Config Options by File

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Work in Progress
The page is a work in progress.

Only some of the config files have full lists of settings with descriptions and other configuration files have yet to be added.

As well as options that exist in configuration files there are further Miscellaneous Config Options.


  • version_long - The long version name of EPrints (e.g. EPrints 3.4.5).
  • version_alias - The alias/codename for the core EPrints release version (e.g. Smoothie Squall).
  • vendor_long - The long name of the vendor responsible for the EPrints software release (e.g. EPrints Services).
  • vendor_short - The short name / abbreviation of the vendor responsible for the EPrints software release (e.g. eps).
  • version_description - A fully description of the EPrints software version using above version/vendor settings.

  • aliases - Other hostnames for the repository archive and whether they should redirect to the primary hostname.
  • host - The primary hostname of the repository archive on HTTP.
  • port - The TCP port number to connect to the repository archiver over HTTP. (Typically 80).
  • securehost - The primary hostname of the repository archive on HTTPS. Normally the same as host, so typically can be a reference.
  • secureport - The TCP port number to connect to the repository archiver over HTTPS. (Typically 443).
  • http_root - Where the repository archive will be hosted. (Typically undefined).

  • base_url - URL including protocol and hostname, used as a basis whenever a full URL for a specific location needs to be generated.
  • perl_url - URL including protocol and hostname, used as a basis whenever a full URL for a specific CGI script needs to be generated.
  • use_long_url_format - Use long URLs for abstract pages / documents (e.g. /id/eprint/1234 or /id/eprint/1234/1/paper.pdf rather than /1234 or /1234/1/paper.pdf. Will redirect from short to long URL rather than the long to short. (Default is 0 to not use long URLs).


  • adminemail - The email address for the administrator of the repository archive. Will be displayed in contact page and default address email will be sent to and from.
  • sendermail - Alternative email address to send email for the repository archive from. Useful if restrictions on where email can be sent from for the domain of the adminemail address. Will still set adminemail in reply-to.


  • site_logo - Default logo to use for the site. Probably only useful if using default template for EPrints.

  • build_node_attributes - Defines function for manipulating attributes that can be called by EPrints::XML::create_element.


  • citation_default
    • document
      • for_summary_page - The default document citation to use when rendering a document of an abstract/summary page.
    • eprint
      • export - The default eprint citation to use with export plugins.
      • for_issue - The default eprint citation to use when rendering an issue.
      • for_result - The default eprint citation to use when rendering a set of eprint search results.
      • for_summary_page - The default eprint citation to use when rendering a eprint of an abstract/summary page.

  • datasets
    • citationcache - Defines dataset configuration for EPrints::DataObj::CitationCache.
  • citation_caching
    • enabled - Whether citation caching is enabled. (Default is 0, i.e. not enabled).
    • excluded_dataobjs - Data objects that should not cache citations because they are dynamic/context dependent. (Default [ 'epm', 'loginticket', 'subject']).
    • excluded_style - Citation styles that should not be cache because they are dynamic/context dependent. (Default [ 'result' ]).

  • csrf_token_salt - A salt to ensure generated CSRF tokens are not guessable.


  • dbhost - The hostname or IP address where the database for the repository archive is hosted. (Typically localhost).
  • dbname - The name of the database where the repository archive is hosted. (Typically the same as the archive's ID).
  • dbpass - The password to connect to the database where the repository archive is hosted. (Typically automatically generated 16 character string).
  • dbuser - The username to connect to the database where the repository archive is hosted. (Often the same as the archive's ID).
  • dbengine - The database table engine to use when creating new tables in the database where the repository archive is hosted. (Default is InnoDB, previously has been MyISAM).

  • datasets - Initialises hash reference (if not already) so other configuration files can add bespoke datasets.

Adds an EP_TRIGGER_DOC_URL_REWRITE trigger to handle relation-based document redirects.

