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  -->{{Pod2Wiki}}{{API:Source|file=EPrints/Database.pm|package_name=EPrints::Database}}[[Category:API|Database]]<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
  -->{{API}}{{Pod2Wiki}}{{API:Source|file=perl_lib/EPrints/Database.pm|package_name=EPrints::Database}}[[Category:API|DATABASE]][[Category:API:EPrints/Database|DATABASE]]<div><!-- Edit below this comment -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_name -->=NAME=
'''EPrints::Database''' - a connection to the SQL database for an eprints session.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_description -->=DESCRIPTION=
EPrints Database Access Module
Provides access to the backend database. All database access done via this module, in the hope that the backend can be replaced as easily as possible.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=_private_ --><!-- Pod2Wiki=head_name -->
'''EPrints::Database''' - a connection to the SQL database for an eprints session
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The database object is created automatically when you start a new eprints session. To get a handle on it use:
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_synopsis -->
<source lang="perl">$db = $repo->database
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT 'hello, world!'");
print $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0], "\n";</source>
$db = $session-&gt;get_repository
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_cross_database_support -->==Cross-database Support==
Any use of SQL must use quote_identifier to quote database tables and columns. The only exception to this are the Database::* modules which provide database-driver specific extensions.
Variables that are database quoted are prefixed with 'Q_'.
<!-- Pod2Wiki= -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_description -->
EPrints Database Access Module
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Provides access to the backend database. All database access is performed via this module to 1) provide cross-database support and 2) improve security through enforcing proper quoting of SQL values.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_build_connection_string -->===build_connection_string===
  $dbstr = EPrints::Database::build_connection_string( %params )
In most use-cases it should not be necessary to use the database module directly. Instead you should use [[API:EPrints/DataSet|EPrints::DataSet]] or [[API:EPrints/MetaField|EPrints::MetaField]] accessor methods to access objects and field values respectively.
Build the string to use to connect to the database via DBI. %params  must contain dbname, and may also contain dbport, dbhost and dbsock.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_new -->===new===
  $db = EPrints::Database-&gt;new( $session )
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_cross_database_support -->
===Cross-database Support===
Any use of SQL statements must use [[API:EPrints/Database#quote_identifier|quote_identifier]] to quote database tables and columns and [[API:EPrints/Database#quote_value|quote_value]] to quote values. The only exception to this are the EPrints::Database::* modules which provide database-driver specific extensions.
Create a connection to the database.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_connect -->===connect===
  $foo = $db-&gt;connect
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_quoting_sql_values -->
===Quoting SQL Values===
By convention variables that contain already quoted values are prefixed with 'Q_' so they can be easily recognised when used in string interpolation:
Connects to the database.
<pre>  my $Q_value = $db-&gt;quote_value( "Hello, World!" );
  $db-&gt;do("SELECT $Q_value");</pre>
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Where possible you should avoid quoting values yourself, instead use a method that accepts unquoted values which will (safely) do the work for you.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_disconnect -->===disconnect===
  $foo = $db-&gt;disconnect
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Disconnects from the EPrints database. Should always be done before any script exits.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_error -->===error===
<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_methods -->
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  $errstr = $db-&gt;error
Return a string describing the last SQL error.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_database -->
$db = EPrints::Database-&gt;new( $repo )
Create a connection to the database.
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$db = $db-&gt;create( $username, $password )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_begin -->===begin===
Create and connect to a new database using super user account $username and $password.
$ok = $db-&gt;connect
Connects to the database.
Begin a transaction.
Disconnects from the EPrints database.
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$db-&gt;set_debug( $boolean )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_commit -->===commit===
Set the SQL debug mode to true or false.
$db-&gt;set_version( $versionid );
Set the version id table in the SQL database to the given value (used by the upgrade script).
Commit the previous begun transaction.
$version = $db-&gt;get_version
Returns the current database schema version.
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$boolean = $db-&gt;is_latest_version
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_rollback -->===rollback===
Return true if the database schema is in the correct configuration for this version of eprints. Otherwise false.
$version = $db-&gt;get_server_version
Return the database server version.
Rollback the partially completed transaction.
$charset = $db-&gt;get_default_charset( LANGUAGE )
Return the character set to use for LANGUAGE.
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Returns undef if character sets are unsupported.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_archive_tables -->===create_archive_tables===
  $success = $db-&gt;create_archive_tables
$collation = $db-&gt;get_default_collation( LANGUAGE )
Return the collation to use for LANGUAGE.
Create all the SQL tables for each dataset.
Returns undef if collation is unsupported.
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$driver = $db-&gt;get_driver_name
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_dataset_tables -->===create_dataset_tables===
Return the database driver name.
  $success = $db-&gt;create_dataset_tables( $dataset )
$errstr = $db-&gt;error
Return a string describing the last SQL error.
Create all the SQL tables for a single dataset.
$bool = $db-&gt;retry_error
Returns true if the current error is a retry error.
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$bool = $db-&gt;duplicate_error
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_drop_dataset_tables -->===drop_dataset_tables===
Returns true if the current error is a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE error.
  $db-&gt;drop_dataset_tables( $dataset )
Begin a transaction.
Drop all the SQL tables for a single dataset.
Commit the previously begun transaction.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_dataset_index_tables -->===create_dataset_index_tables===
Roll-back the current transaction.
  $success = $db-&gt;create_dataset_index_tables( $dataset )
$type_info = $db-&gt;type_info( DATA_TYPE )
See {{API:PodLink|file=DBI|package_name=DBI|section=type_info|text=DBI/type_info}}.
Create all the index tables for a single dataset.
$real_type = $db-&gt;get_column_type( NAME, TYPE, NOT_NULL, [ LENGTH/PRECISION ], [ SCALE ], %opts )
Returns a SQL column definition for NAME of type TYPE, usually something like:
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<pre> $name $type($length,$scale) [ NOT NULL ]</pre>
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_dataset_ordervalues_tables -->===create_dataset_ordervalues_tables===
  $success = $db-&gt;create_dataset_ordervalues_tables( $dataset )
If NOT_NULL is true column will be set "not null".
Create all the ordervalues tables for a single dataset.
LENGTH/PRECISION and SCALE control the maximum lengths of character or decimal types (see below).
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Other options available to refine the column definition:
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_column_type -->===get_column_type===
   $real_type = $db-&gt;get_column_type( NAME, TYPE, NOT_NULL, [, LENGTH ] )
<pre>  langid - character set/collation to use
   sorted - whether this column will be used to order by</pre>
Returns a column definition for NAME of type TYPE. If NOT_NULL is true the column will be created NOT NULL. For column types that require a length use LENGTH.
'''langid''' is mapped to real database values by the "dblanguages" configuration option. The database may not be able to order the request column type in which case, if '''sorted''' is true, the database may use a substitute column type.
TYPE is the SQL type. The types are constants defined by this module, to import them use:
TYPE is the SQL type. The types are constants defined by this module, to import them use:
