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Step by step guide to getting EPrints installed on Fedora Core 4.
#REDIRECT [[Translation]]
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!!Install Fedora Core 4
At the ''Installation Type'' step [[http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc4/ch-installtypes.html]], choose ''Workstation''.
At the ''Security Configuration'' step [[http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc4/ch-security-config.html]], tick ''Remote Login'' and ''Web server'' and disable SELinux (or set it to ''warn'').
At the ''Package Installation Defaults'' step [[http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc4/ch-packageselection.html]], select ''Customize software packages to be installed'' and add ''Web Server'' and ''MySQL database'' to the list.
!!Install Required Packages
If this is the first time yum has been run, import the GPG-KEYs for the Fedora RPM repositories:
@@root> rpm --import /usr/share/doc/fedora-release-4/*GPG-KEY*@@
If your eprints server connects to the Web via a proxy, set the http_proxy environment variable:
@@root> export http_proxy=http://proxy.yourdomain.com:port/ @@
Use yum to install the Gnome DOM libraries:
@@root> yum install gdome2 gdome2-devel@@
.. the wvware Word document libraries:
@@root> yum install wv@@
.. and xpdf:
@@root> yum install xpdf@@
wvText (from wv) and pdftotext (from xpdf) are used by the EPrints for full text indexing.
!!Install Required Perl Modules
The majority of perl modules need by EPrints are already installed.
Install Unicode::String using yum:
@@root> yum install perl-Unicode-String@@
Install XML::GDOME from source:
@@root> wget http://cpan.uwinnipeg.ca/cpan/authors/id/T/TJ/TJMATHER/XML-GDOME-0.86.tar.gz @@
@@root> tar xzvf XML-GDOME-0.86.tar.gz@@
@@root> cd XML-GDOME-0.86/@@
@@root> perl Makefile.PL@@
@@root> make@@
@@root> make install@@
!!Add an "eprints" user and group
@@root> useradd eprints@@
!!Set up services
Make apache and mysql start automatically when the machine is rebooted:
@@root> /sbin/chkconfig mysqld on@@
@@root> /sbin/chkconfig httpd on@@
!!Install EPrints
@@root> wget http://www.eprints.org/files/eprints2/eprints- @@
@@root> tar xzvf eprints-
@@root> cd eprints-
Find out the name of your outgoing SMTP (email) server.
@@root> ./configure --with-smtp-server smtp.yourdomain@@
@@root> ./install.pl@@
!!Set up apache
Edit the apache config:
@@root> vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf@@
Find the lines:
@@User apache@@
@@Group apache@@
and change them to:
@@User eprints@@
@@Group eprints@@
Add this line to the end of httpd.conf:
@@Include /opt/eprints2/cfg/apache.conf@@
!!Set up the indexer as a service
@@root> ln -s /opt/eprints2/bin/epindexer /etc/init.d/epindexer@@
@@root> chkconfig --add epindexer@@
Make the indexer start automatically when the machine is rebooted:
@@root> chkconfig epindexer on@@
!!Configure an archive
Start mysql:
@@root> service mysqld start@@
Follow the steps in the main EPrints documentation [[http://www.eprints.org/documentation/tech/php/installation.php#creating_an_archive]] to configure an archive.

Latest revision as of 12:41, 12 December 2007

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