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To activate the canonical profile URLs, add '''/profile''' to the rewrite_exceptions list in your cfg/cfg.d/urls.pl configuration file:
To activate the canonical profile URLs, add "/profile/" to the rewrite_exceptions list in your cfg/cfg.d/urls.pl configuration file:

Revision as of 09:14, 29 September 2009

For an overview of MePrints features, see MePrintsOverview.

Installation (EPrints 3.1+)

Download the latest release to your local repository directory (eg. /opt/eprints3/archives/ARCHIVEID/).

Extract files:

tar xzvf meprints_xx.tgz

Install bin scripts

Edit the bin/generate_meprints file and check the include path on the first line. For example if you have installed EPrints in /var/lib/eprints3 change the line from:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w -I/opt/eprints3/perl_lib


#!/usr/bin/perl -w -I/var/lib/eprints3/perl_lib

Install cgi scripts

Link the MePrints cgi scripts into the EPrints cgi directory:

ln -s /opt/eprints3/archives/ARCHIVEID/cgi/meprints/ /opt/eprints3/cgi/
ln -s /opt/eprints3/archives/ARCHIVEID/cgi/users/meprints/ /opt/eprints3/cgi/users/

Update database

Add the new MePrints user fields (defined in cfg/cfg.d/z_meprints.pl) to your repository database:

cd /opt/eprints3/
bin/epadmin update_database_structure ARCHIVEID --verbose

Apply MePrints patch

Apply the MePrints patch file:

cd /opt/eprints3
patch -R -p0 < archives/ARCHIVE_ID/meprints_1.0.patch

This patch changes two core EPrints modules:

  1. DataSet.pm - add a new dataset called public_profile_users which is the set of all users who have opted to make their public profile page visible.
  2. Update/Views.pm - allow view pages to be generated for any dataset (MePrints adds views over the public_profile_users dataset)

Getting Started

To activate MePrints, you will need to make some changes to your repository setup.


Add the following lines to your cfg/cfg.d/plugins.pl configuration file: to use the MePrints homepage instead instead of the default EPrints "Profile" page:

$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::User::View"}->{appears}->{key_tools} = undef;
$c->{plugin_alias_map}->{"Screen::User::View"} = "Screen::User::Homepage";


Add the following lines to your cfg/cfg.d/user_fields_automatic.pl configuration file to update the MePrints public profile page automatically when a user changes his or her profile information,

$c->{user_fields_automatic} = sub {

        my $user = @_;


        if( defined $user->{changed} )



Add the following directives to your cfg/apachevhost.conf configuration file to enable canonical profile URLs (for example http://myrepository.com/profile/jsmith):

<Location "/profile">
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlResponseHandler EPrints::Plugin::MePrints::MePrintsHandler


To activate the canonical profile URLs, add "/profile/" to the rewrite_exceptions list in your cfg/cfg.d/urls.pl configuration file:

$c->{rewrite_exceptions} = [ '/cgi/', '/archive/', '/profile/' ];


Add the following lines to your cfg/workflows/user/default.xml configuration file:

 <stage name="default">

   <component type="Field::Multi">
     <title><epc:phrase ref="user_section_personal" /></title>

   <component type="Field::Multi">
     <title><epc:phrase ref="user_section_meprints" /></title>
     <field ref="profile_visibility" required="yes"/>
     <field ref="jobtitle"/>
     <field ref="expertise"/>
     <field ref="biography"/>
     <field ref="qualifications"/>


To replace the default EPrints user citation with the MePrints thumbnail citation:

cp cfg/citations/user/default_with_thumbnail.xml cfg/citations/user/default.xml

Note: if you have already made changes to the default citation, you will want to examine both files and merge the MePrints changes into default.xml


After applying all the changes above, restart Apache to activate MePrints.


Log into your repository and should see your MePrints Homepage.

Update profile

Click the Modify Profile button and add some information to the new MePrints fields (Job Title, Expertise, Biography, Qualifications).Set your Profile Visibility to Public. Click the Save button to return to your Homepage where the information you entered should now be displayed.

