Difference between revisions of "CAS"

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(change the example code, to make it work before the cookie is set)
(Eprints::Session edit: wrong function, wrong query, wrong package)
(52 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
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==Install a secure host==
==Install a secure host==
The first thing you'll have to do is to install a secure host.
The first thing you'll have to do is to [[Https3|install a secure host]].
[http://wiki2.eprints.org/w/EPrints2/SecuringWithHTTPS This page] explains how to do that.
This perl library allows you to easily communicate with a CAS sever.
This perl library allows you to easily communicate with a CAS sever.
Line 12: Line 11:
This can be done with the command:
This can be done with the command:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Apache::AuthCAS'
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Apache2::AuthCAS'
More infomartion are available on [http://search.cpan.org/~dcastro/Apache-AuthCAS-0.4/lib/Apache/AuthCAS.pm CPAN]
More infomartion are available on http://search.cpan.org/~jhitt/Apache2-AuthCAS-0.4/lib/Apache2/AuthCAS.pm
===Make few changes to AuthCAS.pm (if using mysql)===
===Create the database to store cookies===
The Apache::AuthCAS module use a database to store cookies. You can use Postgres or MySQL, as you wish.
You should find this schema on
Most probably, you will use mysql, as eprints use it. Unfortunately AuthCAS.pm is coded with the "Pg" driver in hard, even if a variable ($DB_DRIVER) exists, it is not used. So you will have to edit your AuthCAS.pm file and change each "Pg" with "mysql".
===Create the database to store cookies===
You should find this mysql schema in /root/.cpan/build/Apache-AuthCAS-0.4/schema.sql
-- schema that has been used with PostgreSQL and may need to be altered for
-- Schema for use with PostgreSQL
-- another DBMS
CREATE TABLE cas_sessions (
CREATE TABLE cas_sessions (
        id                             varchar(32) not null primary key,
      id               varchar(32) not null primary key
        last_accessed   int8 not null,
    , last_accessed     int8       not null
        uid                            varchar(32) not null,
    , user_id          varchar(32) not null
        pgtiou                  varchar(64) not null
    , pgtiou            varchar(256)
    , pgt              varchar(256)
    , service_ticket    varchar(256)
CREATE INDEX cas_sessions_id_index ON cas_sessions(id);
CREATE INDEX cas_sessions_pgtiou_index ON cas_sessions(pgtiou);
CREATE TABLE cas_pgtiou_to_pgt (
-- Schema for use with MySQL
        pgtiou          varchar(64) not null primary key,
CREATE TABLE cas_sessions (
        pgt                    varchar(64) not null,
      id                varchar(32) not null primary key
        created        int8 not null
    , last_accessed    int(8)        not null
    , user_id          varchar(32) not null
    , pgtiou            varchar(256)
    , pgt              varchar(256)
    , service_ticket    varchar(256)
--example PostgreSQL indeces
-- MySQL will create automatically the index for the primary key
--CREATE INDEX cas_sessions_id_index ON cas_sessions(id);
CREATE INDEX cas_sessions_pgtiou_index ON cas_sessions(pgtiou);
--CREATE INDEX cas_pgtiou_to_pgt_pgtiou_index ON cas_pgtiou_to_pgt(pgtiou);
--CREATE INDEX cas_sessions_last_accessed_index ON cas_sessions(last_accessed);
===Configure your secure host===
===Configure your secure host===
You must provide some information like the CAS host. You can provide it in your virtual host, or in AuthCAS.pm.
You must provide some information like the CAS host. You can provide it in your virtual host, or in AuthCAS.pm.
Read the [http://search.cpan.org/~dcastro/Apache-AuthCAS-0.4/lib/Apache/AuthCAS.pm module page on CPAN] to know more about it.
Read the [http://search.cpan.org/~jhitt/Apache2-AuthCAS-0.4/lib/Apache2/AuthCAS.pm module page on CPAN] to know more about it.
Also edit $EPRINTS_ROOT/archives/$ARCHIVE_ID/cfg/auto-secure.conf and make the following changes:
Edit $EPRINTS_ROOT/archives/$ARCHIVE_ID/var/manual-secure.conf and add the lines:
Remove lines:
  PerlLoadModule Apache2::AuthCAS::Configuration
  PerlLoadModule Apache2::AuthCAS
  <Directory "/opt/eprints3/cgi/users">
    AuthName "User Area"
    AuthType Apache2::AuthCAS
    AuthName "CAS"
    PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthCAS->authenticate
     AuthType "Basic"
     CASHost "HOST"
     PerlAuthenHandler EPrints::Auth::authen
     CASPort "443"
     PerlAuthzHandler EPrints::Auth::authz
    CASErrorURL "https://HOST/cas/error/"
     PerlSetVar EPrints_Security_Area User
    CASDbDataSource "dbname=DATABASE_NAME"
     require valid-user
    CASDbDriver "mysql"
    CASSessionCookieName "COOKIE_NAME"
    CASSessionTimeout "1800"
     CASLogLevel "0"
     CASRemoveTicket "true"
     CASPretendBasicAuth "true"
#  CASLoginUri "/cas/login"
#  CASLogoutUri "/cas/logout"
and add:
    PerlAuthzHandler EPrints::Apache::Auth::authz
    Require valid-user
    SetHandler perl-script
     AuthType Apache::AuthCAS
     PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry
     AuthName "CAS"
    PerlSendHeader Off
    PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthCAS->authenticate
     Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
    PerlSetVar CASProduction "1"
    require valid-user
==Eprints::Repository edit==
Now edit the $EPRINTS_PATH/perl_lib/EPrints/Repository.pm.
(( previously, a modification to the CGI module declaration was suggested, it works without this modification on my instance ))
Here is the complete current_user function with English/French comments
sub current_user
my( $self ) = @_;
if( $self->{offline} )
return undef;
if( $self->{logged_out} )
return undef;
# info : $self->log loggue dans error.log d'Apache, même pas celui lié à l'instance ...
# info : $self->log logs in Apache's error.log not the one defined for eprints vhost ...
if( !defined $self->{current_user} ) {
# 1ère vérification, par cookie car il s'agit du fonctionnement standard et que même CAS fixe ce cookie. Il est important de ne pas passer dans le processus CAS/LDAP à chaque appel à la méthode
# 1st check, cookie check because it's eprints standard, even CAS sets this cookie. It's important not to go through the CAS/LDAP process at each method call
if ($self->get_archive->get_conf("cookie_auth")) {
$self->{current_user} = $self->_current_user_auth_cookie;
# pas de cookie avec l'utilisateur, il faut passer via le process CAS s'il est activé
# no user cookie, must go through the CAS process if defined
if (! defined($self->{current_user})) {
my $username = undef;
if ($self->get_archive->get_conf('cas_auth')) {
my $cookie_name = $self->get_archive->get_conf('cas_cookie_name');
# la query (objet CGI) n'est pas initialisé lors des 1ers passages dans cette méthode
# the query (CGI object) is not set at the first calls of this method
if (defined($self->{query})) {
my $ticket = $self->{query}->cookie($cookie_name);
# récupération du nom d'utilisateur via la base de données mise à jour par le module CAS chargé par Apache
# get the username from database updated by the CAS module from Apache mod_perl
if ($ticket ne '') {
my $sql="SELECT user_id FROM cas_sessions WHERE id='$ticket'";
my $sth = $self->get_database()->prepare($sql);
my @info = $sth->fetchrow_array();
# my @list = split(":",$info[0]);
$username = $info[0];
$self->{current_user} = EPrints::DataObj::User::user_with_username($self, $username);
# la méthode au-dessus ne créé pas l'utilisateur si celui n'est pas déjà présent dans l'application, à faire via le LDAP
# the previous method doesn't create user if he doesn't exist in the database, we'll do this with an LDAP
if (defined($username) && ! defined($self->{current_user})) {
# récupération de tous les paramètres de connexion et recherche dans l'annuaire LDAP
# get every parameter to set the connection and search the user in the LDAP directory
my $ldap_host = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_host');
my $ldap_version = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_version');
my $ldap_bind_user = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_bind_user');
my $ldap_bind_pass = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_bind_pass');
my $ldap_base = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_base');
my $ldap_scope = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_scope');
my $ldap_search_string = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_search_string');
$ldap_search_string =~ s/!!USERNAME!!/$username/g;
# récupération des valeurs par défaut que le LDAP ne renverra pas (sauf email)
# get all default values, except email because we don't need it in our instance
my $ldap_default_email = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_default_email');
my $ldap_default_country = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_default_country');                                       
my $ldap_default_org = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_default_org');
my $ldap_conforms_supann = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_conforms_supann');
# connexion à l'annuaire LDAP
# LDAP directory connection
my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $ldap_host ) or die "$@";
my $mesg = $ldap->bind ( $ldap_bind_user, password => $ldap_bind_pass, version => $ldap_version);
# recherche de l'utilisateur
# user search
my $result = $ldap->search(base => $ldap_base, scope  => $ldap_scope, filter  => $ldap_search_string);
# les entrées sont censées être uniques, on prend la 1ère entrée
# user entry is meant to be unique, we take the first
my @entries = $result->entries();
if (defined (my $ldap_entry = $entries[0])) {
# récupération du type d'utilisateur par défaut
# get the default user type
my $usertype = $self->config("default_user_type");
my $ds = $self->dataset("user");
my $user = $ds->create_object( $self, { username => $username, usertype => $usertype } );
# the previous version was using create_user, deprecated and non-working
# my $user = EPrints::User::create_user($self, $usertype);
my $name = {};
$name->{family} = $ldap_entry->get_value("sn");
$name->{given} = $ldap_entry->get_value("givenName");
$user->set_value("name", $name);
# Set Email
my $email = defined $ldap_entry->get_value("mail") ? $ldap_entry->get_value("mail") : $ldap_default_email;
$user->set_value("email", $email);
if ($ldap_conforms_supann) {
$user->set_value("org", $ldap_entry->get_value("supannEtablissement"));
else {
$user->set_value("org", $ldap_default_org);
===Load the module===
