Departmental report script
Now on github!! [[1]]
We're trying to track usage of our eprints repo by department.
First, we made sure to refresh the user index with:
./epadmin reindex <REPOSITORY> user
Then this script gives an output to STDOUT and a CSV file - we're interested in 'new' outputs that have an eprintID over 2,000,000 but I'm sure you could use another test, such as the date in the SCONUL_Report
Apologies for hacky code!
save as in your eprints bin directory
Run with the following - you can capture the output with something like > dept-report.txt
#!/usr/bin/perl -I/eprints/eprints3/perl_lib use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; open DEPTREPORT, ">dept-report.csv" or die " can't open report file dept-report.csv: $!"; print DEPTREPORT "Department Name, Number of Staff, Total Items, Items with ID over 2M, Public Docs, Private Docs\n"; my $date_value = '-2014-06-31'; #all dates up to June 31st 2014 use EPrints; binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8'); my $repositoryid = $ARGV[0]; die "USAGE: *repositoryid* \n" unless $repositoryid ; my $ep = EPrints->new(); my $repo = $ep->repository( $repositoryid ); my $deptid; die "Could not create repository object for $repositoryid\n" unless $repositoryid; my $sql = 'select distinct DEPT from "USER"'; my $sth = $repo->get_database->prepare( $sql ); $sth->execute; while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $deptid = @row[0]; print "Department: $deptid\n"; my $us = $repo->dataset('user'); my $usearch = $us->prepare_search(); $usearch->add_field($us->field('dept'), $deptid); my $ulist = $usearch->perform_search; my $ids = $ulist->ids; #print Dumper $ids; print $ulist->count." members of staff\n"; my $ds = $repo->dataset('archive'); my $counts = {}; foreach my $id (@$ids){ my $search = $ds->prepare_search(); #print $id." . "; $search->add_field($ds->field('eprint_status'), 'archive'); $search->add_field($ds->field('userid'), $id); my $list = $search->perform_search; $list->map( sub { my ($repo, $ds, $dataobj, $counts) = @_; my @docs = $dataobj->get_all_documents; my $public = 0; my $private = 0; foreach my $doc (@docs) { if ($doc->value('security') eq 'public') { $public++; } else { $private++; } } if ($public) { $counts->{public}++; } elsif ($private) { $counts->{private}++; } if ($dataobj->get_value("eprintid") >2000000) {$counts->{new}++;} $counts->{total}++; }, $counts); } print Dumper $counts; if ($counts->{total}){print DEPTREPORT "\""$deptid."\" , ".$usearch->count." , ".$counts->{total}." , ".$counts->{new}." , ".$counts->{public}." , ".$counts->{private}."\n";} } close DEPTREPORT;