  • set_document_automatic_fields - A function that updates specified fields for a document when its data object is committed. By default no fields are updated.

  • set_document_defaults - A function that sets the initial values specified fields for a document when its data object is created. (By default the language field is set to the default language for the repository and the security field is set to public).
  • eprint_details_document_fields - The document fields that should be displayed in the Upload section of Details tab of the eprint view page. (Default: [ "content", "format", "format_desc", "language", "security", "license", "date_embargo", "embargo_reason" ]

  • fields
    • -document' - Extra fields to add to the document data object beyond those defined by EPrints::DataObj::Document. (By default this configuration is commented out. I.e. no new fields will be added).

  • diskspace_error_threshold -
  • diskspace_warn_threshold -
  • guess_doc_type -
  • on_files_modified -
  • required_formats -

  • validate_document - A function that validates the metadata for a document data object.

The following validation tests are performed on a document data object:

  1. formatdesc is set if the format is other.
  2. Unless retain_embargo_dates config option is set true, if security is set to public then the date_embargo field must be unset.
  3. If the year part of date_embargo is set then the month and day most also be set to ensure clarity on when an embargo expires.
  4. Unless retain_embargo_dates config option is set true, date_embargo must be in the past.
  5. If security is set to public then date_embargo cannot be in the future (and can only be in the past if retain_embargo_dates config option is set true).

For more information see Dynamic Pins.

  • dynamic_template
    • enable - Enables dynamic template. (Default is 1).
  • plugins
    • Screen::Login
      • appears
        • key_tools - Where login page link should appear in the key tools menu bar, if the user is not already logged in.
    • Screen::Register
      • actions
        • register
          • appears
            • key_tools - Where the user registration page link should appear in the key tools menu bar.
    • Screen::Logout
      • appears
        • key_tools - Where logout page link should appear in the key tools menu bar, if the user is already logged in.
    • Screen::Admin::Config::Edit::XPage
      • actions
        • edit
          • appears
            • key_tools - Where the edit static page (if current page is a static page) link should appear in the key tools menu bar.
    • Screen::Admin::Phrases
      • actions
        • edit
          • appears
            • key_tools - Where the edit page phrases link should appear in the key tools menu bar.
    • Screen::OtherTools
      • appears
        • key_tools - Where Other Tools page link should appear in the key tools menu bar.


These can be useful if you are trying use an existing [[1]] template. CSS, etc. for your institution.

  • eprint
    • summary_content_class - The classes that should be used for HTML div elements around the abstract/summary page. Default is as follows:
  ROOT => 'ep_summary_content',
  top => 'ep_summary_content_top',
  left => 'ep_summary_content_left',
  main => 'ep_summary_content_main',
  right => 'ep_summary_content_right',
  bottom =>'ep_summary_content_bottom',
  after => 'ep_summary_content_after'
  • item_list_class - The class that should be used for items in the key tools menu bar.
  • toolbar_class - The class that should be used for key tools menu bar.

  • send_email - A function for send email from your EPrints repository. (By defaults this calls EPrints::Email::send_mail_via_smtp, which will then use whatever hostname is set for smtp_server under EPrints::SystemSettings. if this is localhost or you have set up an application on your server to relay email from the server, e.g. Sendmail or Postfix).

  • set_eprint_automatic_fields - What fields to automatically update when an eprint data object record is committed. (By default for the pub_lib flavour, ispublished is set to pub if type is patent and not yet set ispublished is set to unpub if type is thesis. Also, full_text_status is set to none if there are no documents, restricted if any documents are restricted and public if all documents are unrestricted. Default configuration for zero flavour does not set any eprint fields automatically).

  • fields
    • eprint - Adds contact_email field to the eprint data object.

  • set_eprint_defaults - Sets default values for fields when eprint data object is created. (By default pub_lib flavour sets type to article, for zero flavour its set it to other).

