== Dataset Triggers ==
== Dataset Triggers ==
* '''EP_TRIGGER_CREATED''' - When a new data object is being created.
* '''EP_TRIGGER_RDF''' - When RDF for a data object is being generated.
When a new data object is being created.
* '''EP_TRIGGER_DEFAULTS''' - When a new data object is setting its default values
* '''EP_TRIGGER_STATUS_CHANGE''' - When the status of a data object changes, (e.g. when an eprint is moved to the live archive).
==== Example ====
* '''EP_TRIGGER_BEFORE_COMMIT''' - Just before the changes to a data object are saved to the database.
Creates a default list object for a user.
* '''EP_TRIGGER_AFTER_COMMIT''' - Just after the changes to a data object have been saved to the database.
* '''EP_TRIGGER_VALIDATE''' - When the data object fields are being checked for their validity.
* '''EP_TRIGGER_WARNINGS''' - When a data objects is generating warnings about its state (e.g. missing or inappropriate metadata field values).
* '''EP_TRIGGER_FILES_MODIFIED''' - When a file associated with a data object has been modified (e.g. new thumbnails will need to be generated if the file they are based on has changed or added).
    sub {
* '''EP_TRIGGER_REMOVED''' - When a data object is destroyed.
        my (%args) = @_;
        my ( $session, $user ) = @args{qw( repository dataobj )};
        EPrints::Lists::Utils::create_default_list( $session, $user );
When RDF for a data object is being generated.
==== Example ====
Adds certain SKOS triples to RDF output.
$c->add_dataset_trigger( "eprint", EP_TRIGGER_RDF, sub {
    my( %o ) = @_;
    my $eprint = $o{"dataobj"};
    my $eprint_uri = "<".$eprint->uri.">";
    return if ! $eprint->dataset->has_field( "subjects" );
    return if ! $eprint->is_set( "subjects" );
    foreach my $subject_id ( @{$eprint->get_value( "subjects" )} )
        my $subject = $o{repository}->dataset( "subject" )->dataobj( $subject_id );
        if( $subject )
            my $subject_uri = "<".$subject->uri.">";
                subject => $subject_uri,
                predicate => "rdf:type",
                object => "skos:Concept" );
            foreach my $name ( @{$subject->get_value( "name" )} )
                    subject => $subject_uri,
                    predicate => "skos:prefLabel",
                    object => $name->{name},
                    type => "literal",
                    lang => $name->{lang} );
                subject => $eprint_uri,
                predicate => "dct:subject",
                object => $subject_uri );
When a new data object is setting its default values.  (<font style="color: red;">Not currently implemented</font>. You can use <code>$c->{set_&lt;DATASET&gt;_defaults}</code> setting in [[document_fields_default.pl]], [[eprint_fields_default.pl]] or [[user_fields_default.pl]] instead).
When the status of a data object changes, (e.g. when an eprint is moved to the live archive).
==== Example ====
Add an indexer task to coin/mint a DataCite DOI for the eprint.
$c->add_dataset_trigger( "eprint", EP_TRIGGER_STATUS_CHANGE , sub {
    my ( %params ) = @_;
    my $repository = $params{repository};
    return undef if (!defined $repository);
    if (defined $params{dataobj}) {
        my $dataobj = $params{dataobj};
        my $eprint_id = $dataobj->id;
        $repository->dataset( "event_queue" )->create_dataobj({
            pluginid => "Event::DataCiteEvent",
            action => "datacite_doi",
            params => [$dataobj->internal_uri],
Just before the changes to a data object are saved to the database.
==== Example ====
Set or otherwise tidy up the <code>path</code> field for the list object.
