Accessing Metdata Fields
This page proves an overview of the API calls you can use to access the data in a DataObj. The example framing this is that of an export plugin.
The Plugin
An export plugin will look something like this:
package EPrints::Plugin::Export::Text; use EPrints::Plugin::Export::TextFile; @ISA = ( "EPrints::Plugin::Export::TextFile" ); use strict; sub new { my( $class, %opts ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %opts ); $self->{name} = "ASCII Citation"; $self->{accept} = [ 'dataobj/eprint', 'list/eprint' ]; $self->{visible} = "all"; return $self; } sub output_dataobj { my( $plugin, $dataobj ) = @_; my $cite = $dataobj->render_citation; return EPrints::Utils::tree_to_utf8( $cite )."\n\n"; } 1;