Adding an Institution Field to authors

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Revision as of 10:07, 25 August 2010 by Kiz (talk | contribs) (Created page with '===Note to admin people: move this to the appropriate place, I can't work out how to add it=== I wanted to have an institution associated with each author, however the same thin…')
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Note to admin people: move this to the appropriate place, I can't work out how to add it

I wanted to have an institution associated with each author, however the same thing applies whatever the field would be

Adding the field to the database

Add it to the list of fields

  • Edit <EPROOT>/archives/<ARCHIVE_ID>/cfg/cfg.d/
  • Add in the field you want for each of the people-type fields:
           'name' => 'creators',
           'type' => 'compound',
           'multiple' => 1,
           'fields' => [
                           'sub_name' => 'name',
                           'type' => 'name',
                           'hide_honourific' => 1,
                           'hide_lineage' => 1,
                           'family_first' => 1,
                           'sub_name' => 'id',
                           'type' => 'text',
                           'input_cols' => 20,
                           'allow_null' => 1,
                           'sub_name' => 'institution',
                           'type' => 'text',
                           'input_cols' => 20,
           'input_boxes' => 4,
  • Update the database: <EPROOT>/bin/epadmin update_database_structure <ARCHIVE_ID>

altering the lookup script

The name fields come with an auto-completer, which (obviously) doesn't know about your new field.

use EPrints;

use strict;

my $session = EPrints::Session->new();

# security?

my $content = "text/xml";
$session->send_http_header( content_type=>$content );
my $family = $session->param( "_name_family" );
my $given = $session->param( "_name_given" );
my $id = $session->param( "_id" );
my $institution = $session->param( "_institution" ); 

my $database = $session->get_database;
my $dataset = $session->get_repository->get_dataset( "eprint" );
my $name_field = $dataset->get_field( "creators_name" );
my $id_field = $dataset->get_field( "creators_id" );
my $institution_field = $dataset->get_field( "creators_institution" ); 

my @fields = ($name_field->get_sql_names, $id_field->get_sql_names, $institution_field->get_sql_names); 

my $Q_table = $database->quote_identifier($dataset->get_sql_table_name);
my $Q_name_table = $database->quote_identifier($dataset->get_sql_sub_table_name($name_field));
my $Q_id_table = $database->quote_identifier($dataset->get_sql_sub_table_name($id_field));
my $Q_institution_table = $database->quote_identifier($dataset->get_sql_sub_table_name($institution_field));

my $Q_eprintid = $database->quote_identifier( "eprintid" );
my $Q_pos = $database->quote_identifier( "pos" );
my $Q_num_matches = $database->quote_identifier( "num_matches" );
my $Q_eprint_status = $database->quote_identifier( "eprint_status" ); 

my $sql = "SELECT COUNT($Q_table.$Q_eprintid) AS $Q_num_matches,".
       join(",", map { $database->quote_identifier($_) } @fields).
       " FROM $Q_table".
       " LEFT JOIN $Q_name_table".
       " ON $Q_table.$Q_eprintid=$Q_name_table.$Q_eprintid".
       " LEFT JOIN $Q_id_table".
       " ON $Q_name_table.$Q_eprintid=$Q_id_table.$Q_eprintid ".
       " AND $Q_name_table.$Q_pos=$Q_id_table.$Q_pos ".
      " LEFT JOIN $Q_institution_table".
      " ON $Q_institution_table.$Q_pos = $Q_id_table.$Q_pos". 
      " AND $Q_institution_table.$Q_eprintid = $Q_id_table.$Q_eprintid ".
       " WHERE ".
       " $Q_table.$Q_eprint_status=".$database->quote_value( "archive" );
if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $family ) )
   $sql .= " AND ".$database->quote_identifier("creators_name_family")
                ." ILIKE "
                .$database->quote_value( '%' . EPrints::Database::prep_like_value($family).'%');
if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $given ) )
    $sql .= " AND ".$database->quote_identifier("creators_name_given")
                ." ILIKE "
                .$database->quote_value( '%' . EPrints::Database::prep_like_value($given).'%');
if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $id ) )
    $sql .= " AND ".$database->quote_identifier("creators_id")
                ." ILIKE "
                .$database->quote_value( '%' . EPrints::Database::prep_like_value($id).'%');
$sql .= "GROUP BY ".join(",",map { $database->quote_identifier($_) } @fields) .
        " ORDER BY $Q_num_matches DESC," .
my @rows;
my $sth = $session->get_database->prepare_select( $sql, 'limit' => 40 );
$session->get_database->execute( $sth , $sql );
while( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array )
   my $cnt = shift @row;
   my $name = $name_field->value_from_sql_row( $session, \@row );
   my $id = $id_field->value_from_sql_row( $session, \@row );
   my $institution = $institution_field->value_from_sql_row( $session, \@row );
   my $item = {};
   push @rows, $item;
   my $frag = $session->make_doc_fragment;
   $frag->appendChild( $name_field->render_single_value( $session, $name ) );
   if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $id ) )
       $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( " " ) );
       $frag->appendChild( $id_field->render_single_value( $session, $id ) );
   my $small = $session->make_element( "small" );
   $frag->appendChild( $small );
   if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $institution ) )
      $small->appendChild( $session->make_text( " [" ) );
      $small->appendChild( $id_field->render_single_value( $session, $institution ) );
      $small->appendChild( $session->make_text( "] " ) );
   $small->appendChild( $session->make_text( " (author of ".$cnt." item".($cnt>1?"s":"")." in this repository)" ) );
   $item->{xhtml} = $frag;
   $item->{values} = [
     "for:value:relative:_name_family" => $name->{family},
     "for:value:relative:_name_given" => $name->{given},
     "for:value:relative:_name_honourific" => $name->{honourific},
     "for:value:relative:_name_lineage" => $name->{lineage},
     "for:value:relative:_id" => $id,
     "for:value:relative:_institution" => $institution,

my $ul = EPrints::Extras::render_lookup_list( $session, \@rows );

$session->send_http_header( content_type => "text/xml; charset=UTF-8" );

print <<END;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

print EPrints::XML::to_string( $ul, "utf-8", 1 );

EPrints::XML::dispose( $ul );