$c->add_dataset_trigger( "list", EPrints::Const::EP_TRIGGER_BEFORE_COMMIT, sub {
    my (%args) = @_;
    my ( $session, $list ) = @args{qw( repository dataobj )};
    if ( !$list->is_set("path") ) {
        $list->set_value( "path", EPrints::DataObj::List::tidy_path( $list->get_value("title") ) );
    else {
        my $path = $list->get_value("path");
        my $tidy_path = EPrints::DataObj::List::tidy_path($path);
        $list->set_value( "path", $tidy_path ) if $path ne $tidy_path;
Just after the changes to a data object have been saved to the database.
==== Example ====
Remove the cache static page for the user's profile, so that it can be re-generated and re-cached.
$c->add_dataset_trigger( "user", EPrints::Const::EP_TRIGGER_AFTER_COMMIT, sub {
    my( %params ) = @_;
    my $repo = $params{repository};
    my $user = $params{dataobj};
    my $changed = $params{changed};
    if( scalar( keys %{$changed||{}} ) )
When the data object fields are being checked for their validity. (<font style="color: red;">Not currently implemented.</font>  Either use [[#EP_TRIGGER_VALIDATE_FIELD|EP_TRIGGER_VALIDATE_FIELD]] or <code>$c->{set_&lt;DATASET&gt;_automatic_fields}</code> setting in [[document_fields_automatic.pl]], [[eprint_fields_automatic.pl]] or [[user_fields_automatic.pl]]).
When a data objects is generating warnings about its state (e.g. missing or inappropriate metadata field values).  (<font style="color: red;">Not currently implemented</font>. use <code>$c->{&lt;DATASET&gt;_warnings}</code> setting, e.g. <code>$c->{eprint_warnings}</code> in [[eprint_warnings.pl]]).
When a file associated with a data object has been modified (e.g. new thumbnails will need to be generated if the file they are based on has changed or added).
==== Example ====
Generate special preview versions for certain documents.
$c->add_dataset_trigger( "document", EPrints::Const::EP_TRIGGER_FILES_MODIFIED, sub
    my( %args ) = @_;
    my( $session, $doc ) = @args{qw( repository dataobj )};
    my $eprint = $doc->get_parent;
    # abridged from bin/generate_previews
    my $dir = $session->get_repository->get_conf("archiveroot" )."/cfg/static/previews/".$eprint->get_id;
    return  unless $doc->get_value("main") =~ /\.(pdf|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|ppt|pptx|md)$/i or  $doc->get_value( "format" ) eq "code";
    $dir .= "/" . $doc->get_id;
    my $preview_source = $session->get_repository->get_conf("archiveroot" ) . "/cfg/static/previews/" . $eprint->get_id . "/" . $doc->get_id;
    # clear any old versions
    if( -e $preview_source )
        remove_tree $preview_source;
    my $file_path = $doc->local_path . '/' . $doc->get_main;
    my $script = $session->get_repository->get_conf("base_path") . "/ingredients/preview_generate/bin/previews/make_pages.sh";
    if( $doc->get_value( "format" ) eq "code" )
        $script = $session->get_repository->get_conf("base_path") . /ingredients/preview_generate/bin/previews/make_code_preview.sh";
    my $docid = $doc->get_id;
    `$script "$file_path" "$dir" "$docid"`;
When a data object is destroyed.
== Others (or to be assigned) Triggers ===
==== Example ====
Remove indexing from Xapian if eprint is removed.
$c->add_dataset_trigger( "eprint", EP_TRIGGER_REMOVED, sub {
    my( %params ) = @_;
    my $repo = $params{repository};
    my $dataobj = $params{dataobj};
    my $dataset = $dataobj->dataset;
    if( !$repo->config( 'xapian', 'enabled' ) )
    EPrints::DataObj::EventQueue->create_unique( $repo, {
        pluginid => "Event::Xapian",
        action => "remove_index",
        params => [$dataobj->get_id],
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK;