  use EPrints::Database qw( :sql_types );
<pre>  use EPrints::Database qw( :sql_types );</pre>
Supported types (n = requires LENGTH argument):
Supported types (n = requires LENGTH argument):
Floating-point data: SQL_REAL, SQL_DOUBLE.
Floating-point data: SQL_REAL, SQL_DOUBLE.
Line 135: Line 157:
Time data: SQL_DATE, SQL_TIME.
Time data: SQL_DATE, SQL_TIME.
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The actual column types used will be database-specific.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_table -->===create_table===
  $success = $db-&gt;create_table( $tablename, $dataset, $setkey, @fields );
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Create the tables used to store metadata for this dataset: the main table and any required for multiple or mulitlang fields.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_has_sequence -->===has_sequence===
<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_basic_sql_operations -->
===Basic SQL operations===
  $boolean = $db-&gt;has_sequence( $name )
$success = $db-&gt;do( $sql )
Execute the given SQL.
Return true if a sequence of the given name exists in the database.
$sth = $db-&gt;prepare( $sql )
Prepare the SQL statement $sql for execution.
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Use the <code>execute</code> method on the returned {{API:PodLink|file=DBI|package_name=DBI|section=|text=DBI}} handle to execute the SQL:
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_sequence -->===create_sequence===
  $success = $db-&gt;create_sequence( $seq_name )
<pre>  my $sth = $db-&gt;prepare_select( "SELECT 'Hello, World'" );
Creates a new sequence object initialised to zero.
$sth = $db-&gt;prepare_select( $sql [, %options ] )
Prepare a SELECT statement $sql for execution. This method provides cross-database support for getting a part of the result list based on an offset/limit.
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Returns a {{API:PodLink|file=DBI|package_name=DBI|section=|text=DBI}} statement handle.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_drop_sequence -->===drop_sequence===
  $success = $db-&gt;drop_sequence( $seq_name )
Deletes a sequence object.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_primary_key -->===get_primary_key===
  @columns = $db-&gt;get_primary_key( $tablename )
Returns the list of column names that comprise the primary key for $tablename.
Returns empty list if no primary key exists.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_index -->===create_index===
  $success = $db-&gt;create_index( $tablename, @columns )
Creates an index over @columns for $tablename. Returns true on success.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_unique_index -->===create_unique_index===
  $success = $db-&gt;create_unique_index( $tablename, @columns )
Creates a unique index over @columns for $tablename. Returns true on success.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item__update -->===_update===
  $success = $db-&gt;_update( $tablename, $keycols, $keyvals, $columns, @values )
UDATES $tablename where $keycols equals $keyvals.
This method is internal.
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<pre>  limit - limit the number of rows returned
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item__update_quoted -->===_update_quoted===
  offset - return limit number of rows after offset</pre>
  $success = $db-&gt;_update_quoted( $tablename, $keycols, $keyvals, $columns, @values )
$rows = $db-&gt;update( $tablename, $keycols, $keyvals, $columns, $values )
UPDATEs $columns with the equivalent slot from $values where the rows in $tablename match the $keycols/$keyvals.
UDATES $tablename where $keycols equals $keyvals. Won't quote @keyvals or @values before use - use this method with care!
Returns the number of rows affected or false on error, see {{API:PodLink|file=DBI|package_name=DBI|section=|text=DBI}}'s execute() method.
This method is internal.
<pre>  $db-&gt;update(
    ['Hello, World!', undef]
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$success = $db-&gt;update_quoted( $tablename, $keycols, $keyvals, $columns, $Q_values )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_insert -->===insert===
UPDATEs $tablename where $keycols equals $keyvals.
  $success = $db-&gt;insert( $table, $columns, @values )
Returns the number of rows affected or false on error, see {{API:PodLink|file=DBI|package_name=DBI|section=|text=DBI}}'s execute() method.
$success = $db-&gt;insert( $table, $columns, @values )
Inserts values into the table $table. If $columns is defined it will be used as a list of columns to insert into. @values is a list of arrays containing values to insert.
Inserts values into the table $table. If $columns is defined it will be used as a list of columns to insert into. @values is a list of arrays containing values to insert.
Values will be quoted before insertion.
Values will be quoted before insertion.
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$success = $db-&gt;insert_quoted( $table, $columns, @Q_values )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_insert_quoted -->===insert_quoted===
Inserts values into the table $table. If $columns is defined it will be used as a list of columns to insert into. @qvalues is a list of arrays containing values to insert.
  $success = $db-&gt;insert_quoted( $table, $columns, @values )
Inserts values into the table $table. If $columns is defined it will be used as a list of columns to insert into. @values is a list of arrays containing values to insert.
Values will NOT be quoted before insertion - care must be exercised!
Values will NOT be quoted before insertion - care must be exercised!
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$success = $db-&gt;delete_from( $table, $columns, @values )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_delete_from -->===delete_from===
  $success = $db-&gt;delete_from( $table, $columns, @values )
Perform a SQL DELETE FROM $table using $columns to build a where clause. @values is a list of array references of values in the same order as $columns.
Perform a SQL DELETE FROM $table using $columns to build a where clause. @values is a list of array references of values in the same order as $columns.
If you want to clear a table completely use clear_table().
If you want to clear a table completely use clear_table().
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$n = $db-&gt;count_table( $tablename )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_add_record -->===add_record===
Return the number of rows in the specified SQL table.
  $success = $db-&gt;add_record( $dataset, $data )
$db-&gt;clear_table( $tablename )
Clears all records from the given table, use with caution!
Add the given data as a new record in the given dataset. $data is a reference to a hash containing values structured for a record in the that dataset.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_prep_int -->===prep_int===
  $mungedvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_int( $value )
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_quoting -->
$mungedvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_int( $value )
Escape a numerical value for SQL. undef becomes NULL. Anything else becomes a number (zero if needed).
Escape a numerical value for SQL. undef becomes NULL. Anything else becomes a number (zero if needed).
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$mungedvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_value( $value )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_prep_value -->===prep_value===
  $mungedvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_value( $value )
Escape a value for SQL. Modify value such that " becomes \" and \  becomes \\ and ' becomes \'
Escape a value for SQL. Modify value such that " becomes \" and \  becomes \\ and ' becomes \'
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$mungedvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_like_value( $value )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_prep_like_value -->===prep_like_value===
  $mungedvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_like_value( $value )
Escape an value for an SQL like field. In addition to ' " and \ also  escapes % and _
Escape an value for an SQL like field. In addition to ' " and \ also  escapes % and _
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$str = $db-&gt;quote_value( $value )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_quote_value -->===quote_value===
  $str = EPrints::Database::quote_value( $value )
Return a quoted value. To quote a 'like' value you should do:
Return a quoted value. To quote a 'like' value you should do:
my $str = $database-&gt;quote_value( EPrints::Database::prep_like_value( $foo ) . '%' );
<pre> my $str = $database-&gt;quote_value( EPrints::Database::prep_like_value( $foo ) . '%' );</pre>
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_quote_int -->===quote_int===
  $str = EPrints::Database::quote_int( $value )
$str = $db-&gt;quote_int( $value )
Return a quoted integer value
Return a quoted integer value
$str = $db-&gt;quote_binary( $bytes )
Some databases (Oracle/PostgreSQL) require transforms of binary data to work correctly.
