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<!-- Pod2Wiki=_preamble_
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-->{{Pod2Wiki}}{{API:Source|file=EPrints/DataObj/User.pm|package_name=EPrints::DataObj::User}}[[Category:API|User]]<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_name -->=NAME=
'''EPrints::DataObj::User''' - Class representing a single user.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_description -->=DESCRIPTION=
This class represents a single eprint user record and the metadata  associated with it.
EPrints::DataObj::User is a subclass of EPrints::DataObj with the following metadata fields (plus those defined in ArchiveMetadataFieldsConfig:
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_system_metadata -->=SYSTEM METADATA=
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_userid -->==userid==
  userid (int)
The unique ID number of this user record. Unique within the current repository.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_rev_number -->==rev_number==
  rev_number (int)
The revision number of this record. Each time it is changed the revision number is increased. This is not currently used for anything but it may be used for logging later.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_username -->==username==
  username (text)
The username of this user. Used for logging into the system. Unique within this repository.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_password -->==password==
  password (secret)
The password of this user encoded with crypt. This may be ignored if the repository is using an alternate authentication system, eg. LDAP.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_usertype -->==usertype==
  usertype (namedset)
The type of this user. The options are configured in metadata-phrases.xml.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_newemail -->==newemail==
  newemail (email)
Used to store a new but as yet unconfirmed email address.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_newpassword -->==newpassword==
  newpassword (secret)
Used to store a new but as yet unconfirmed password.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_pin -->==pin==
  pin (text)
A code required to confirm a new username or password. This code is emailed to the user to confirm they are who they say they are.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_pinsettime -->==pinsettime==
  pinsettime (int)
When the pin code was set, so we can make it time out.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_joined -->==joined==
  joined (time)
The date and time that the user account was created. Before EPrints 2.4 this was a date field so users created before the upgrade will appear to have been  created at midnight.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_email -->==email==
  email (email)
The email address of this user. Unique within the repository.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_lang -->==lang==
  lang (namedset)
The ID of the prefered language of this user. Only really used in multilingual repositories.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_editperms -->==editperms==
  editperms (search, multiple)
This field is used to filter what eprints a staff member can approve and  modify. If it's unset then they can modify any (given the correct privs. but if it is set then an eprint must match at least one of the searches to be within their scope.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_frequency -->==frequency==
  frequency (set)
Only relevant to staff accounts. Is the frequency they want to be mailed  about eprints matching their scope that are in editorial review. never,  daily, weekly or monthly.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_mailempty -->==mailempty==
  mailempty (boolean)
Only relevant to staff accounts. If set to true then emails are sent even if there are no items matching the scope.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_methods -->=METHODS=
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_system_field_info -->==get_system_field_info==
  $field_info = EPrints::DataObj::User-&gt;get_system_field_info
Return an array describing the system metadata of the this  dataset.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_new -->==new==
  $user = EPrints::DataObj::User-&gt;new( $session, $userid )
Load the user with the ID of $userid from the database and return it as an EPrints::DataObj::User object.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_new_from_data -->==new_from_data==
  $user = EPrints::DataObj::User-&gt;new_from_data( $session, $data )
Construct a new EPrints::DataObj::User object based on the $data hash  reference of metadata.
Used to create an object from the data retrieved from the database.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_defaults -->==get_defaults==
  $defaults = EPrints::DataObj::User-&gt;get_defaults( $session, $data )
Return default values for this object based on the starting data.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_user_with_email -->==user_with_email==
  $user = EPrints::DataObj::User::user_with_email( $session, $email )
Return the EPrints::user with the specified $email, or undef if they are not found.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_user_with_username -->==user_with_username==
  $user = EPrints::DataObj::User::user_with_username( $session, $username )
Return the EPrints::user with the specified $username, or undef if  they are not found.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_validate -->==validate==
  $problems = $thing-&gt;validate
Validate the user - find out if all the required fields are filled out, and that what's been filled in is OK. Returns a reference to an array of problem descriptions.
