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'''EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket''' - user system loginticket
'''EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket''' - User system loginticket
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Login tickets are the database entries for the user's session cookies.
Login tickets are the database entries for the user's session cookies.
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===Configuration Settings===
===Configuration Settings===
* user_cookie_timeout = undef
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: Set an expiry on the session cookies. This will cause the user's browser to delete the cookie after the given time. The time is specified according to {{API:PodLink|file=CGI|package_name=CGI|section=|text=CGI}}'s cookie constructor. This allows settings like <code>+1h</code> and <code>+7d</code>.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_user_cookie_timeout_undef -->
====user_cookie_timeout = undef====
Set an expiry on the session cookies. This will cause the user's browser to delete the cookie after the given time. The time is specified according to {{API:PodLink|file=CGI|package_name=CGI|section=|text=CGI}}'s cookie constructor. This allows settings like <tt>+1h</tt> and <tt>+7d</tt>.
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====user_inactivity_timeout = 86400 * 7====
How long to wait in seconds before logging the user out after their  last activity.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_user_session_timeout_undef -->
====user_session_timeout = undef====
How long in seconds the user can stay logged in before they must  re-log in. Defaults to never - if you do specify this setting you  probably want to reduce <tt>user_inactivity_timeout</tt> to &lt;1 hour.
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* user_inactivity_timeout = 86400 * 7
: How long to wait in seconds before logging the user out after their last activity.
* user_session_timeout = undef
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: How long in seconds the user can stay logged in before they must re-log in. Defaults to never - if you do specify this setting you probably want to reduce user_inactivity_timeout to &lt;1 hour.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_code -->
===code (id)===
The identifier used in the HTTP cookie for this login ticket's  session.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_securecode -->
===securecode (id)===
The identifier used in the HTTPS cookie for this login ticket's  session.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_ip -->
===ip (id)===
The IP address of associated with this login ticket.
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===time (bigint)===
The time in seconds since the start of epoch when this login  ticket was created.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_expires -->
===expires (bigint)===
The time in seconds since the start of epoch when this login ticket will expires.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_userid -->
===userid (itemref)===
The ID of the user to whom this login ticket belongs.
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<source lang="perl">$thing = EPrints::DataObj::Access->get_system_field_info
$fields = EPrints::DataObj::Access-&gt;get_system_field_info
Returns an array describing the system metadata of the loginticket dataset.
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$dataset = EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket-&gt;get_dataset_id
Returns the ID of the [[API:EPrints/DataSet|EPrints::DataSet]] object to which this record  belongs.
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$defaults = EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket-&gt;get_defaults( $session, $data, $dataset )
Core fields.
Returns default values for this data object based on the starting <tt>$data</tt>.
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===Class Methods===
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_new_from_request -->
$loginticket = EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket-&gt;new_from_request( $repo, $r )
Creates a new loginticket data object using the {{API:PodLink|file=HTTP/Request|package_name=HTTP::Request|section=|text=HTTP::Request}}  <tt>$r</tt>.
Returns new loginticket data object if successful. Otherwise, returns <tt>undef</tt>.
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EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket-&gt;expire_all( $repo )
Expire all login tickets. Effectively logging out all users currently logged in.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_session_key -->
EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket-&gt;session_key( $repo )
Get the key to use for the session cookies.
In the following circumstance:
Where both hosts use the same cookie key the cookie from example.org  will collide with the cookie from custom.example.org. To avoid this  the full hostname is embedded in the cookie key.
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<source lang="perl">$dataset = EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket->get_dataset_id
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_secure_session_key -->
Returns the id of the [[API:EPrints/DataSet|EPrints::DataSet]] object to which this record belongs.
See [[API:EPrints/DataObj/LoginTicket#session_key|session_key]].
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===Object Methods===
===Object Methods===
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Set the session cookies for this login ticket.
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Update the login ticket by increasing the expiry time.
<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_generate_cookie -->
The expiry time is increased <code>user_inactivity_timeout</code> or 7 days.
$cookie = $loginticket-&gt;generate_cookie( %opts )
Returns the HTTP (non-secure) session cookie. Uses <tt>%opts</tt> to add any additional attributes to the cookie.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_generate_secure_cookie -->
[[API:EPrints/DataObj|EPrints::DataObj]] and [[API:EPrints/DataSet|EPrints::DataSet]].
$cookie = $ticket-&gt;generate_secure_cookie( %opts )
Returns the HTTPS session cookie. Uses <tt>%opts</tt> to add any additional  attributes to the cookie.
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<!-- Pod2Wiki=item_set_cookies -->
Set the session cookies for this loginticket data object.
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Copyright 2000-2011 University of Southampton.
This file is part of EPrints http://www.eprints.org/.
Update the loginticket data object by extending the expiry time.
EPrints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The expiry time is extended <tt>user_inactivity_timeout</tt> or 7 days.
EPrints is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSESee the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
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You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with EPrints.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
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[[API:EPrints/DataObj|EPrints::DataObj]] and [[API:EPrints/DataSet|EPrints::DataSet]].
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EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket - User system loginticket