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This method should be called on data containing nul bytes or back-slashes before being passed on [[API:EPrints/Database#quote_value|quote_value]].
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_quote_identifier -->===quote_identifier===
  $str = EPrints::Database::quote_identifier( @parts )
$str = $db-&gt;quote_ordervalue( $field, $value )
Some databases (Oracle) can't order by CLOBS so need special treatment when creating the ordervalues tables. This method allows any fixing-up required for string data before it's inserted.
$str = $db-&gt;quote_identifier( @parts )
Quote a database identifier (e.g. table names). Multiple @parts will be joined by dot.
Quote a database identifier (e.g. table names). Multiple @parts will be joined by dot.
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$sql = $db-&gt;prepare_regexp( $quoted_column, $quoted_value )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_update -->===update===
The syntax used for regular expressions varies across databases. This method takes two '''quoted''' values and returns a SQL expression that will apply the regexp ($quoted_value) to the column ($quoted_column).
  $success = $db-&gt;update( $dataset, $data, $insert )
$sql = $db-&gt;sql_AS()
Returns the syntactic glue to use when aliasing. SQL 92 DBs will happilly use " AS " but some DBs (Oracle!) won't accept it.
Updates a record in the database with the given $data. Obviously the value of the primary key must be set.
$sql = $db-&gt;sql_LIKE()
Returns the syntactic glue to use when making a case-insensitive LIKE. PostgreSQL requires "ILIKE" while everything else uses "LIKE" and the column collation.
This also updates the text indexes and the ordering keys.
$sql = $db-&gt;sql_IS_SET( $qname )
Return the SQL to test whether $qname is set. For most databases this will be:
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<pre> $qname is not null AND $qname != ''</pre>
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_remove -->===remove===
  $success = $db-&gt;remove( $dataset, $id )
$qname is a quoted identifier or value.
Attempts to remove the record with the primary key $id from the  specified dataset.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_counters -->===create_counters===
  $success = $db-&gt;create_counters
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_counters -->
$n = $db-&gt;counter_current( $counter )
Return the value of the previous counter_next on $counter.
Create the counters used to store the highest current id of eprints, users etc.
$n = $db-&gt;counter_next( $counter )
Return the next unused value for the named counter. Returns undef if  the counter doesn't exist.
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$db-&gt;counter_minimum( $counter, $value )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_has_counter -->===has_counter===
Ensure that the counter is set no lower than $value. This is used when importing eprints which may not be in scrict sequence.
  $success = $db-&gt;has_counter( $counter )
$db-&gt;counter_reset( $counter )
Reset the counter. Use with caution.
Returns true if $counter exists.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_counter -->===create_counter===
  $success = $db-&gt;create_counter( $name )
Create and initialise to zero a new counter called $name.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_remove_counters -->===remove_counters===
  $success = $db-&gt;remove_counters
Destroy all counters.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_drop_counter -->===drop_counter===
  $success = $db-&gt;drop_counter( $name )
Destroy the counter named $name.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_next_doc_pos -->===next_doc_pos===
  $n = $db-&gt;next_doc_pos( $eprintid )
$n = $db-&gt;next_doc_pos( $eprintid )
Return the next unused document pos for the given eprintid.
Return the next unused document pos for the given eprintid.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_counter_current -->===counter_current===
  $n = $db-&gt;counter_current( $counter )
Return the value of the previous counter_next on $counter.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_dataset_data -->
===Dataset data===
$boolean = $db-&gt;exists( $dataset, $id )
Return true if a record with the given primary key exists in the dataset, otherwise false.
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$success = $db-&gt;insert_data( $dataset, $data )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_counter_next -->===counter_next===
Add the given data as a new record in the given dataset. $data is a reference to a hash containing values structured for a record in the that dataset.
  $n = $db-&gt;counter_next( $counter )
Returns undef if a record already exists with the key field value in $data.
Return the next unused value for the named counter. Returns undef if the counter doesn't exist.
Inserts ordervalues if the dataset is [[API:EPrints/DataSet#ordered|ordered]].
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$success = $db-&gt;update_data( $dataset, $data, $changed )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_counter_minimum -->===counter_minimum===
Updates a record in the given [[API:EPrints/DataSet|$dataset]]. $data is a copy of the entire record's data and $changed the values that have changed.
  $db-&gt;counter_minimum( $counter, $value )
If the record does not already exist or the key field is unset in $data no changes will be written.
Ensure that the counter is set no lower than $value. This is used when importing eprints which may not be in scrict sequence.
Updates ordervalues if the dataset is [[API:EPrints/DataSet#ordered|ordered]].
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$success = $db-&gt;remove( $dataset, $id )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_counter_reset -->===counter_reset===
Remove the record, index terms and order value with the key field value $id from the specified dataset.
  $db-&gt;counter_reset( $counter )
Returns true on success.
Reset the counter. Use with caution.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_cache_exp -->===cache_exp===
  $searchexp = $db-&gt;cache_exp( $cacheid )
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_searching_caching_and_object_retrieval -->
===Searching, caching and object retrieval===
$searchexp = $db-&gt;cache_exp( $cacheid )
Return the serialised Search of a the cached search with id $cacheid. Return undef if the id is invalid or expired.
Return the serialised Search of a the cached search with id $cacheid. Return undef if the id is invalid or expired.
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$cacheid = $db-&gt;cache( $searchexp, $dataset, $srctable, [$order], [$list] )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_cache -->===cache===
  $cacheid = $db-&gt;cache( $searchexp, $dataset, $srctable, [$order], [$list] )
Create a cache of the specified search expression from the SQL table $srctable.
Create a cache of the specified search expression from the SQL table $srctable.
Line 388: Line 342:
If $srctable is set to "ALL" every matching record from $dataset is added to the cache, optionally ordered by $order.
If $srctable is set to "ALL" every matching record from $dataset is added to the cache, optionally ordered by $order.
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$tablename = $db-&gt;cache_table( $id )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_cache_table -->===cache_table===
  $tablename = $db-&gt;cache_table( $id )
Return the SQL table used to store the cache with id $id.
Return the SQL table used to store the cache with id $id.
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$ids = $db-&gt;search( $keyfield, $tables, $conditions, [$main_table_alias] )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_buffer -->===create_buffer===
  $tablename = $db-&gt;create_buffer( $keyname )
Create a temporary table with the given keyname. This table will not be available to other processes and should be disposed of when you've finished with them - MySQL only allows so many temporary tables.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_make_buffer -->===make_buffer===
  $id = $db-&gt;make_buffer( $keyname, $data )
Create a temporary table and dump the values from the array reference $data into it.
Even in debugging mode it does not mention this SQL as it's very dull.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_garbage_collect -->===garbage_collect===
  $foo = $db-&gt;garbage_collect
Loop through known temporary tables, and remove them.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_dispose_buffer -->===dispose_buffer===
  $db-&gt;dispose_buffer( $id )
Remove temporary table with given id. Won't just remove any old table.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_index_ids -->===get_index_ids===
  $ids = $db-&gt;get_index_ids( $table, $condition )
Return a reference to an array of the distinct primary keys from the given SQL table which match the specified condition.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_search -->===search===
  $ids = $db-&gt;search( $keyfield, $tables, $conditions, [$main_table_alias] )
Return a reference to an array of ids - the results of the search specified by $conditions accross the tables specified in the $tables hash where keys are tables aliases and values are table names.  
