Customizing RSS Output

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Revision as of 15:48, 4 August 2006 by Pigpen (talk | contribs)
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How to customize RSS output to show an institution's or person's last n publications:

1. Edit /opt/eprints2/archives/<archive_id>/cfg/'s "Latest_tool Configuration" section to read:

$c->{latest_tool_modes} = {
	default => { citation => "neat" },
	person => {
		citation => "neat",
		filters => [
			{ meta_fields => [ "", "" ], value => "" }
		allow_user_value => 1,
		max => 10
	institution => {
		citation => "neat",
		filters => [
			{ meta_fields => [ "institutions" ], value => "" }
		allow_user_value => 1,
		max => 20

2. Alter /opt/eprints2/cgi/latest_tool (starting from line 45) to read:

if( defined $conf )
	my $allow_user_value = 0;
	foreach my $key (keys %{$conf} )
		$citation = $conf->{"citation"} if( $key eq "citation" );
		$filters = $conf->{"filters"} if( $key eq "filters" );
		$allow_user_value = $conf->{"allow_user_value"} if( $key eq "allow_user_value" );
		$max = $conf->{"max"} if( $key eq "max" );
	if ( $allow_user_value ) {
		my $value = $session->param( "value" );
		if ( defined $value ) {
			@$filters[0]->{"value"} = $value;
	$class.= "_".$mode;

3. Restart Apache.

Your customized RSS feeds will be located at

  • http://<base_url>/perl/latest_tool?mode=person&value=<person_id>&output=rss
  • http://<base_url>/perl/latest_tool?mode=institution&value=<institution_id>&output=rss