Installing EPrints using Docker

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Simple EPrints 3.4 docker setup.

- Justin Bradley, July 2019

Sets up two containers, one for the database, the second for httpd and eprints.

Needs Docker and Docker Compose, if you install Docker Desktop you get both of these.

Edit docker-compose.yml and set EPRINTS_HOSTNAME to the name of your host machine, localhost is the default and fine if running locally.

Disable any services binding to port 80, ie apache httpd.

EPrints publications installation will be available via http://yourhost once set up.

User: admin

Password: admin123

build and start

$ docker-compose up --build -d

normal start

$ docker-compose up -d

shut down

$ docker-compose down

There are a few issues.

- The indexer often fails to start automatically.

- Some additional perl modules may be required for some import/export libraries.