Shibboleth authentication

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Shibboleth Authentication

TIMTOWTDI (There Is More That One Way To Do It)

This is a work in progress

There are still errors in the fine detail, but the basic concept it valid

This is the system I implemented for using with the UK Access management Federation (which is a Shibboleth implimentation).

How Shibboleth Works

The UK-AMF authentication is reasonably complicated:

  • The user is directed to a Shibboleth authentication point, supplying a Context URL.
  • Once the user has been authenticated, the Context URL is called.
  • The Context URL processes the data from the authentication point and returns a URL with an initiated session (however (if!) the web site uses session management)
  • The user's browser is redirected to that URL (effectively by their own browser)

How to make EPrints do this

There are two problems when implimenting this under EPrints:

  • EPrints does it's session management in a cookie not via a URL parameter
    • It is desirable to leave as much of that session management as standard as possible.
  • The user Authentication (and Identification) and the actual Login process are done in different places, with multiple HTTP page calls.
    • Passing user identification details as parameters in an insecure http request means that someone can fake authenticated credentials and thus get access when they shouldn't.

What I have implemented is something similar to the standard eprints login_ticket system: the context URL phase sets some entries in an authorisation table, and then the main EPrints code just pulls the identity parameters from the table.

Adding a table to the database

In perl_lib/EPrints/ add the following code: In sub create_archive_tables, add

	$success = $success && $self->create_auth_tickets_table();

and then add the following two mathods

# $db->create_auth_tickets_table()
# create the auth_tickets table.

sub create_auth_tickets_table
  my( $self ) = @_;

  my $sql = "CREATE TABLE auth_tickets ( code CHAR(32) NOT NULL, puid VARCHAR(255), orgid VARCHAR(64), expires INTEGER, primary key( code ) )";

  return $self->do( $sql );

# $db->get_auth_puid( $code )
# return the puid, if any, associated with the given auth ticket code.

sub get_auth_puid
  my( $self, $code ) = @_;

  my $sql;

  # clean up old tickets
  $sql = "DELETE FROM auth_tickets WHERE ".time." > expires";
  $self->do( $sql );

  $sql = "SELECT puid,orgid FROM auth_tickets WHERE code='".prep_value($code)."'";
  my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
  $self->execute( $sth , $sql );
  my( $puid, $orgid ) = $sth->fetchrow_array;

  return ($puid, $orgid);

The Authentication routine

I have all my authentication routines in the same place (perl_lib/EPrints/myCode/ which makes it available in multiple places.

The Shibboleth routine is:

sub shibb_autho {
   my ($session) = @_;
   my $authentication_point = 'https://Your.Shibb.Authentication.Point/with/path';
   my $code;
   my $puid;
   my $orgid;
   if (! $session->have_parameters)
    my $args = $session->{'request'}->args();
     $args =~ /code=(.*?)[&;\b]/;
     $secret_code = $1; # $r->param('secret_code');
   else {
     $secret_code = $session->param('code');
   my $ath_returl = $session->get_full_url;
  unless ($secret_code) {
    my $code = EPrints::Apache::AnApache::cookie( $session->get_request, "eprints_session" );
    $ath_returl .= "&code=$code";  # append parameter to URL
            url => '$authentication_point',
            params => {
              context => $ath_returl,
              service => 'depot',


  ($puid, $orgid) = $session->{database}->get_auth_puid( $secret_code ); 
  return unless $puid;
  my %return_hash = (
           UserID     => $puid,
           OrgID      => $orgid,

  return \%return_hash;


Looking at the code, it breaks down into two main parts:

  • If there is no secret code then we assume the user has not been via the authentication point, and send them there
  • If we have a secret code then we use it as the index for the authentication table, and pull out the puid.
    • if we don't get a puid, return (as a failure)
    • if we have got a puid, build a return-hash and send it back.

The context URL

The script for reading the authentication details needs to be within the EPrints server, and ideally protected by a secure (https) connection.

The actual code is very simple: get the EPrints session code from the EPpints cookie, and use that as the index for the data supplied by the Shibboleth authentication server.

use EPrints;

use strict;

my $context;
my $puid;
my $orgid;
my $uri;
my $code;

my $session = new EPrints::Session;
exit( 0 ) unless( defined $session );

$context    = $session->param('context');
$context =~ /code=(\w+)$/;
$code = $1; # $r->param('code');

if ( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $code ) )
    $puid       = $session->param('id'  );
    $orgid      = $session->param('rorg');
    my $sql = "REPLACE INTO auth_tickets VALUES( '".
              EPrints::Database::prep_value($code).  # the ticket-code
              "', '".
              EPrints::Database::prep_value($puid).  # puid
              "', '".
              EPrints::Database::prep_value($orgid). # orgid
              "', ".
              (time+60*5).                           # expire-time (5 minutes from now)
              " )";
    my $sth = $session->{'database'}->do( $sql );

    $uri = "$context";
  } else {
    $uri = $session->get_repository->get_conf( "base_url" )."cgi/register";
  print "$uri\n";

} else {
  my %opts = ();
  my @a = ();
  for(1..16) { push @a, sprintf( "%02X",int rand 256 ); }
  $opts{code} = join( "", @a );
  $session->set_cookies( %opts );
  $session->redirect( $session->get_repository->get_conf( "base_url" )."cgi/register" );
  return Apache2::Const::DONE;
print "$uri\n";


Using the code

Using the code is now pretty easy:

    $authorise = EPrints::myCode::Autho::shibb_autho($session);
    unless ( $authorise )
        return mk_err_page( 
     $v->{puid} = $authorise->{'edinaUserID'};