Return a reference to an array of ids - the results of the search specified by $conditions accross the tables specified in the $tables hash where keys are tables aliases and values are table names.  
If no table alias is passed then M is assumed.  
If no table alias is passed then M is assumed.  
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$db-&gt;drop_cache( $id )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_drop_cache -->===drop_cache===
  $db-&gt;drop_cache( $id )
Remove the cached search with the given id.
Remove the cached search with the given id.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$foo = $db-&gt;from_cache( $dataset, $cacheid, [$offset], [$count], [$justids] )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_count_table -->===count_table===
  $n = $db-&gt;count_table( $tablename )
Return the number of rows in the specified SQL table.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_from_buffer -->===from_buffer===
  $items = $db-&gt;from_buffer( $dataset, $buffer, [$offset], [$count], [$justids] )
Return a reference to an array containing all the items from the given dataset that have id's in the specified buffer.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_from_cache -->===from_cache===
  $foo = $db-&gt;from_cache( $dataset, $cacheid, [$offset], [$count], [$justids] )
Return a reference to an array containing all the items from the given dataset that have id's in the specified cache. The cache may be  specified either by id or serialised search expression.  
Return a reference to an array containing all the items from the given dataset that have id's in the specified cache. The cache may be  specified either by id or serialised search expression.  
Line 473: Line 360:
If $justids is true then it returns just an ref to an array of the record ids, not the objects.
If $justids is true then it returns just an ref to an array of the record ids, not the objects.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$c = $db-&gt;drop_orphan_cache_tables
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_drop_old_caches -->===drop_old_caches===
Drop tables called "cacheXXX" where XXX is an integer. Returns the number of tables dropped.
Drop all the expired caches.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_single -->===get_single===
  $obj = $db-&gt;get_single( $dataset, $id )
$obj = $db-&gt;get_single( $dataset, $id )
Return a single item from the given dataset. The one with the specified id.
Return a single item from the given dataset. The one with the specified id.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$items = $db-&gt;get_all( $dataset )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_all -->===get_all===
  $items = $db-&gt;get_all( $dataset )
Returns a reference to an array with all the items from the given dataset.
Returns a reference to an array with all the items from the given dataset.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
@ids = $db-&gt;get_cache_ids( $dataset, $cachemap, $offset, $count )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_values -->===get_values===
Returns a list of $count ids from $cache_id starting at $offset and in the order in the cachemap.
  $foo = $db-&gt;get_values( $field, $dataset )
@dataobjs = $db-&gt;get_dataobjs( $dataset [, $id [, $id ] ] )
Retrieves the records in $dataset with the given $id(s). If an $id doesn't exist in the database it will be ignored.
Return a reference to an array of all the distinct values of the  EPrints::MetaField specified.
$foo = $db-&gt;get_values( $field, $dataset )
Return a reference to an array of all the distinct values of the  [[API:EPrints/MetaField|EPrints::MetaField]] specified.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_ids_by_field_values -->===get_ids_by_field_values===
  $ids = $db-&gt;get_ids_by_field_values( $field, $dataset [ %opts ] )
$ids = $db-&gt;get_ids_by_field_values( $field, $dataset [ %opts ] )
Return a reference to a hash table where the keys are field value ids and the value is a reference to an array of ids.
Return a reference to a hash table where the keys are field value ids and the value is a reference to an array of ids.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
@events = $db-&gt;dequeue_events( $n )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_do -->===do===
Attempt to dequeue upto $n events. May return between 0 and $n events depending on parallel processes and how many events are remaining on the queue.
  $success = $db-&gt;do( $sql )
<!-- Edit below this comment -->
Execute the given SQL.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki= -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_prepare -->===prepare===
<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_password_validation -->
===Password Validation===
$real_username = $db-&gt;valid_login( $username, $password )
Tests whether the clear-text $password matches the stored encrypted password for $username.
  $sth = $db-&gt;prepare( $sql )
Returns the user's real (case-sensitive) username or undef if the passwords don't match.
Prepare the given $sql and return a handle on it.
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<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_prepare_select -->===prepare_select===
  $sth = $db-&gt;prepare_select( $sql [, %options ] )
<!-- Pod2Wiki= -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_database_schema_manipulation -->
===Database schema manipulation===
$boolean = $db-&gt;has_sequence( $name )
Return true if a sequence of the given name exists in the database.
Prepare a SELECT statement $sql and return a handle to it. After preparing a statement use execute() to execute it.
$success = $db-&gt;create_sequence( $seq_name )
Creates a new sequence object initialised to zero.
The LIMIT SQL keyword is not universally supported, to specify a LIMIT you must use the '''limit''' option.
$success = $db-&gt;drop_sequence( $seq_name )
Deletes a sequence object.
$boolean = $db-&gt;has_column( $tablename, $columnname )
Return true if the a table of the given name has a column named $columnname in the database.
  limit - limit the number of rows returned
$success = $db-&gt;drop_column( $table, $column )
  offset - return '''limit''' number of rows after offset
Drops a column from a table.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_execute -->===execute===
  $success = $db-&gt;execute( $sth, $sql )
@columns = $db-&gt;get_primary_key( $tablename )
Returns the list of column names that comprise the primary key for $tablename.
Execute the SQL prepared earlier. $sql is only passed in for debugging purposes.
Returns empty list if no primary key exists.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$db-&gt;create_primary_key( $tablename, @cols )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_has_dataset -->===has_dataset===
Create a PRIMARY KEY on $tablename over @cols.
  $db-&gt;has_dataset( $dataset )
$name = $db-&gt;index_name( $table, @columns )
Returns the name of the first index that starts with @columns on the $table table.
Returns true if $dataset exists in the database or has no database tables.
Returns undef if no index exists.
This does not check that all fields are configured - see has_field().
$success = $db-&gt;create_index( $tablename, @columns )
Creates an index over @columns for $tablename. Returns true on success.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$success = $db-&gt;create_unique_index( $tablename, @columns )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_has_field -->===has_field===
Creates a unique index over @columns for $tablename. Returns true on success.
  $db-&gt;has_field( $dataset, $field )
$ok = $db-&gt;create_foreign_key( $main_table, $aux_table, $key_field )
Create a foreign key relationship between $main_table and $aux_table using the $key_field.
Returns true if $field is in the database for $dataset.
This will cause records in $aux_table to be deleted if the equivalent record is deleted from $main_table.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
@tables = $db-&gt;get_tables
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_add_field -->===add_field===
Return a list of all the tables in the database.
  $db-&gt;add_field( $dataset, $field )
Add $field to $dataset's tables.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_remove_field -->===remove_field===
  $db-&gt;remove_field( $dataset, $field )
Remove $field from $dataset's tables.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_exists -->===exists===
  $boolean = $db-&gt;exists( $dataset, $id )
Return true if a record with the given primary key exists in the dataset, otherwise false.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_set_timer -->===set_timer===
  $db-&gt;set_timer( $boolean )
Set the detailed timing option.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_set_debug -->===set_debug===
  $db-&gt;set_debug( $boolean )
Set the SQL debug mode to true or false.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$boolean = $db-&gt;has_table( $tablename )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_version_table -->===create_version_table===
Return true if a table of the given name exists in the database.
