How to use EPrints with HTTPS
- Contributor: [Tim Miles-Board]
- Eprints version: 2.3
- Purpose: Secure EPrints with HTTPS
- License: GNU General Public License
!!! Add HTTPS Settings
For each @@ARCHIVEID.xml@@ file, fill in the @@securehost@@ and @@securepath@@ entries.
<archive id="demo"> .... <securehost></securehost> <securepath>/demo</securepath> .... </archive>
The @@securehost@@ is vhosted on the same server as your EPrints archive(s).
Secure requests will be of the form https://securehost/securepath.
@@securepath@@ therefore differentiates requests from individual archives.
!!! Generate Secure Config
$ bin/generate_apacheconf
As well as the usual apache configuration files, this will generate an @@auto-secure.conf@@ file in each archive's @@cfg@@ directory.
!!! Set up Secure Host
Under Fedora Core 4, I ran:
$ yum install mod_ssl
This sets up a test SSL server.
For a production system, you would need to provide the relevant certificates and tweak the mod_ssl config accordingly.
Include each @@auto-secure.conf@@ file generated by EPrints inside the @@Virtualhost@@ directive.
For me, this meant editing @@/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf@@:
<VirtualHost _default_:443> .... Include /opt/eprints2/archives/demo/cfg/auto-secure.conf
!!! Create Template for Secure Pages
I made a copy of @@template-en.xml@@:
$ cp template-en.xml template-secure-en.xml
In a multi-language archive, you would need to do this for each language-specific template.
It's a good idea to have a visual differentiation between secure and non-secure pages: e.g. I edited @@template-secure-en.xml@@ and added "(SECURE)" to the title of the page.
Some browsers will complain if images/CSS etc. embedded in a secure page are served by the non-secure host. To solve this, I added a new entity to get_entities@@:
$entities{ssl_base_url} = "https://" . $archive->get_conf("securehost") . $archive->get_conf("securepath");
I then replaced image/CSS @@base_url@@s with @@ssl_base_url@@.