ORCID connector

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This page is intended to capture requirements for ORCID integrations, with a view to agreeing a community vision for EPrints development.

To see existing integrations, visit the ORCID page.

Use Cases

No API connection

As a repository connecting to ORCID through another system

I need a field to record ORCID IDs

So that I can display and link the ORCID ID to other systems

As a repository which records ORCID IDs

I need to render the ORCID as a link

So that I can display the ID in the recommended format

Tier 1 (public) API connection

As a repository

I need to harvest information from ORCID public profiles

So that I can populate item records with information

Tier 2 (private) API connection

As a repository connecting to ORCID through this system

I need to communicate with ORCID

So that I can authenticate ORCID IDs

As a researcher

I need to choose which permissions to give my institution

So that I can integrate my ORCID to meet my personal requirements

End User

As a third party harvesting from EPrints

I need ORCID IDs to be exported in all metadata formats, not just oai_dc

So that I can reuse the metadata in my system


This table is designed to record requirements for ORCID plugin development. It shows the function, how you would test it is doing the intended job, how desirable it is for each level of integration and whether the information is suggested, proposed or agreed by the community.

At present, all these items are "Suggested" - a survey will be compiled from this and circulated to form a proposal, with a MoSCoW analysis for each item.

Function Test No API Tier 1 API Tier 2 API End User Status
Record ORCID ID against user EPrints field (ideally named "orcid") available to record ORCID ID in User Profile Suggested
Record ORCID ID against creator EPrints field (ideally named "orcid") available to record ORCID ID in EPrint record Suggested
Validate ORCID ID ORCID ID validated (http://support.orcid.org/knowledgebase/articles/116780-structure-of-the-orcid-identifier) Suggested
Lookup ORCID ID ORCID ID is included in name lookup Suggested
Display ORCID ID in User Profile ORCID is rendered in User Profile Suggested
Display ORCID ID in EPrint abstract page ORCID is rendered in EPrint abstract pages Suggested
Display ORCID ID in citation ORCID is rendered in citation formats Suggested
Display ORCID ID in page metadata ORCID is included in page metadata Suggested
Render ORCID as a link ORCID is linked to ORCID profile where rendered Suggested
Enable depositors to import items from ORCID Records can be imported from ORCID Suggested
Enable depositors to export items to ORCID Records can be exported to ORCID Suggested
Enable administrators to import items from ORCID Records can be imported from ORCID Suggested
Enable administrators to export items to ORCID Records can be exported to ORCID Suggested
Record permissions granted Permissions granted to ORCID are recorded in EPrints (against User record) Suggested
Include ORCID in export formats All export formats include ORCID where supplied[1] Suggested
  1. oai_dc does not support attributes on the 'people' elements (e.g. creator). Exposing ORCIDs via oai_dc is NOT a real option. An extension to oai_dc profile may need to be made!



  • The plugin needs to be compatible with other standard plugins, e.g. Rioxx
  • Known third-party systems being used to integrate with ORCID:
    • Pure
    • Oracle Database HR System
  • Known third-party systems harvesting ORCID from EPrints:
    • EThOS (uketd_dc format)
  • Is there a need to include ORCID in the IRUS plugin?