# Set Address
Finally, don't forget to load Apache::AuthCAS!
# my $address = $ldap_entry->get_value("postalAddress")
# . "\n"
# . $ldap_entry->get_value("postalCode")
# . " "
# . $ldap_entry->get_value("l");
# $user->set_value("address", $address);
$user->set_value("country", $ldap_default_country);
==Eprints::Session edit==
# Set URL
# $user->set_value("url", $ldap_entry->get_value("labeledURI"));
# save the information into the database and gives the user an id
Now edit the $EPRINTS_PATH/perl_lib/EPrints/Session.pm.
$self->{current_user} = $user;
First add this line:
use CGI qw(:standard -nph);
# la fonction est aussi appelée avant tout procédé d'authentification, même si l'on accède à la page de login
# en fait, elle est appelée très souvent, d'où le test qui suit
# the method is also called before any authentication process, need to check again at this point
if (defined($self->{current_user})) {
# création d'un ticket de login interne à l'appli et connexion de l'utilisateur (méthode trouvée dans le package Register.pm où un utilisateur est connecté après avoir été créé)
# Create a login ticket and log the user in
EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket->expire_all( $self );
$self->dataset( "loginticket" )->create_dataobj({
userid => $self->{current_user}->id,
else {
# custom auth
if( $self->get_repository->can_call( 'get_current_user' ) )
$self->{current_user} = $self->get_repository->call( 'get_current_user', $self );
# basic auth
if( !defined $self->{current_user} )
$self->{current_user} = $self->_current_user_auth_basic;
$self->{already_in_current_user} = 0;
$self->{processor}->{user} = $self->{current_user};
return $self->{current_user};
Which enables you to use the raw_cookie fuction which returns variables stored in http cookie.
In this method, I have commented some stuff around addresses because I had no need. By the way, you can use/add every useful information from your LDAP that has a place to go in the user object.
Then go to the current_user function definition where you have to put the uid provided by AuthCAS module in $username. To do it, you just have to make a sql query which looks like that:
This code assumes Apache2::AuthCAS SQL tables are stored with the rest of the Eprints server. It won't work if you use a Postgres database or even if you stored your Apache2::AuthCAS tables on an other MySQL database. If you have any good reason to use a separated database, you will have to change some lines in order to make it work.
==Configure your archive==
Add the following lines into cfg/cfg.d/misc.pl:
$sql="SELECT uid FROM cas_sessions WHERE id='$user_ticket'";
$c->{cas_auth} = 1;
$c->{cas_cookie_name} = 'COOKIE_NAME'; # The same as in manual-secure.conf
$c->{ldap_host} = 'LDAP_HOST_NAME';
$c->{ldap_version} = 3;
$c->{ldap_bind_user} = 'ou=admin,dc=DOMAIN,dc=com';
$c->{ldap_bind_pass} = 'SECRET_PASS';
$c->{ldap_base} = 'dc=DOMAIN,dc=com';
$c->{ldap_scope} = 'sub';
$c->{ldap_search_string} = '(uid=!!USERNAME!!)';
$c->{ldap_default_email} = 'A VALID EMAIL';
$c->{ldap_default_country} = 'USA';
$c->{ldap_default_org} = 'YOUR ORGANISATION';
Where $user_ticket is the variable stored in the AuthCAS http cookie.
my $user_ticket=raw_cookie('APACHECAS');
Note that 'APACHECAS' is the default name for the AuthCAS cookie but you may have change it.
Here is a code that should work if you have installed your Apache::AuthCAS sql tables in the same database where you store your eprints tables:
==Test your archive==
sub current_user
        my( $self ) = @_;
        my $user = undef;
You should now be able to login through your CAS server.
        # If we've already done this once, no point
==LDAP Configuration==
        # in doing it again.
        unless( defined $self->{currentuser} )
                  my $username ="";
                my $user_ticket="";
                if( defined $ENV{HTTP_CAS_FILTER_USER})#cookie not set yet
                        $username = $ENV{HTTP_CAS_FILTER_USER};
                        if( defined $user_ticket)
                                my $sql = "SELECT uid FROM cas_sessions as M where id='$user_ticket'";
                                my $r = {};
                                my $sth = $self->{database}->prepare( $sql );
                                $self->{database}->execute( $sth, $sql );
                                my $uid="";
                                while( my @info = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
Once CAS is working, you may need to copy the user entry from an LDAP server.
                                        my @list = split(":",$info[0]);
EPrints3 comes with example code in archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/cfg.d/user_login.pl. Just use it !
                                        foreach( @list ) {$uid=$_;}
                                $username = $uid;
                                $username = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
                if( defined $username && $username ne "" )
                        $self->{currentuser} =
                        EPrints::User::user_with_username( $self, $username );
        return $self->{currentuser};
This code can be greatly improved, it was used for test, and is provided to give you an idea how to do. It should not be used on a product server.