Latest revision as of 15:39, 26 July 2024

Triggers are a means of defining a function that will be called at a particular execution point (often referred to as a hook). EPrints repository software facilitates this as often a repository may want to carry out a particular task when a specific event occurs (or is about to occur). EPrints has many different types of trigger some are generic and some are applied to specific dataset. The following are those most commonly implemented:

Repository Triggers


When logging messages to standard error. (Not currently implemented. You can use $c->{log} setting in log.pl instead).


When generating the boilerplate RDF for the repository.


Adds boilerplate triples (e.g. licence and attribution) to the RDF output.

$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_BOILERPLATE_RDF, sub {
    my( %o ) = @_;

    my $license_uri = $o{repository}->config( "rdf", "license" );
    if( defined $license_uri )
            subject => "<>",
            predicate => "cc:license",
            object => "<$license_uri>" );
                subject => "<>",
                predicate => "rdfs:comment",
                object => "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license.",
                type => "xsd:string" );

        my $attributionName = $o{repository}->config( "rdf", "attributionName" );
        if( defined $license_uri )
                subject => "<>",
                predicate => "cc:attributionName",
                object => $attributionName,
                type => "xsd:string" );

        my $attributionURL = $o{repository}->config( "rdf", "attributionURL" );
        if( defined $attributionURL )
                subject => "<>",
                predicate => "cc:attributionURL",
               object => "<$attributionURL>" );


When generating repository specific RDF.


Adds repository-specific triples to the RDF output.

$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_REPOSITORY_RDF, sub {
    my( %o ) = @_;

    my $repository_uri = "<".$o{repository}->config( "base_url" )."/id/repository>";

    my @eprint_ids = sort @{$o{repository}->dataset("archive")->get_item_ids( $o{repository} )};

    my $oai_config = $o{repository}->config( "oai" );

        subject => $repository_uri,
        predicate => "rdf:type",
        object => "ep:Repository" );
        subject => $repository_uri,
        predicate => "dct:title",
        object => $o{repository}->phrase( "archive_name" ),
        type => "xsd:string" );
        subject => $repository_uri,
        predicate => "foaf:homepage",
        object => "<".$o{repository}->config( "base_url" )."/>" );
        subject => $repository_uri,
        predicate => "ep:OAIPMH2",
        object => "<".$o{repository}->config( "base_url" )."/cgi/oai2>" );


    my $root_subject = $o{repository}->dataset("subject")->dataobj("ROOT");
    foreach my $top_subject ( $root_subject->get_children )
            subject => $repository_uri,
            predicate => "ep:hasConceptScheme",
            object => "<".$top_subject->uri."#scheme>" );


When an EPrints::Repository object is created. (Not currently implemented. Use $c->{session_init}).


At the start of an HTTP request being processed.


At the end of processing an HTTP request.


Just before an EPrints::Repository object is destroyed. (Not currently implemented. Use $c->{session_close}).


When rewriting an URL for a document so it can be responded to with the correct resource.


Send the coversheeted version of the document rather than the original.

$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_DOC_URL_REWRITE, sub
    my( %args ) = @_;

    my( $request, $doc, $relations, $filename ) = @args{qw( request document relations filename )};
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK unless defined $doc && ref $doc eq "EPrints::DataObj::Document"; # To avoid missing field error with dark documents that do not get coversheeted.

    # check document is a pdf
    my $format = $doc->value( "format" ); # back compatibility
    my $mime_type = defined $doc->value( "mime_type" ) ? $doc->value( "mime_type" ) : "";
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK unless( $format eq "application/pdf" || $mime_type eq "application/pdf" || $filename =~ /\.pdf$/i );

    # ignore thumbnails e.g. http://.../8381/1.haspreviewThumbnailVersion/jacqueline-lane.pdf
    foreach my $rel ( @{$relations || []} )
        return EP_TRIGGER_OK if( $rel =~ /^is\w+ThumbnailVersionOf$/ );

    # ignore volatile documents
   return EP_TRIGGER_OK if $doc->has_relation( undef, "isVolatileVersionOf" );

    my $session = $doc->get_session;
    my $eprint = $doc->get_eprint;

    # search for a coversheet that can be applied to this document
    my $coversheet = EPrints::DataObj::Coversheet->search_by_eprint( $session, $eprint );
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK unless( defined $coversheet );

    # check whether there is an existing covered version and whether it needs to be regenerated
    my $current_cs_id = $doc->get_value( 'coversheetid' ) || -1; # coversheet used to cover document
    my $coverdoc; # existing covered version

    if( $coversheet->get_id == $current_cs_id )
        # get the covered version of the document
        $coverdoc = $coversheet->get_coversheet_doc( $doc );

    if( defined $coverdoc )
        # return the covered version
        $coverdoc->set_value( "security", $doc->get_value( "security" ) );
        $request->pnotes( document => $coverdoc );
        $request->pnotes( dataobj => $coverdoc );

        # Only update request filename to coverdoc's filename if it is defined and the document filename matches that used in the request.  
        # If the document filename does not match that used in the request, then not updating the filename will mean requests with a
        # spurious filename will get a 404 error rather than returning the document under a spurious filename.
        $request->pnotes( filename => $coverdoc->get_main ) if defined $coverdoc->get_main && defined $doc->get_main && $filename eq $doc->get_main;
    # return the uncovered document

    return EP_TRIGGER_DONE;

}, priority => 100 );


When extracting media information about a file (e.g. MIME type, resolution if image/video, duration if audio/video, etc.).


