Eprint fields pub.pl

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eprint_fields_pub.pl contains optional field definitions that are specific to the publications flavour, whereas eprint_fields.pl contains generic optional fields.

In EPrints 3.4 the following field definitions are included in this file:

  • full_text_status - The availability of the full text, is it public, restricted or none. This value is determined from the presence and the security setting of documents associated with the eprint.
  • monograph_type - If the type is monograph what is its sub-type, (e.g. technical_report, working_paper, manual, etc.).
  • pres_type - If the type is conference_item what is its sub-type, (e.g. keynote, paper, poster, etc.)
  • series - The series (e.g. of books) of which this eprint is part.
  • volume - The volume (e.g. of a journal) the eprint is published.
  • number - The number/issue (e.g. of a journal) the eprint is published.
  • article_number - The article number (e.g. within a journal or journal series) of the eprint.
  • place_of_pub - The place of publication of the eprint. (E.g. where the publishing house is based).
  • pagerange - The page range (e.g. in a journal or book) of the eprint.
  • pages - The number of pages (e.g. in a journal or book) of the eprint.
  • event_title - The title of the event (e.g. a conference) associated with the eprint.
  • event_location - The location of the event (e.g. a conference) associated with the eprint.
  • event_dates - The dates of the event (e.g. a conference) associated with the eprint. N.B. this is a free-text rather than a pair of date fields.
  • event_location - The type of the event (e.g. conference, workshop, etc.) associated with the eprint.
  • patent_applicant - The name of the applicant (person and/or organisation) applying for a patent associated with the eprint.
  • institution - The name of the institution associated with the eprint.
  • department - The name of the department (at the institution) associated with the eprint.
  • thesis_type - If the type is thesis, the sub-type of thesis. (E.g. doctoral, masters, etc.).
  • thesis_name - If the type is thesis, the name of the thesis title. (E.g. mphil, phd, dphil, etc.).
  • refereed - Has the eprint been refereed, (e.g. for publciation to a journal).
  • isbn - The [1] for the publication (e.g. a book) of the eprint.
  • issn - The [2] for the publication (e.g. a journal) of the eprint.
  • book_title - The title of the book the eprint is published. (E.g. if it is a book section).
  • edition - The edition of the publication of the eprint, (e.g of a book).
  • editors - The editors of the eprint.
  • related_url - URLs related to the eprint and their type.
  • reference_text - Listing of references associated with the eprint.
  • funders - Funders of the research behind the eprint.
  • projects - Projects associated with the eprint.
  • output_media - The media format of the output (e.g. video, audio, poster, photos, etc.)
  • num_pieces - Number of pieces associated with the eprint. (E.g. for artwork).
  • composition_type - The type of composition for the eprint. (E.g. for musical/artistic works).
  • pedagogic_type - The pedagodic type of the eprint. I.e. how it is it presented/taught/demonstrated, (e.g. presentation, activity, collaboration, problem, etc.).
  • task_purpose - As description of the purpose of the task behind the eprint. (E.g. if this is taught what are the intended learning outcomes?).
  • skill_area - The skill area of the eprint. I.e. what skill does it present/teach/demonstrate.
  • learning_level - The learning level of the eprint. (E.g. what age group or education level is it aimed at).
  • gscholar - GScholar impact of the eprint.