Latest revision as of 14:01, 30 October 2015

This page explains how to use a CAS server to authenticate user in eprints.

Install a secure host

The first thing you'll have to do is to install a secure host.


This perl library allows you to easily communicate with a CAS sever.

Install the lib

This can be done with the command: perl -MCPAN -e 'install Apache2::AuthCAS'

More infomartion are available on http://search.cpan.org/~jhitt/Apache2-AuthCAS-0.4/lib/Apache2/AuthCAS.pm

Create the database to store cookies

You should find this schema on http://search.cpan.org/src/JHITT/Apache2-AuthCAS-0.4/schemaPg.sql

-- Schema for use with PostgreSQL
CREATE TABLE cas_sessions (
      id                varchar(32) not null primary key
    , last_accessed     int8        not null
    , user_id           varchar(32) not null
    , pgtiou            varchar(256)
    , pgt               varchar(256)
    , service_ticket    varchar(256)
CREATE INDEX cas_sessions_id_index ON cas_sessions(id);
CREATE INDEX cas_sessions_pgtiou_index ON cas_sessions(pgtiou);

-- Schema for use with MySQL
CREATE TABLE cas_sessions (
      id                varchar(32) not null primary key
    , last_accessed     int(8)        not null
    , user_id           varchar(32) not null
    , pgtiou            varchar(256)
    , pgt               varchar(256)
    , service_ticket    varchar(256)

-- MySQL will create automatically the index for the primary key
CREATE INDEX cas_sessions_pgtiou_index ON cas_sessions(pgtiou);

Configure your secure host

You must provide some information like the CAS host. You can provide it in your virtual host, or in AuthCAS.pm. Read the module page on CPAN to know more about it.