Set the mime_type index for <code$epdata to whatever is determined from the file extension using the mimemap index.

$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_MEDIA_INFO, sub {
    my( %params ) = @_;

    my $epdata = $params{epdata};
    my $filename = $params{filename};
    my $repo = $params{repository};

    return 0 if defined $epdata->{mime_type};

    if( $filename=~m/\.([^.]+)$/ )
        my $suffix = "\L$1";
        $epdata->{mime_type} = $repo->config( "mimemap", $suffix );

    return 0;
}, priority => 5000);


When fields are being indexed.


Also index fields in the Xapian index.

$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_INDEX_FIELDS, sub {
    my( %params ) = @_;

    my $repo = $params{repository};
    my $dataobj = $params{dataobj};
    my $dataset = $dataobj->dataset;

    if( !$repo->config( 'xapian', 'enabled' ) )

   if( !$dataset->indexable )
       $repo->log( "Xapian::Index: dataset %s is not indexable", $dataset->id );

   # caches the Xapian indexing module in the current EPrints::Repository object
   # only relevant when a full dataset re-indexing is performed (to avoid re-connecting
   # to the Xapian DB too often)
   my $indexer = $repo->{_xapian_indexer};
   if( !defined $indexer )
       $indexer = $repo->{_xapian_indexer} = EPrints::Xapian::Index->new(
           repository => $repo,
           dataset => $dataset,

   if( !defined $indexer )
       $repo->log( "Failed to load EPrints::Xapian::Index" );

   $indexer->index_dataobj( $dataobj );

   return EP_TRIGGER_OK;
} );


When fields are being removed from the index.


Remove indexing from Xapian index.

$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_INDEX_REMOVED, sub {
    my( %params ) = @_;

    my $repo = $params{repository};
    my $dataset = $params{dataset};
    my $id = $params{id};

    if( !exists $repo->{_xapian} )
        $repo->{_xapian} = undef;
        $repo->{_xapian_limit} = 0;

        # if plugin disabled, don't continue
        return if !defined $repo->plugin( "Search::Xapian" );

        my $path = $repo->config( "variables_path" ) . "/xapian";
        EPrints->system->mkdir( $path ) if !-d $path;

        $repo->{_xapian} = eval { Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase->new(
        ) };
        $repo->log( $@ ), return if $@;

    my $db = $repo->{_xapian};
    return if !defined $db;

    my $key = "_id:/id/" . $dataset->base_id . "/" . $id;
    my $enq = $db->enquire( Search::Xapian::Query->new( $key ) );
    my @matches = $enq->matches( 0, 1 );
    if( @matches )
        $db->delete_document( $matches[0]->get_docid );


When rewriting an URL so it can be responded to with the correct resource.


Use the MePrints handler for serving profile pages.

$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_URL_REWRITE, sub
    my( %args ) = @_;

    my( $uri, $rc, $request ) = @args{ qw( uri return_code request ) };

   if( defined $uri && ($uri =~ m#^/profile/(.*)$# ) )
       $request->set_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => [ 'EPrints::Plugin::MePrints::MePrintsHandler' ] );
       ${$rc} = EPrints::Const::OK;

   return EP_TRIGGER_OK;

}, priority => 100 );


When a metadata field is being validated.


Validates that if a password field is submitted that it is no longer that the maximum length specified in $c->{password_maxlength} to protect against a Denial-of-Service attack, as password hashing is very expensive if the input is excessively long.