  • fields
    • eprint - Adds extra fields to eprint data object. (The following fields are added by default for the pub_lib and zero flavours).
pub_lib: creators, contributors, corp_creators, title, ispublished, subjects, divisions, keywords, note, suggestions, abstract, date, date_type, publisher, official_url, id_number, data_type, opyright_holders
zero: title, subjects

  • fields
    • eprint - Adds extra fields to eprint data object. (The following fields are added by default for the pub_lib flavour: full_text_status, monograph_type, pres_type, series, publication, volume, number, article_number, place_of_pub, pagerange, pages, event_title, event_location, event_dates, event_type, patent_applicant, institution, department, thesis_type, thesis_name, refereed, isbn, issn, book_title, edition, editors, related_url, referencetext, funders, projects, output_media, num_pieces, composition_type, pedagogic_type, completion_tome, task_purpose, skills_area, learning_level, gscholar).

  • locking
    • eprint
      • enable - Enables locking of eprint data objects so they cannot be edited whilst another user is editing. (By default enabled, i.e. 1).
      • timeout - Number of seconds before a lock is released if the current user does not complete or cancel editing. (Default 3600, i.e. 1 hour).

  • summary_page_metadata - eprint metadata fields to include in the summary table on abstract/summary pages. (The following fields are added by default for the pub_lib and zero flavours).
pub_lib: commentary, note, keywords, subjects, divisions, sword_depositor, userid, datestamp, lastmod
zero: commentary, subjects, sword_depositor, userid, datestamp, lastmod
  • eprint_render - Function that generates XHTML DOM objects for the page, title and links for the abstract/summary page.


  • search
    • advanced - The configuration for the advanced search for eprint data objects.
      • search_fields - Array reference of meta_fields to include in the advanced search form. (Default varies depending on flavour).
      • template - The page template to use when displaying the advanced search form. (Default: default).
      • preamble_phrase - The phrase at the top of the advanced search form. I.e. to explain how to use it. (Default: cgi/advsearch:preamble).
      • title_phrase - The phrase to use for the page title of the advanced search form. (Default: cgi/advsearch:adv_search).
      • citation - The eprint citation style to use for search results. (Default: result).
      • page_size - How many results to display per page. (Default: 20).
      • order_methods - Different ways or ordering search results (Default varies depending on flavour).
      • default_order - Default order for search results (Default: byyear for pub_lib, bytitle for zero).
      • show_zero_results - Whether to go to results page with no results or say on search form page. (Default: 1, i.e. go to search results page).

  • search
    • simple - The configuration for the simple search for eprint data objects.
      • search_fields
        • id - The name to give to the single input field for the simple search form.
        • meta_fields - The eprint metadata fields that will be search over for the input in the simple search form. (Default varies on flavour. documents, title for zero, documents, title, abstract, creators_name, date for pub_lib).
      • template - The page template to use when displaying the simple search form. (Default: default).
      • title_phrase - The phrase to use for the page title of the dimple search form. (Default: cgi/search:simple_search).
      • citation - The eprint citation style to use for search results. (Default: result).
      • page_size - How many results to display per page. (Default: 20).
      • order_methods - Different ways or ordering search results (Default varies depending on flavour).
      • default_order - Default order for search results (Default: byyear for pub_lib, bytitle for zero).
      • show_zero_results - Whether to go to results page with no results or say on search form page. (Default: 1, i.e. go to search results page).

  • datasets
    • eprint
      • search
        • staff - The configuration for the staff (i.e. admins/editors only) search for eprint data objects.
        • search_fields - Array reference of meta_fields to include in the staff search form. (Default varies depending on flavour. Advanced search fields plus: eprintid, userid.username,, dir. Also eprint_status for pub_lib flavour.
        • preamble_phrase - The phrase at the top of the staff search form. I.e. to explain how to use it. (Default: Plugin/Screen/Staff/EPrintSearch:description).
        • title_phrase - The phrase to use for the page title of the staff search form. (Default: Plugin/Screen/Staff/EPrintSearch:titl).
        • citation - The eprint citation style to use for search results. (Default: result).
        • page_size - How many results to display per page. (Default: 20).
        • order_methods - Different ways or ordering search results (Default varies depending on flavour).
        • default_order - Default order for search results (Default: byyear for pub_lib, bytitle for zero).
        • show_zero_results - Whether to go to results page with no results or say on search form page. (Default: 1, i.e. go to search results page).
        • staff - Whether search is only accessible to staff (Default 1, i.e. only available to staff).

