New Features in EPrints 3.2.1
(This page is currently an unofficial, we're using it to keep track of what needs documenting etc.)
- New way of configuring apache
- epadmin now accepts a list of eprintids for recommit, reindex & reorder
- Change to using repository in function calls etc.
Semantic Web Support
- RDF+XML Format
- N3 Format
- NTriples format
- URIs for all objects, including non dataobjs. eg. Authors, Events, Locations.
- BIBO Ontology
- Extendable
- URIs now use content negotiation to decide which export plugin to redirect to, based on mime-types supplied by plugins and the "accept" header.
- Relations between eprints and documents
- Base URI for repository /id/repository leads to RDF describing the repository in voID and bibo
- URI for subject trees links to RDF in skos for each tree