$success = $db-&gt;create_table( $tablename, $setkey, @fields );
Creates a new table $tablename based on @fields.
Make the version table (and set the only value to be the current version of eprints).
The first $setkey number of fields are used for a primary key.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$db-&gt;drop_table( $tablename [, $tablename2 ] )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_set_version -->===set_version===
Delete the named table(s). Use with caution!
  $db-&gt;set_version( $versionid );
Set the version id table in the SQL database to the given value (used by the upgrade script).
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_has_table -->===has_table===
  $boolean = $db-&gt;has_table( $tablename )
Return true if the a table of the given name exists in the database.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_has_column -->===has_column===
  $boolean = $db-&gt;has_column( $tablename, $columnname )
Return true if the a table of the given name has a column named $columnname in the database.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_install_table -->===install_table===
  $db-&gt;install_table( $tablename, $newtablename )
Move table $tablename to $newtablename. Erase $newtablename if it exists.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_drop_table -->===drop_table===
  $db-&gt;drop_table( $tablename )
Delete the named table. Use with caution!
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_clear_table -->===clear_table===
  $db-&gt;clear_table( $tablename )
Clears all records from the given table, use with caution!
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_rename_table -->===rename_table===
  $db-&gt;rename_table( $tablename, $newtablename )
$db-&gt;rename_table( $tablename, $newtablename )
Renames the table from the old name to the new one.
Renames the table from the old name to the new one.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$db-&gt;swap_table( $table_a, $table_b )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_swap_table -->===swap_table===
  $db-&gt;swap_table( $table_a, $table_b )
Swap table a and table b.  
Swap table a and table b.  
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_tables -->===get_tables===
  @tables = $db-&gt;get_tables
Return a list of all the tables in the database.
<!-- Pod2Wiki= -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_eprints_schema_manipulation -->
===EPrints schema manipulation===
$success = $db-&gt;create_archive_tables
Create all the SQL tables for each dataset.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_version -->===get_version===
Destroy all tables used by eprints in the database.
  $version = $db-&gt;get_version
Make the version table (and set the only value to be the current version of eprints).
Return the version of eprints which the database is compatable with or undef if unknown (before v2.1).
Drop the version table.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$db-&gt;has_dataset( $dataset )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_is_latest_version -->===is_latest_version===
Returns true if $dataset exists in the database or has no database tables.
  $boolean = $db-&gt;is_latest_version
This does not check that all fields are configured - see has_field().
Return true if the SQL tables are in the correct configuration for this edition of eprints. Otherwise false.
$success = $db-&gt;create_dataset_tables( $dataset )
Create all the SQL tables for a single dataset.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
Index tables are created in the dataset is indexable.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_valid_login -->===valid_login===
  $db-&gt;valid_login( $username, $password )
Order values tables are created for each configured languaged if the dataset is ordered.
Returns whether the clear-text $password matches the stored crypted password for $username.
$db-&gt;drop_dataset_tables( $dataset )
Drop all the SQL tables for a single dataset.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$db-&gt;has_field( $dataset, $field )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_index_queue -->===index_queue===
Returns true if $field is in the database for $dataset.
  $db-&gt;index_queue( $datasetid, $objectid, $fieldname [, $fieldname ] );
$db-&gt;add_field( $dataset, $field [, $force ] )
Add $field to $dataset's tables.
Queues the field of the specified object to be reindexed.
If $force is true will modify/replace an existing column (use with care!).
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$db-&gt;remove_field( $dataset, $field )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_index_dequeue -->===index_dequeue===
Remove $field from $dataset's tables.
  ($datasetid, $objectid, $field) = $db-&gt;index_dequeue();
$ok = $db-&gt;rename_field( $dataset, $field, $old_name )
Rename a $field in the database from it's old name $old_name.
Pops an item off the queue. Returns empty list if nothing left.
Returns true if the field was successfully renamed.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$success = $db-&gt;create_counters
<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_permissions -->==Permissions==
Create the counters used to store the highest current id of eprints, users etc.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_add_roles -->===add_roles===
  $db-&gt;add_roles( $privilege, $ip_from, $ip_to, @roles )
$success = $db-&gt;has_counter( $counter )
Returns true if $counter exists.
Add $privilege to @roles, optionally in net space $ip_from to $ip_to.
$success = $db-&gt;create_counter( $name )
Create and initialise to zero a new counter called $name.
If $privilege begins with '@' adds @roles to that group.
$success = $db-&gt;remove_counters
Destroy all counters.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
$success = $db-&gt;drop_counter( $name )
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_remove_roles -->===remove_roles===
Destroy the counter named $name.
  $db-&gt;remove_roles( $privilege, $ip_from, $ip_to, @roles )
Remove $privilege from @roles, $ip_from and $ip_to are currently ignored, but this behaviour may change in future.
If $privilege beings with '@' removes @roles from that group instead.
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<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_privileges -->===get_privileges===
  %privs = $db-&gt;get_privileges( [$role] )
<!-- Pod2Wiki= -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_see_also -->
Return the privileges granted for $role. If $role is undefined returns all set privileges.
To access database-stored objects use the methods provided by the following modules: [[API:EPrints/Repository|EPrints::Repository]], [[API:EPrints/DataSet|EPrints::DataSet]].
Returns a hash:
  role =&gt; {
    priv1 =&gt; [ ip_from, ip_to ],
    priv2 =&gt; [ ip_from, ip_to ],
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_groups -->===get_groups===
  %groups = $db-&gt;get_groups( [$role] )
Returns a list of groups that $role belongs to, or all groups if $role is undefined.
Returns a hash:
  role =&gt; [ group1, group2, group3 ]
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_roles -->===get_roles===
  @roles = $db-&gt;get_roles( $privilege, $remote_ip, @roles )
Get the matching roles for @roles that have $privilege, optionally restricted to $remote_ip.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_server_version -->===get_server_version===
  $version = $db-&gt;get_server_version
Return the database server version.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_driver_name -->===get_driver_name===
  $driver = $db-&gt;get_driver_name
Return the database driver name.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_undocumented_methods -->=UNDOCUMENTED METHODS=
{{API:Undocumented Methods}}<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_add_index_to_indextable -->==add_index_to_indextable==
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_cache_userid -->==cache_userid==
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_clear_user_messages -->==clear_user_messages==
<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_copyright -->
Copyright 2000-2011 University of Southampton.
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
This file is part of EPrints http://www.eprints.org/.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_login_tickets_table -->==create_login_tickets_table==
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
EPrints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_ticket_userid -->==get_ticket_userid==
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
EPrints is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_user_messages -->==get_user_messages==
<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with EPrints.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_save_user_message -->==save_user_message==
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_swap_tables -->==swap_tables==
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_update_ticket_userid -->==update_ticket_userid==
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EPrints::Database - a connection to the SQL database for an eprints session


