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EPrints 3 Reference: Directory Structure - Metadata Fields - Repository Configuration - XML Config Files - XML Export Format - EPrints data structure - Core API - Data Objects

Back to cfg.d sets the default citation style file to use for a for a particular data object is a particular context. E.g. what document citation style file should be used when it is included in eprint summary pages? What eprint citation style file should be used when a citation is rendered as part of an export format or on a search results, issues or summary page?


All citation contexts defined below should use the default citation for that data object.

$c->{citation_default}->{document}->{for_summary_page} = "default";
$c->{citation_default}->{eprint}->{export} = "default";
$c->{citation_default}->{eprint}->{for_issue} = "default";
$c->{citation_default}->{eprint}->{for_result} = "default";
$c->{citation_default}->{eprint}->{for_summary_page} = "default";