If there are no probelms then the array is empty.
The problems are XHTML DOM objects describing the problem.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_commit -->==commit==
  $user-&gt;commit( [$force] )
Write this object to the database.
If $force isn't true then it only actually modifies the database if one or more fields have been changed.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_remove -->==remove==
  $success = $user-&gt;remove
Remove this user from the database. Also, remove their saved searches, but do not remove their eprints.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_eprints -->==get_eprints==
  $list = $user-&gt;get_eprints( $dataset )
Return EPrints in the given EPrints::DataSet which have this user as their creator.
Since 2.4 this returns an EPrints::List object, not an array of eprints.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_editable_eprints -->==get_editable_eprints==
  $list = $user-&gt;get_editable_eprints
Return eprints currently in the editorial review buffer. If this user has editperms set then only return those records which match.
Since 2.4 this returns an EPrints::List object, not an array of eprints.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_owned_eprints -->==get_owned_eprints==
  $list = $user-&gt;get_owned_eprints( $dataset );
Return a list of the eprints which this user owns. This is by default the same as $user-&gt;get_eprints( $dataset) but may be over-ridden by get_users_owned_eprints.
Since 2.4 this returns an EPrints::List object, not an array of eprints.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_has_owner -->==has_owner==
  $boolean = $user-&gt;has_owner( $possible_owner )
True if the users are the same record.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_mail -->==mail==
  $ok = $user-&gt;mail( $subjectid, $message, [$replyto], [$email] )
Send an email to this user.
$subjectid is the ID of a phrase to use as the subject of this email.
$message is an XML DOM object describing the message in simple XHTML.
$replyto is the reply to address for this email, if different to the repository default.
$email is the email address to send this email to if different from this users configured email address.
Return true if the email was sent OK.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_render -->==render==
  ( $page, $title ) = $user-&gt;render
Render this user into HTML using the "user_render" method in ArchiveRenderConfig.pm. Returns both the rendered information and the title as XHTML DOM.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_render_full -->==render_full==
  ( $page, $title ) = $user-&gt;render_full
The same as $user-&gt;render, but renders all fields, not just those  intended for public viewing. This is the admin view of the user.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_url -->==get_url==
  $url = $user-&gt;get_url
Return the URL which will display information about this user.
If $staff is true then return the URL for an administrator to view and modify this record.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_type -->==get_type==
  $type = $user-&gt;get_type
Return the type of this user. Equivalent of  $user-&gt;get_value( "usertype" );
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_saved_searches -->==get_saved_searches==
  @saved_searches = $eprint-&gt;get_saved_searches
Return an array of all EPrint::DataObj::SavedSearch objects associated with this user.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_send_out_editor_alert -->==send_out_editor_alert==
Called on users who are editors, when it's time to send their update on what items are in the editorial review buffer.
Sends the email if needed.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_process_editor_alerts -->==process_editor_alerts==
  EPrints::DataObj::User::process_editor_alerts( $session, $frequency );
Static method.
Called to send out all editor alerts of a given frequency (daily, weekly, monthly) for the current repository.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_allow -->==allow==
  $result = $user-&gt;allow( $priv, [$item] )
Rleturns true if $user can perform this action/view this screen.
A true result is 1..15 where the value indicates what about the user allowed the priv to be performed. This is used for filtering owner/ editor actions in eprint control screens.
1 = anybody (not currently used) 2 = only if logged in  4 = only if owner of item 8 = only if editor of item
For non item related privs the result will normally be 2.
Nb. That create eprint is NOT a priv related to an eprint, as you  don't own it at that stage.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=head_undocumented_methods -->=UNDOCUMENTED METHODS=
{{API:Undocumented Methods}}<!-- End of Pod2Wiki -->
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_can_edit -->==can_edit==
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create -->==create==
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_create_from_data -->==create_from_data==
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_control_url -->==get_control_url==
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_privs -->==get_privs==
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_get_roles -->==get_roles==
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_has_role -->==has_role==
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Revision as of 15:40, 12 August 2009