PDF PublicationList

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Revision as of 10:53, 31 July 2015 by Pjw@repositoryservices.co.uk (talk | contribs) (Adding a link to the PDF List)
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This is an export plugin developed for the University of St.Gallen

Adding a link to the PDF List

If MePrints is installed then an additional action will be added to the "homepage" action list that will display the pdf publication list.

This is provided by the EPrints::Plugin::Screen::User::ExportPdf plugin which can be customised to suit your needs

The list can also be added to the public MePrints profile page by editing the user profile citation (usually cfg/citations/user/profile.xml ) to add:

<epc:print expr="$item.get_publication_list_url()"/>

This works because the config file adds a get_publication_list_url ep script call for the User dataset (see run_get_publication_list_url in cfg/cfg.d/z_hsg_profile_pdf.pl).


The elements displayed in the pdf and all the parameters that control the look of the pdf are contained in the config file cfg/cfg.d/z_hsg_profile_pdf.pl

Here you can change the logo, the fonts and font sizes and colours and the categories used to group the publications.

If you wish to change more details such as the user citation, then it will be necessary to edit the plugin that generates the pdf file (EPrints::Plugin::Export::UserPDF).