Debian from source
This technique of installing EPrints allows you build your own debian package for eprints from our source (of the binary).
Configuring APT
Using your favorite text editor edit "/etc/apt/sources.list" and add the lines:
deb unstable/ deb-src source/
The update your apt
root@host$ apt-get update
Install build dependancies
This can now be done with one command:
root@host$ apt-get build-dep eprints
Get EPrints source
root@host$ apt-get source eprints
This will provide you with a tar.gz which is extracted to the current directory.
To change the way the eprints builds you can edit the debian/rules file (the only line you will want is the configure one). Once done you can then type dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot from the root dir of the extracted tar ball.
This will build you a .deb in the directory above your current location, which can then be installed usinging dpkg:
dpkg -i ../eprints-X.X.X_all.deb
Alternativly you can configure and install it yourself (a non debian specific version) by configuring manually and then running
$ ./configure --with-smtp-server=smtp.yourdomain $ sudo ./
Note: The Ubuntu 7.04 kernel does not support the syscalls Eprints uses for determining the free disk size. Thus you must disable df as well:
U7.04$ ./configure --with-smtp-server=smtp.yourdomain --disable-diskfree