  • validate_eprint - Function that performs complex (i.e. containing multiple metadata fields) validation on eprint data objects and generate XHTML DOM objects describe any problems found. (Function varies depending of flavour. Zero function does no further validation. pub_lib flavour checks at least one creator or editor is set).

  • eprint_warnings - Function that performs complex (i.e. containing multiple metadata fields) checks on eprint data objects and generate XHTML DOM objects describe warnings where metadata may not have been correctly completed. (Function varies depending of flavour. All flavours warn if no documents have been uploaded. pub_lib flavour also warns if not contact_email has been set.

  • export
    • publication_status_type_override - Allows certain export formats (BibTeX and RIS) to change the type of exported object if certain conditions are met. (e.g. ispublished is set to unpub.). (Default is 1 types can be changed).


  • field_defaults
    • input_cols - The default number of cols (columns) in a <textarea> or size of <input> HTML form field. (Default 60).
    • input_rows - The default number of rows in a <textarea&gt HTML form field. (Default 10).
    • input_name_cols - The default size of <input> HTML form field for various sub-fields of a name metadata field.
      • honourific - The honourific sub-field. (Default is 8).
      • given - The given name sub-field. (Default is 20).
      • family - The family name sub-field. (Default is 20).
      • lineage - The lineage sub-field. (Default is 8).
    • input_add_boxes - The number of rows to add to a metadata field that allows multiple values when clicking the More input rows button. (Default is 2).
    • input_boxes - The initial number of rows for metadata field that allows multiple values. (Default is 3).
    • digits - The maximum number of digits that can be added for an int (integer) metadata field. (Default is 9. Any higher might exceed the biggest number the database can store).
    • search_cols - The default number of cols (columns) in a <textarea&gt or size of <input> HTML form field when part of a search form. (Default 40).
    • search_rows - The default number of rows in a <textarea&gt HTML form field when part of a search form. (Default 12).
    • hide_honourific - Whether the honourific sub-field when rendering name metadata field in an HTML input form (Default 0, do not hide).
    • hide_lineage - Whether the lineage sub-field when rendering a name metadata field in an HTML input form (Default 1, do hide).
    • family_first - Whether the family name sub-field should appear before the given name sub-field in an HTML input form Default 0, given name should come first).

  • validate_field - Function that validates particular metadata fields. Currently only used on user and eprint data objects. Default validations include:
    1. url fields starts with a protocol (e.g. http:, https: etc.). Checking
    2. name fields has a family and given name set.
    3. email fields contains only one @, which is not at the start and end and no spaces.
    4. id fields and sub-classes (e.g. text, longtext url, etc.) are no longer than the specified maxlength attribute for the field.
    5. User's username field is not a duplicate.

  • flavour_id - The ID of the flavour. (E.g. zero or pub).
  • flavour_name - The name of the flavour. (E.g. Zero or Publication).
  • flavour_version - The release version of the flavour. (Different to the EPrints release version).
  • version_alias - Updates the alias for the EPrints version with a particular flavour. (I.e. not updated for zero flavour).