$db = $repo->database
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT 'hello, world!'");
print $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0], "\n";


EPrints Database Access Module

Provides access to the backend database. All database access is performed via this module to 1) provide cross-database support and 2) improve security through enforcing proper quoting of SQL values.

In most use-cases it should not be necessary to use the database module directly. Instead you should use EPrints::DataSet or EPrints::MetaField accessor methods to access objects and field values respectively.

Cross-database Support

Any use of SQL statements must use quote_identifier to quote database tables and columns and quote_value to quote values. The only exception to this are the EPrints::Database::* modules which provide database-driver specific extensions.

Quoting SQL Values

By convention variables that contain already quoted values are prefixed with 'Q_' so they can be easily recognised when used in string interpolation:

  my $Q_value = $db->quote_value( "Hello, World!" );
  $db->do("SELECT $Q_value");

Where possible you should avoid quoting values yourself, instead use a method that accepts unquoted values which will (safely) do the work for you.



$db = EPrints::Database->new( $repo )

Create a connection to the database.

$db = $db->create( $username, $password )

Create and connect to a new database using super user account $username and $password.

$ok = $db->connect

Connects to the database.


Disconnects from the EPrints database.

$db->set_debug( $boolean )

Set the SQL debug mode to true or false.

$db->set_version( $versionid );

Set the version id table in the SQL database to the given value (used by the upgrade script).

$version = $db->get_version

Returns the current database schema version.

$boolean = $db->is_latest_version

Return true if the database schema is in the correct configuration for this version of eprints. Otherwise false.

$version = $db->get_server_version

Return the database server version.

$charset = $db->get_default_charset( LANGUAGE )

Return the character set to use for LANGUAGE.

Returns undef if character sets are unsupported.

$collation = $db->get_default_collation( LANGUAGE )

Return the collation to use for LANGUAGE.

Returns undef if collation is unsupported.

$driver = $db->get_driver_name

Return the database driver name.

$errstr = $db->error

Return a string describing the last SQL error.

$bool = $db->retry_error

Returns true if the current error is a retry error.

$bool = $db->duplicate_error

Returns true if the current error is a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE error.


Begin a transaction.


Commit the previously begun transaction.


Roll-back the current transaction.

