Screen Plugins
Screen Plugins are used to handle the User Interface. Screen plugins provide the UI to the user-interaction parts of EPrints. A screen plugin can include:
- A render (a screen plugin can actually have several pages (like a search) or none (like the eprint move plugin). Most have a single page of output.
- Actions - things which modify the system in some way.
- Rights testing - the entire plugin, and individual actions, can be restricted in various ways.
For EPrints 3.2+
To make a Screen for the Admin section
To make an Admin Screen plugin, you create a Perl Module in [eprints]/perl_bin/EPrints/Plugin/Screen/
with the following basic structure
package EPrints::Plugin::Screen::Mypackage; use EPrints::Plugin::Screen; @ISA = ( 'EPrints::Plugin::Screen' ); use strict; sub new { my( $class, %params ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%params); $self->{priv} = undef; $self->{appears} = [ { place => "admin_actions_editorial", # see notes below position => 1450, }, ]; return $self; } sub can_be_viewed { my( $self ) = @_; return $self->allow( "my/conf/value" ); } sub render { my( $self ) = @_; my $session = $self->{session}; my $user = $session->current_user; my $p = $session->make_doc_fragment; # create page contents: my $h = $session->make_element( "h3" ); $h->appendChild($session->make_text( "Look up organisations known to OA-RJ" )); $p->appendChild($h); return $p }
The locations
There are 4 tabs defined:
- admin_actions_editorial
- admin_actions_system
- admin_actions_config
- admin_actions_misc
Making the page appear
There are three steps to making a page appear:
- The Perl Package should test for view-ability
sub can_be_viewed { my( $self ) = @_; return $self->allow( "my/conf/value" ); }
- The User DataObject needs to list the privilege under a role:
# EPrints::DataObj::User foo_bar => [ "my/view/value", ], foo_baz => [ "my/view/value", "my/conf/value", ],
- The file needs to make the role available to the usr-type:
$c->{user_roles}->{user} = [qw{ // snip foo_bar }], $c->{user_roles}->{admin} = [qw{
foo_baz }],
See Also: List of Core Screen Plugins