  • index - Should data objects in the repository archive be indexed. (Default 1, should be indexed).
  • indexing
    • freetext_min_word_size - The minimum length of a word in freetext for it to be indexed for the freetext (Default is 3 characters).
    • freetext_stop_words - Common words that will not be indexed from a freetext. (E.g. the, , and, are, etc.).
    • freetext_always_words - Words that do not meet other criteria but still should be indexed from freetext (e.g. ok because it is too short).
    • freetext_separator_chars - Characters other that spaces that should be treated as a seperate of words. (E.g. @, &, _, etc.)
  • extract_words - Function that takes a text input and extracts and returns array references for good and bad words from the text.

  • issues_search
    • search_fields - Metadata fields (from eprint data object) to include in issues search (Default varies depending on flavour. zero contains: item_issues_type, item_issues_timestamp, userid.username, subjects, type. pub_lib also has eprint_status, creators_name, date.
    • preamble_phrase - The phrase at the top of the issues search form. I.e. to explain how to use it. (Default: search/issues:preamble).
    • title_phrase - The phrase to use for the page title of the issues search form. (Default: cgi/issues:title).
    • citation - The eprint citation style to use for search results. (Default: issue).
    • page_size - How many results to display per page. (Default: 100).
    • staff - Whether search is only accessible to staff (Default 1, i.e. only available to staff).
    • order_methods - Different ways or ordering search results (Default varies depending on flavour).
    • default_order - Default order for search results (Default: byfirstseen).
    • show_zero_results - Whether to go to results page with no results or say on search form page. (Default: 0, i.e. say on search form page).




  • defaultlanguage - The default language for the repository archive as a ISO-639-1 two-character code. (Default is en, i.e. English).
  • languages - The languages supported by the repository archive as ISO-639-1 two-character codes. (Default us [ 'en' ], i.e. only English).

  • latest_tool_modes - The different modes supported by the "latest" tool.
    • default - By default uses result citation. Does not specify max so uses /cgi/latest_tool default of 20.
    • fplatest - By default uses result citation and max set to 3.
  • latest_tool_feeds - The different feeds displayed on the /cgi/latest_tool page.
    • Atom - Commented out by default.
    • RSS - Commented out by default.
    • RSS2 - Enabled and with label RSS 2.0 by default.

  • limit_names_shown - Defines function to reduce the number of creators/editors names initially show in a citation. See Limiting names shown for instructions on how to configure relevant fields to make use of this,

  • loghandler
    • enable - Whether the log handler is enabled. (By default 1, the log handler is enabled).
  • log_submission_timing - Commented out by default. If uncommented it will log the amount of time users spend during the submission process, (e.g. what pages they spend longer on).
  • show_timestamps_in_log - Commented out by default. If uncommented it will also include the timestamp in the log message.
  • show_ids_in_log - Commented out by default. If uncommented it will also include the repository archive ID in the log message.
  • log - Defines a function for how log messages should be formatted. (By default this just outputs the message to STDERR).


  • make_orderkey_ignore_extras - Defines a generic function for order keys that removes any not alphanumeric characters (except underscore).
  • make_name_orderkey - Defines a function for an order key that order based on family name, then given name and finally honourific of a name type metadata field. (Uses make_orderkey_ignore_extras to remove non-alphanumeric characters).
  • make_title_orderkey - Defines a function for an order key that strips out titles that start with a definite or indefinite article (i.e. the, a and an).
  • make_sanitised_value_orderkey - Defines a function to sanitise the value for an order key by just applying the generic make_orderkey_ignore_extras function.

  • guess_doc_type - Defines a function that tries to determine the type of document (e.g. text, image, audio, video) by evaluating it MIME type or file extension.

Also contains four EP_TRIGGER_MEDIA_INFO trigger functions.

  1. Tries to set the mime_type metadata field for the document, if it can be determined using GNU's file
  2. If an audio or video file tries to determine values for the following document metadata fields: media_duration, media_audio_codec, media_video_codec, media_width, media_height, media_aspect_ratio
  3. Tries to set the mime_type metadata field for the document, if it can be determined by its file extension (and not already determined by GNU file trigger function.
  4. Tries to set the format metadata field for the document using the guess_doc_type function.

