How to move deposits between users
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First you need to know the userid number of the "from" user and the "to" user. Given their usernames we can find out their userid's. Replace USERNAME_GOES_HERE with the username of the user you want to find the ID of.
The response will be something like this:
-------- | userid | -------- | 23 | -------- 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
That means they are userid 23. Do this for both the user you are moving eprints from and the one you are moving them to.
!! Moving EPrints in the live repository
To just transfer eprints in the main repository: (replace TO_USERID and FROM_USERID with the numbers you just found out).
!! Moving all EPrints
If you want to apppy the change to the user workarea, editorial review etc. you need to run the SQL for all four tables:
!! Metadata (abstract) pages
The eprint metadata summary pages will not be updated with this new information until you run:
/bin/generate_abstracts ARCHIVE_ID