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EPrints 3 Reference: Directory Structure - Metadata Fields - Repository Configuration - XML Config Files - XML Export Format - EPrints data structure - Core API - Data Objects

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This file contains configuration for a generalised validating metadata fields within a data object with the validate_field function.


The following example checks if the value(s) of a metadata field:

  1. Are 'loosely' URLs if the field type is EPrints::MetaField::URL.
  2. Have both a non-empty family and given sub-field if the field is of type EPrints::MetaField::Name.
  3. Are Email addresses if the field type is EPrints::MetaField::Email.
  4. Are no longer than the maxlength attibute for the field.
  5. username is being changed on a user data object and this will lead it to have the same username as another user. (Unless EPrints allow_duplicate_usernames configuration allows this).
$c->{validate_field} = sub
  my( $field, $value, $repository, $for_archive ) = @_;

  my $xml = $repository->xml();

  # only apply checks if the value is set
  return () if !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $value );

  my @problems = ();


  my $values = ref($value) eq "ARRAY" ? $value : [$value];

  # closure for generating the field link fragment
  my $f_fieldname = sub {
    my $f = defined $field->property( "parent" ) ? $field->property( "parent" ) : $field;
    my $fieldname = $xml->create_element( "span", class=>"ep_problem_field:".$f->get_name );
    $fieldname->appendChild( $f->render_name( $repository ) );
    return $fieldname;

  # Loop over actual individual values to check URLs, names and emails
  foreach my $v (@$values)
    next unless EPrints::Utils::is_set( $v );

    if( $field->isa( "EPrints::MetaField::Url" ) )
      # Valid URI check (very loose)
      if( $v !~ /^\w+:/ )
        push @problems, $repository->html_phrase( "validate:missing_http", fieldname=>&$f_fieldname );
    elsif( $field->isa( "EPrints::MetaField::Name" ) )
      # Check a name has a family part
      if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $v->{family} ) )
        push @problems, $repository->html_phrase( "validate:missing_family", fieldname=>&$f_fieldname );
      # Check a name has a given part
      elsif( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $v->{given} ) )
        push @problems, $repository->html_phrase( "validate:missing_given", fieldname=>&$f_fieldname );
    elsif( $field->isa( "EPrints::MetaField::Email" ) )
      # Check an email looks "ok". Just checks it has only one "@" and no
      # spaces.
      if( $v !~ /^[^ \@]+\@[^ \@]+$/ )
        push @problems,$repository->html_phrase( "validate:bad_email", fieldname=>&$f_fieldname );

    # Check for overly long values
    # Applies to all subclasses of Id: Text, Longtext, Url etc.
    if( $field->isa( "EPrints::MetaField::Id" ) )
      if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $v ) && length($v) > $field->property( "maxlength" ) )
        push @problems, $repository->html_phrase( "validate:truncated", fieldname=>&$f_fieldname );

    # Unless duplicate usernames are explicitly permitted do not allow username to be changed to that of an existing user
    if ( $field->get_name eq "username" && $field->dataset->id eq "user" && defined $repository->param( 'dataobj' ) && !$repository->config( "allow_duplicate_usernames" ) )
      my $user_with_username = EPrints::DataObj::User::user_with_username( $repository, $v );
      my $current_user = $field->dataset->dataobj( $repository->param( 'dataobj' ) );
      if ( $user_with_username->id ne $current_user->id )
        push @problems, $repository->html_phrase( "validate:duplicate_username", username => $repository->make_text( $v ) );

  return( @problems );