$type_info = $db->type_info( DATA_TYPE )

See DBI/type_info.

$real_type = $db->get_column_type( NAME, TYPE, NOT_NULL, [ LENGTH/PRECISION ], [ SCALE ], %opts )

Returns a SQL column definition for NAME of type TYPE, usually something like:

  $name $type($length,$scale) [ NOT NULL ]

If NOT_NULL is true column will be set "not null".

LENGTH/PRECISION and SCALE control the maximum lengths of character or decimal types (see below).

Other options available to refine the column definition:

  langid - character set/collation to use
  sorted - whether this column will be used to order by

langid is mapped to real database values by the "dblanguages" configuration option. The database may not be able to order the request column type in which case, if sorted is true, the database may use a substitute column type.

TYPE is the SQL type. The types are constants defined by this module, to import them use:

  use EPrints::Database qw( :sql_types );

Supported types (n = requires LENGTH argument):




Floating-point data: SQL_REAL, SQL_DOUBLE.

Time data: SQL_DATE, SQL_TIME.

The actual column types used will be database-specific.

Basic SQL operations

$success = $db->do( $sql )

Execute the given SQL.

$sth = $db->prepare( $sql )

Prepare the SQL statement $sql for execution.

Use the execute method on the returned DBI handle to execute the SQL:

  my $sth = $db->prepare_select( "SELECT 'Hello, World'" );
$sth = $db->prepare_select( $sql [, %options ] )

Prepare a SELECT statement $sql for execution. This method provides cross-database support for getting a part of the result list based on an offset/limit.

Returns a DBI statement handle.


  limit - limit the number of rows returned
  offset - return limit number of rows after offset
$rows = $db->update( $tablename, $keycols, $keyvals, $columns, $values )

UPDATEs $columns with the equivalent slot from $values where the rows in $tablename match the $keycols/$keyvals.

Returns the number of rows affected or false on error, see DBI's execute() method.

    ['Hello, World!', undef]
$success = $db->update_quoted( $tablename, $keycols, $keyvals, $columns, $Q_values )

UPDATEs $tablename where $keycols equals $keyvals.

Returns the number of rows affected or false on error, see DBI's execute() method.

$success = $db->insert( $table, $columns, @values )

Inserts values into the table $table. If $columns is defined it will be used as a list of columns to insert into. @values is a list of arrays containing values to insert.

Values will be quoted before insertion.

$success = $db->insert_quoted( $table, $columns, @Q_values )

Inserts values into the table $table. If $columns is defined it will be used as a list of columns to insert into. @qvalues is a list of arrays containing values to insert.

Values will NOT be quoted before insertion - care must be exercised!

$success = $db->delete_from( $table, $columns, @values )

Perform a SQL DELETE FROM $table using $columns to build a where clause. @values is a list of array references of values in the same order as $columns.

If you want to clear a table completely use clear_table().

$n = $db->count_table( $tablename )

Return the number of rows in the specified SQL table.

$db->clear_table( $tablename )

Clears all records from the given table, use with caution!


$mungedvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_int( $value )

Escape a numerical value for SQL. undef becomes NULL. Anything else becomes a number (zero if needed).

$mungedvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_value( $value )

Escape a value for SQL. Modify value such that " becomes \" and \ becomes \\ and ' becomes \'

$mungedvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_like_value( $value )

Escape an value for an SQL like field. In addition to ' " and \ also escapes % and _

$str = $db->quote_value( $value )

Return a quoted value. To quote a 'like' value you should do:

 my $str = $database->quote_value( EPrints::Database::prep_like_value( $foo ) . '%' );
$str = $db->quote_int( $value )

Return a quoted integer value

$str = $db->quote_binary( $bytes )

Some databases (Oracle/PostgreSQL) require transforms of binary data to work correctly.

This method should be called on data containing nul bytes or back-slashes before being passed on quote_value.

$str = $db->quote_ordervalue( $field, $value )

Some databases (Oracle) can't order by CLOBS so need special treatment when creating the ordervalues tables. This method allows any fixing-up required for string data before it's inserted.

$str = $db->quote_identifier( @parts )

Quote a database identifier (e.g. table names). Multiple @parts will be joined by dot.

$sql = $db->prepare_regexp( $quoted_column, $quoted_value )

The syntax used for regular expressions varies across databases. This method takes two quoted values and returns a SQL expression that will apply the regexp ($quoted_value) to the column ($quoted_column).

$sql = $db->sql_AS()

Returns the syntactic glue to use when aliasing. SQL 92 DBs will happilly use " AS " but some DBs (Oracle!) won't accept it.

$sql = $db->sql_LIKE()

Returns the syntactic glue to use when making a case-insensitive LIKE. PostgreSQL requires "ILIKE" while everything else uses "LIKE" and the column collation.

$sql = $db->sql_IS_SET( $qname )

Return the SQL to test whether $qname is set. For most databases this will be:

  $qname is not null AND $qname != ''

$qname is a quoted identifier or value.


$n = $db->counter_current( $counter )

Return the value of the previous counter_next on $counter.

$n = $db->counter_next( $counter )

Return the next unused value for the named counter. Returns undef if the counter doesn't exist.

$db->counter_minimum( $counter, $value )

Ensure that the counter is set no lower than $value. This is used when importing eprints which may not be in scrict sequence.

$db->counter_reset( $counter )

Reset the counter. Use with caution.

$n = $db->next_doc_pos( $eprintid )

Return the next unused document pos for the given eprintid.

Dataset data

$boolean = $db->exists( $dataset, $id )

Return true if a record with the given primary key exists in the dataset, otherwise false.

$success = $db->insert_data( $dataset, $data )

Add the given data as a new record in the given dataset. $data is a reference to a hash containing values structured for a record in the that dataset.

Returns undef if a record already exists with the key field value in $data.

Inserts ordervalues if the dataset is ordered.

$success = $db->update_data( $dataset, $data, $changed )

Updates a record in the given $dataset. $data is a copy of the entire record's data and $changed the values that have changed.

If the record does not already exist or the key field is unset in $data no changes will be written.

Updates ordervalues if the dataset is ordered.

$success = $db->remove( $dataset, $id )

Remove the record, index terms and order value with the key field value $id from the specified dataset.

Returns true on success.