  • mimemap - A hash reference mapping file extension to MIME type. Loaded from EPRINTS_PATH/lib/mime.types. Used by guess_doc_type configuration function and a EP_TRIGGER_MEDIA_INFO trigger function used to determine a document's mime_type metadata field value, if cannot otherwise be determined.

  • use_mimetex - Use the mimetex.cgi script rather than /cgi/latex2png script for EPrints::Latex::render_string. (Default is 0, do not use mimetex.cgi as it is not present by default).
  • cookie_auth - Whether to used cookie-based or basic authentication for maintaining user sessions. (Default is 1 use cookie-based authentication as more modern/secure than basic authentication).
  • skip_buffer - Whether deposited eprint items should be moved straight to the live archive or first moved to the review buffer. (Default is 0. Items should be first moved to the review buffer).
  • skip_buffer_owners - Whether deposited eprint items for specific users, (based on their userid should be moved straight to the live archive or first moved to the review buffer. (Default is an empty array reference. No user's items should be moved straight to the live archive).
  • cookie_domain - The domain used for the any EPrints specific cookies, (e.g. eprints_session, secure_eprints_session, eprints_lang etc.). (By default the same as host and/or securehost depending on which is/are set).
  • cookie_auth_set_user - Set user in requests to the username of logged in user, so this appears in Apache access logs. (By default 0, do not set user in requests).
  • pin_timeout - Number of hours before pin for resetting user password expires. (By default 24*7, i.e. 7 days).
  • cache_timeout - Number of minutes a cache table (of search results) must be unused before it is scheduled for deletion. (By default 10, i.e. 10 minutes).
  • cache_maxlife - Number of hours a cache table (of search results) can exists before it is scheduled for deletion (unused or otherwise). (By default 12, i.e. 12 hours).
  • cache_max - Maximum number of persistent cache tables (of search results) that can exist in the repository archive's database. If exceeded, oldest table is deleted. (By default 100, i.e. 100 tables).

Also commented out EP_TRIGGER_LOCAL_SITEMAP_URLS trigger function which can be used to add extra entries to the repository archive's sitemap file, if you are NOT using the generate_sitemap script to generate the sitemap.



  • oai - Configuration for OAI-PMH.
    • v2
      • base_url - The base URL for accessing OAI-PMH version 2. (By default /cgi/oai2).
    • sets - Sets to organise (live archive) items accessible over OAI-PMH. (Default varies depending on flavour. Zero only have sets for subjects and type. pub_lib also has a status set based on value of ispublished. Other possible sets commented out by default).
    • custom_sets - More complex sets based on specific search expression. (Default varies depending on flavour. Zero has no custom sets enabled by default. pub_lib has Open Access DRIVERset includes all (live archive) items that have full_text_status set to public.
    • filters - Search expression to further filter results available through OAI-PMH, beyond being in the live archive. E.g. only since 2003. (By default no additional filters are applied).
    • mime_types - Maps eprints' document types to mime types if they are not the same. (By default there are no mappings).
    • content - Describes content of repository available through OAI-PMH.
      • text - A text description of the content of repository. (Undefined by default).
      • url - A URL that points to a page describing the content of repository. (link to /policies.html by default).
    • metadata_policy - Describes the metadata policy of the repository.
      • text - A text description of the metadata policy of the repository. (By default text explaining the metadata policy has not been defined).
      • url - A URL that points at a page describing the metadata policy of the repository. (Undefined by default).
    • data_policy - Describes the data policy of the repository.
      • text - A text description of the data policy of the repository. (By default text explaining the data policy has not been defined).
      • url - A URL that points at a page describing the data policy of the repository. (Undefined by default).
    • submission_policy - Describes the submission policy of the repository.
      • text - A text description of the submission policy of the repository. (By default text explaining the submission policy has not been defined).
      • url - A URL that points at a page describing the submission policy of the repository. (Undefined by default).
    • comments - Any additional comments to add at the end of the OAI-PMH identify page. (By default some text describing the version and origin of the EPrints software).