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Login tickets are the database entries for the user's session cookies.

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Configuration Settings

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user_cookie_timeout = undef

Set an expiry on the session cookies. This will cause the user's browser to delete the cookie after the given time. The time is specified according to CGI's cookie constructor. This allows settings like +1h and +7d.

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user_inactivity_timeout = 86400 * 7

How long to wait in seconds before logging the user out after their last activity.

User Comments

user_session_timeout = undef

How long in seconds the user can stay logged in before they must re-log in. Defaults to never - if you do specify this setting you probably want to reduce user_inactivity_timeout to <1 hour.

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code (id)

The identifier used in the HTTP cookie for this login ticket's session.

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securecode (id)

The identifier used in the HTTPS cookie for this login ticket's session.

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ip (id)

The IP address of associated with this login ticket.

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time (bigint)

The time in seconds since the start of epoch when this login ticket was created.

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expires (bigint)

The time in seconds since the start of epoch when this login ticket will expires.

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userid (itemref)

The ID of the user to whom this login ticket belongs.

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$fields = EPrints::DataObj::Access->get_system_field_info

Returns an array describing the system metadata of the loginticket dataset.

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$dataset = EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket->get_dataset_id

Returns the ID of the EPrints::DataSet object to which this record belongs.

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$defaults = EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket->get_defaults( $session, $data, $dataset )

Returns default values for this data object based on the starting $data.

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$loginticket = EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket->new_from_request( $repo, $r )

Creates a new loginticket data object using the HTTP::Request $r.

Returns new loginticket data object if successful. Otherwise, returns undef.

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EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket->expire_all( $repo )

Expire all login tickets. Effectively logging out all users currently logged in.

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EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket->session_key( $repo )

Get the key to use for the session cookies.

In the following circumstance:


Where both hosts use the same cookie key the cookie from example.org will collide with the cookie from custom.example.org. To avoid this the full hostname is embedded in the cookie key.

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See session_key.

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Object Methods

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$cookie = $loginticket->generate_cookie( %opts )

Returns the HTTP (non-secure) session cookie. Uses %opts to add any additional attributes to the cookie.

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$cookie = $ticket->generate_secure_cookie( %opts )

Returns the HTTPS session cookie. Uses %opts to add any additional attributes to the cookie.

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Set the session cookies for this loginticket data object.

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Update the loginticket data object by extending the expiry time.

The expiry time is extended user_inactivity_timeout or 7 days.

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EPrints::DataObj and EPrints::DataSet.

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© Copyright 2000-2024 University of Southampton.

EPrints 3.4 is supplied by EPrints Services.



This file is part of EPrints 3.4 http://www.eprints.org/.

EPrints 3.4 and this file are released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation unless otherwise stated.

EPrints 3.4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with EPrints 3.4. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

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