Searching, caching and object retrieval

$searchexp = $db->cache_exp( $cacheid )

Return the serialised Search of a the cached search with id $cacheid. Return undef if the id is invalid or expired.

$cacheid = $db->cache( $searchexp, $dataset, $srctable, [$order], [$list] )

Create a cache of the specified search expression from the SQL table $srctable.

If $order is set then the cache is ordered by the specified fields. For example "-year/title" orders by year (descending). Records with the same year are ordered by title.

If $srctable is set to "LIST" then order is ignored and the list of ids is taken from the array reference $list.

If $srctable is set to "ALL" every matching record from $dataset is added to the cache, optionally ordered by $order.

$tablename = $db->cache_table( $id )

Return the SQL table used to store the cache with id $id.

$ids = $db->search( $keyfield, $tables, $conditions, [$main_table_alias] )

Return a reference to an array of ids - the results of the search specified by $conditions accross the tables specified in the $tables hash where keys are tables aliases and values are table names.

If no table alias is passed then M is assumed.

$db->drop_cache( $id )

Remove the cached search with the given id.

$foo = $db->from_cache( $dataset, $cacheid, [$offset], [$count], [$justids] )

Return a reference to an array containing all the items from the given dataset that have id's in the specified cache. The cache may be specified either by id or serialised search expression.

$offset is an offset from the start of the cache and $count is the number of records to return.

If $justids is true then it returns just an ref to an array of the record ids, not the objects.

$c = $db->drop_orphan_cache_tables

Drop tables called "cacheXXX" where XXX is an integer. Returns the number of tables dropped.

$obj = $db->get_single( $dataset, $id )

Return a single item from the given dataset. The one with the specified id.

$items = $db->get_all( $dataset )

Returns a reference to an array with all the items from the given dataset.

@ids = $db->get_cache_ids( $dataset, $cachemap, $offset, $count )

Returns a list of $count ids from $cache_id starting at $offset and in the order in the cachemap.

@dataobjs = $db->get_dataobjs( $dataset [, $id [, $id ] ] )

Retrieves the records in $dataset with the given $id(s). If an $id doesn't exist in the database it will be ignored.

$foo = $db->get_values( $field, $dataset )

Return a reference to an array of all the distinct values of the EPrints::MetaField specified.

$ids = $db->get_ids_by_field_values( $field, $dataset [ %opts ] )

Return a reference to a hash table where the keys are field value ids and the value is a reference to an array of ids.

@events = $db->dequeue_events( $n )

Attempt to dequeue upto $n events. May return between 0 and $n events depending on parallel processes and how many events are remaining on the queue.

Password Validation

$real_username = $db->valid_login( $username, $password )

Tests whether the clear-text $password matches the stored encrypted password for $username.

Returns the user's real (case-sensitive) username or undef if the passwords don't match.

Database schema manipulation

$boolean = $db->has_sequence( $name )

Return true if a sequence of the given name exists in the database.

$success = $db->create_sequence( $seq_name )

Creates a new sequence object initialised to zero.

$success = $db->drop_sequence( $seq_name )

Deletes a sequence object.

$boolean = $db->has_column( $tablename, $columnname )

Return true if the a table of the given name has a column named $columnname in the database.

$success = $db->drop_column( $table, $column )

Drops a column from a table.

@columns = $db->get_primary_key( $tablename )

Returns the list of column names that comprise the primary key for $tablename.

Returns empty list if no primary key exists.

$db->create_primary_key( $tablename, @cols )

Create a PRIMARY KEY on $tablename over @cols.

$name = $db->index_name( $table, @columns )

Returns the name of the first index that starts with @columns on the $table table.

Returns undef if no index exists.

$success = $db->create_index( $tablename, @columns )

Creates an index over @columns for $tablename. Returns true on success.

$success = $db->create_unique_index( $tablename, @columns )

Creates a unique index over @columns for $tablename. Returns true on success.

$ok = $db->create_foreign_key( $main_table, $aux_table, $key_field )

Create a foreign key relationship between $main_table and $aux_table using the $key_field.

This will cause records in $aux_table to be deleted if the equivalent record is deleted from $main_table.

@tables = $db->get_tables

Return a list of all the tables in the database.

$boolean = $db->has_table( $tablename )

Return true if a table of the given name exists in the database.

$success = $db->create_table( $tablename, $setkey, @fields );

Creates a new table $tablename based on @fields.

The first $setkey number of fields are used for a primary key.

$db->drop_table( $tablename [, $tablename2 ] )

Delete the named table(s). Use with caution!

$db->rename_table( $tablename, $newtablename )

Renames the table from the old name to the new one.

$db->swap_table( $table_a, $table_b )

Swap table a and table b.

EPrints schema manipulation

$success = $db->create_archive_tables

Create all the SQL tables for each dataset.


Destroy all tables used by eprints in the database.


Make the version table (and set the only value to be the current version of eprints).


Drop the version table.

$db->has_dataset( $dataset )

Returns true if $dataset exists in the database or has no database tables.

This does not check that all fields are configured - see has_field().

$success = $db->create_dataset_tables( $dataset )

Create all the SQL tables for a single dataset.

Index tables are created in the dataset is indexable.

Order values tables are created for each configured languaged if the dataset is ordered.

$db->drop_dataset_tables( $dataset )

Drop all the SQL tables for a single dataset.

$db->has_field( $dataset, $field )

Returns true if $field is in the database for $dataset.

$db->add_field( $dataset, $field [, $force ] )

Add $field to $dataset's tables.

If $force is true will modify/replace an existing column (use with care!).

$db->remove_field( $dataset, $field )

Remove $field from $dataset's tables.

$ok = $db->rename_field( $dataset, $field, $old_name )

Rename a $field in the database from it's old name $old_name.

Returns true if the field was successfully renamed.

$success = $db->create_counters

Create the counters used to store the highest current id of eprints, users etc.

$success = $db->has_counter( $counter )

Returns true if $counter exists.

$success = $db->create_counter( $name )

Create and initialise to zero a new counter called $name.

$success = $db->remove_counters

Destroy all counters.

$success = $db->drop_counter( $name )

Destroy the counter named $name.


To access database-stored objects use the methods provided by the following modules: EPrints::Repository, EPrints::DataSet.


Copyright 2000-2011 University of Southampton.

This file is part of EPrints http://www.eprints.org/.

EPrints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

EPrints is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with EPrints. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.