Upload photo

Click the Profile Picture button, choose a file and click Upload. You will be returned to your Homepage where your picture will now be displayed.

MePrints Widgets

By default your homepage displays several widgets (see user_homepage_defaults setting in cfg/cfg.d/z_meprints.pl). Try adding and removing widgets using the widget controls at the bottom of the screen. You can also rearrange widgets by dragging them up/down or between columns. To reset to the default widget layout click the Reset button in the widget control bar.

Public Profile

Enter the following URL to view your public profile page:


where USERNAME is your EPrints username. The layout of the MePrints widgets on your profile page is controlled by the user_profile_defaults setting in cfg/cfg.d/z_meprints.pl.


Change profile information, check profile page gets updated.

MePrints Views


bin/generate_views ARCHIVEID --generate menus

Check http://my.repository.org/view/ - you should see 2 extra views. You may want to link these into your template.

MePrints search

Go to:



MePrints for admins

Hide Profile


  • change phrase "Homepage" to "MePrints Homepage" !WONT DO!

Fixed in 1.0-rc1-7:

  • There are a few missing phrases - ["Plugin/Screen/User/UploadPicture:resetpic_success" not defined] ["Plugin/Screen/User/UploadPicture:upload_failure" not defined]
  • The user functions are now in a toolbar but they also have their own widget. The widget should probably be removed.
  • EPrints::Plugin::MePrints::MePrintsHandler does not check if $repository is defined (line 19)
  • EPrints::Plugin::MePrints::Layout::get_widgets should "my @ids = $self->{session}->plugin_list( type => 'MePrints' );" (line 205) to make it work on EP 3.2!

Fixed in 1.0-rc1-6:

  • bin/generate_meprints should have -I/opt/eprints3/perl_lib by default instead of seb's local install path... Oops.
  • the search writes the number of results in the errorlog: to remove. (It looks like: "1 users found.")

Fixed in 1.0-rc1-5:

  • QuickLinks widget should use render_action_list_bar to display available actions below the user details/picture (links currently have BAD URLs)
  • when an admin searches for a user account, they see their OWN homepage, not the user's (use $processor->{user} not $session->current_user
  • the widget control bar (add/remove/reset) should only be available if $processor->{user} = $session->current_user
  • add "user_section_meprints" phrase -> "MePrints"
  • phrase "Plugin/Screen/User/UploadPicture:upload_success missing
  • cgi/meprints/profile - return() line 9?
  • wrong URL in citations/user/default_with_thumbnail.xml
  • missing phrase "Plugin/Screen/Public/MePrintsSearch:title"
  • searching using cgi/meprints/search gives Internal Server Error
  • bin/generate_views ARCHIVEID - This yields an unblessed reference error after installing everything. (The message is; Can't call method "is_browsable" on unblessed reference at /usr/share/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/Update/Views.pm line 1041.)



  • When dragging and dropping Widgets around, MePrints shows database errors in the error log. Although everything seems to be working:
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry '1-0' for key 1 at /opt/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/Database.pm line 1192.
at /opt/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/Database.pm line 1192
EPrints::Database::insert('EPrints::Database::mysql=HASH(0x2b593e11ebd0)', 'user_items_fields', 'ARRAY(0x2b593bd00510)', 'ARRAY(0x2b593e8e2930)', 'ARRAY(0x2b593e9dbfc0)', 'ARRAY(0x2b593e9c8220)') called at /opt/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/Database.pm line 1526 ETC
This is a known problem: I do not know how to fix up since this happens "once in a while". Maybe a concurrent DB access.
  • bin/generate_views ARCHIVEID --generate menus - On EPrints 3.1.3 this yields Use of uninitialized value $id in hash element at /usr/share/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/Database.pm line 2979. and doesn't add the appropriate links to the top of the screen.
Note: the above was reported on TRAC and will be fixed in EPrints 3.1.4: http://trac.eprints.org/trac/ticket/3537