  • optional_filename_sanitise - Defines a function that can further sanitise a filename (beyond EPrints::System->sanitise) of an uploaded file before is written to the filesystem / added to the database. (By default commented out but has examples for replacing spaces, parentheses and @s with underscores).


  • documents_path - Sets the path where uploaded documents for the repository archive are stored. (By default a sub-directory of the archive's parent directory called documents).
  • config_path - Sets the path where configuration files for the repository archive are located. (By default a sub-directory of the archive's parent directory called cfg).
  • htdocs_path - Sets the path where cached HTML files for the repository archive are located. (By default a sub-directory of the archive's parent directory called html).

  • plugins - Defines various settings for EPrints plugins.
    • PLUGIN::NAME - This must follow $c->{plugins} (e.g. $c->{plugins}->{Export::Thing}).
      • params
        • disable - If set to 1 disable the plugin.
        • visible - Who should the plugin be visble to? public, staff or api.
        • advertise - Should the plugin be advertised in dropdowns or other listing. If set to 0 not advertised.
    • Import::DOI - Only uncommented in pub_lib flavour.
      • params
        • pid - The PID (username:password) for the repository archive's CrossRef account. (Placeholder by default).
        • doi_field - The eprint metadata field that stores DOIs. (By default id_number).
        • use_prefix - If prefix should be added at start of DOI. (By default 1, do use prefix).
    • Import::DOI_UNIXREF - Only present in pub_lib flavour.
      • params - Uses Import::DOI params with Import::DOI_UNIXREF.
  • export_privacy - Restricts certain export plugins being able to non-logged in users where export may contain information cover by privacy laws (e.g. email addresses) and can be found in (By default set to 1 enforce export privacy for pub_lib flavour. Zero flavour does not define this configuration option as none of its export plugins have privacy concerns by default).
  • plugin_alias_map - Allows an alternative plugin to be aliased to an existing one. Useful if you want to augment an existing plugin, without modifying the original plugin file. (E.g. $c->{plugin_alias_map}->{"Export::DC"} = "Export::LocalDC"; uses extended Export::LocalDC plugin to replace Export::DC plugin it extends).

  • ignore_x_forwarded_for_private_ip_prefixes - Lists private IP address subnets that if the X-Forwarded IP address is set and lies within then the original remote IP address is logged in the access table/file instead.



  • rdf
    • license - URL for licence for RDF data. (Commented out by default).
    • attributionName - Who RDF data should be attributed to. (Commented out by default).
    • attributionURL - URL for infomration on who the RDF data hsould be attributed. (Commented out by default).

  • rdf -
    • xmlns - Defines URIs for the following XML namespaces: event, bibo, geo, doi.
    • bibo_type - Defines URIs (using namespaces) for following eprint types: article, book_section, monograph, conference_item, book, thesis, patent, composition, performance, image, video, audio.

Also include EP_TRIGGER_RDF eprint dataset trigger function for adding extra triples to the RDF for: rdf:type, dct:title, bibo:abstract, dct:date, foaf:name, dct:issuer, dct:isPartOf, dct:hasPart.








  • allow_reset_password -
  • allow_web_signup -
  • default_user_type -
  • signup_style -
  • user_registration_fields -


  • email_for_doc_request -




  • editor_limit_fields -
  • issues_search -
  • latest_citation -
  • latest_tool_modes -
  • match_start_of_name -
  • search -


  • can_request_view_document -
  • can_user_view_document -

  • session_close -
  • session_init -

  • sword -








  • frontpage -
  • rewrite_exceptions
  • userhome -


  • set_user_automatic_fields -

  • set_user_defaults -

  • fields -

  • user_render -


  • user_roles -


  • validate_user -


  • browse_views -



  • vlit -






  • version_description -