$c->add_trigger( EPrints::Const::EP_TRIGGER_VALIDATE_FIELD, sub
    my( %args ) = @_;
    my( $repo, $field, $user, $value, $problems ) = @args{qw( repository field dataobj value problems )};

    return unless defined $user && $user->isa( "EPrints::DataObj::User" ) && $field->type eq "secret";

    my $password;
    foreach my $key ( keys %{ $repo->{query}->{param} } )
        my $fieldname = $field->name;
        if ( $key =~ m/$fieldname$/ )
            $password = $repo->{query}->{param}->{$key}->[0];

    if ( defined $password && defined $repo->config( "password_maxlength" ) && length( $password ) > $repo->config( "password_maxlength" ) )
        my $fieldname = $repo->xml->create_element( "span", class=>"ep_problem_field:".$field->get_name );
        $fieldname->appendChild( $field->render_name( $repo ) );
        my $maxlength_el = $repo->make_text( $repo->config( "password_maxlength" ) );
        push @$problems, $repo->html_phrase( "validate:password_too_long",
            fieldname => $fieldname,
            maxlength => $maxlength_el,
}, priority => 1000 );


When generating URLs to add to the repository sitemap (i.e. sitemap.xml).


Add creators browse view pages to sitemap.

$c->add_trigger( EP_TRIGGER_LOCAL_SITEMAP_URLS, sub
    my( %args ) = @_;

    my( $repository, $urlset ) = @args{qw( repository urlset )};

    $urlset->appendChild( EPrints::Utils::make_sitemap_url( $repository, {
        loc => $repository->config( "base_url" ).'/view/creators/',
        changefreq => 'monthly'
    } ) );

   return EP_TRIGGER_OK;


When the dynamic template for a web page response to a request is being generated.


$c->add_trigger( $EPrints::Plugin::Stats::EP_TRIGGER_DYNAMIC_TEMPLATE, sub
    my( %args ) = @_;

    my( $repo, $pins ) = @args{qw/ repository pins/};

    my $protocol = $repo->get_secure ? 'https':'http';

    my $head = $repo->make_doc_fragment;

    $head->appendChild( $repo->make_javascript( undef,
        src => "$protocol://www.google.com/jsapi"
    ) );

    $head->appendChild( $repo->make_javascript( 'google.charts.load("current", {packages:["corechart", "geochart"]});' ) );

    if( defined $pins->{'utf-8.head'} )
        $pins->{'utf-8.head'} .= $repo->xhtml->to_xhtml( $head );

    if( defined $pins->{head} )
        $head->appendChild( $pins->{head} );
        $pins->{head} = $head;
        $pins->{head} = $head;

    return EP_TRIGGER_OK;
} );


When determining what thumbnails types to generate for (a) file(s) associated with a document.

Dataset Triggers


When a new data object is being created.


Creates a default list object for a user.

    sub {
        my (%args) = @_;
        my ( $session, $user ) = @args{qw( repository dataobj )};
        EPrints::Lists::Utils::create_default_list( $session, $user );


When RDF for a data object is being generated.


Adds certain SKOS triples to RDF output.

$c->add_dataset_trigger( "eprint", EP_TRIGGER_RDF, sub {
    my( %o ) = @_;
    my $eprint = $o{"dataobj"};
    my $eprint_uri = "<".$eprint->uri.">";

    return if ! $eprint->dataset->has_field( "subjects" );
    return if ! $eprint->is_set( "subjects" );

    foreach my $subject_id ( @{$eprint->get_value( "subjects" )} )
        my $subject = $o{repository}->dataset( "subject" )->dataobj( $subject_id );
        if( $subject )
            my $subject_uri = "<".$subject->uri.">";
                subject => $subject_uri,
                predicate => "rdf:type",
                object => "skos:Concept" );
            foreach my $name ( @{$subject->get_value( "name" )} )
                    subject => $subject_uri,
                    predicate => "skos:prefLabel",
                    object => $name->{name},
                    type => "literal",
                    lang => $name->{lang} );
                subject => $eprint_uri,
                predicate => "dct:subject",
                object => $subject_uri );


When a new data object is setting its default values. (Not currently implemented. You can use $c->{set_<DATASET>_defaults} setting in document_fields_default.pl, eprint_fields_default.pl or user_fields_default.pl instead).


When the status of a data object changes, (e.g. when an eprint is moved to the live archive).


Add an indexer task to coin/mint a DataCite DOI for the eprint.

$c->add_dataset_trigger( "eprint", EP_TRIGGER_STATUS_CHANGE , sub {
    my ( %params ) = @_;

    my $repository = $params{repository};

    return undef if (!defined $repository);

    if (defined $params{dataobj}) {
        my $dataobj = $params{dataobj};
        my $eprint_id = $dataobj->id;
        $repository->dataset( "event_queue" )->create_dataobj({
            pluginid => "Event::DataCiteEvent",
            action => "datacite_doi",
            params => [$dataobj->internal_uri],



Just before the changes to a data object are saved to the database.


Set or otherwise tidy up the path field for the list object.

$c->add_dataset_trigger( "list", EPrints::Const::EP_TRIGGER_BEFORE_COMMIT, sub {
    my (%args) = @_;
    my ( $session, $list ) = @args{qw( repository dataobj )};
    if ( !$list->is_set("path") ) {
        $list->set_value( "path", EPrints::DataObj::List::tidy_path( $list->get_value("title") ) );
    else {
        my $path = $list->get_value("path");
        my $tidy_path = EPrints::DataObj::List::tidy_path($path);
        $list->set_value( "path", $tidy_path ) if $path ne $tidy_path;


Just after the changes to a data object have been saved to the database.


Remove the cache static page for the user's profile, so that it can be re-generated and re-cached.

$c->add_dataset_trigger( "user", EPrints::Const::EP_TRIGGER_AFTER_COMMIT, sub {
    my( %params ) = @_;

    my $repo = $params{repository};
    my $user = $params{dataobj};
    my $changed = $params{changed};

    if( scalar( keys %{$changed||{}} ) )


When the data object fields are being checked for their validity. (Not currently implemented. Either use EP_TRIGGER_VALIDATE_FIELD or $c->{set_<DATASET>_automatic_fields} setting in document_fields_automatic.pl, eprint_fields_automatic.pl or user_fields_automatic.pl).


When a data objects is generating warnings about its state (e.g. missing or inappropriate metadata field values). (Not currently implemented. use $c->{<DATASET>_warnings} setting, e.g. $c->{eprint_warnings} in eprint_warnings.pl).


When a file associated with a data object has been modified (e.g. new thumbnails will need to be generated if the file they are based on has changed or added).


Generate special preview versions for certain documents.

$c->add_dataset_trigger( "document", EPrints::Const::EP_TRIGGER_FILES_MODIFIED, sub
    my( %args ) = @_;
    my( $session, $doc ) = @args{qw( repository dataobj )};

    my $eprint = $doc->get_parent;

    # abridged from bin/generate_previews
    my $dir = $session->get_repository->get_conf("archiveroot" )."/cfg/static/previews/".$eprint->get_id;

    return  unless $doc->get_value("main") =~ /\.(pdf|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|ppt|pptx|md)$/i or  $doc->get_value( "format" ) eq "code";

    $dir .= "/" . $doc->get_id;
    my $preview_source = $session->get_repository->get_conf("archiveroot" ) . "/cfg/static/previews/" . $eprint->get_id . "/" . $doc->get_id;

    # clear any old versions
    if( -e $preview_source ) 
        remove_tree $preview_source;

    my $file_path = $doc->local_path . '/' . $doc->get_main;

    my $script = $session->get_repository->get_conf("base_path") . "/ingredients/preview_generate/bin/previews/make_pages.sh";
    if( $doc->get_value( "format" ) eq "code" )
        $script = $session->get_repository->get_conf("base_path") . /ingredients/preview_generate/bin/previews/make_code_preview.sh";

    my $docid = $doc->get_id;
    `$script "$file_path" "$dir" "$docid"`;



When a data object is destroyed.


Remove indexing from Xapian if eprint is removed.

$c->add_dataset_trigger( "eprint", EP_TRIGGER_REMOVED, sub {
    my( %params ) = @_;

    my $repo = $params{repository};
    my $dataobj = $params{dataobj};
    my $dataset = $dataobj->dataset;

    if( !$repo->config( 'xapian', 'enabled' ) )
    EPrints::DataObj::EventQueue->create_unique( $repo, {
        pluginid => "Event::Xapian",
        action => "remove_index",
        params => [$dataobj->get_id],
    return EP_TRIGGER_OK;