Edit $EPRINTS_ROOT/archives/$ARCHIVE_ID/var/manual-secure.conf and add the lines:

  PerlLoadModule Apache2::AuthCAS::Configuration
  PerlLoadModule Apache2::AuthCAS
  <Directory "/opt/eprints3/cgi/users">
    AuthName "User Area"
    AuthType Apache2::AuthCAS
    AuthName "CAS"
    PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthCAS->authenticate

    CASHost "HOST"
    CASPort "443"
    CASErrorURL "https://HOST/cas/error/"
    CASDbDataSource "dbname=DATABASE_NAME"
    CASDbDriver "mysql"
    CASSessionCookieName "COOKIE_NAME"
    CASSessionTimeout "1800"
    CASLogLevel "0"
    CASRemoveTicket "true"
    CASPretendBasicAuth "true"

#   CASLoginUri "/cas/login"
#   CASLogoutUri "/cas/logout"

    PerlAuthzHandler EPrints::Apache::Auth::authz
    Require valid-user

    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry
    PerlSendHeader Off
    Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks

Eprints::Repository edit

Now edit the $EPRINTS_PATH/perl_lib/EPrints/Repository.pm. (( previously, a modification to the CGI module declaration was suggested, it works without this modification on my instance ))

Here is the complete current_user function with English/French comments

sub current_user
	my( $self ) = @_;

	if( $self->{offline} )
		return undef;

	if( $self->{logged_out} )
		return undef;

	# info : $self->log loggue dans error.log d'Apache, même pas celui lié à l'instance ...
	# info : $self->log logs in Apache's error.log not the one defined for eprints vhost ...

	if( !defined $self->{current_user} ) {
		# 1ère vérification, par cookie car il s'agit du fonctionnement standard et que même CAS fixe ce cookie. Il est important de ne pas passer dans le processus CAS/LDAP à chaque appel à la méthode
		# 1st check, cookie check because it's eprints standard, even CAS sets this cookie. It's important not to go through the CAS/LDAP process at each method call
		if ($self->get_archive->get_conf("cookie_auth")) {
			$self->{current_user} = $self->_current_user_auth_cookie;
			# pas de cookie avec l'utilisateur, il faut passer via le process CAS s'il est activé
			# no user cookie, must go through the CAS process if defined
			if (! defined($self->{current_user})) {
				my $username = undef;
				if ($self->get_archive->get_conf('cas_auth')) {
					my $cookie_name = $self->get_archive->get_conf('cas_cookie_name');
					# la query (objet CGI) n'est pas initialisé lors des 1ers passages dans cette méthode
					# the query (CGI object) is not set at the first calls of this method
					if (defined($self->{query})) {
						my $ticket = $self->{query}->cookie($cookie_name);
						# récupération du nom d'utilisateur via la base de données mise à jour par le module CAS chargé par Apache
						# get the username from database updated by the CAS module from Apache mod_perl
						if ($ticket ne '') {
							my $sql="SELECT user_id FROM cas_sessions WHERE id='$ticket'";
							my $sth = $self->get_database()->prepare($sql);
							my @info = $sth->fetchrow_array();
							# my @list = split(":",$info[0]);
							$username = $info[0];
					$self->{current_user} = EPrints::DataObj::User::user_with_username($self, $username);

				# la méthode au-dessus ne créé pas l'utilisateur si celui n'est pas déjà présent dans l'application, à faire via le LDAP
				# the previous method doesn't create user if he doesn't exist in the database, we'll do this with an LDAP
				if (defined($username) && ! defined($self->{current_user})) {
					# récupération de tous les paramètres de connexion et recherche dans l'annuaire LDAP
					# get every parameter to set the connection and search the user in the LDAP directory
					my $ldap_host = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_host');
					my $ldap_version = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_version');
					my $ldap_bind_user = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_bind_user');
					my $ldap_bind_pass = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_bind_pass');
					my $ldap_base = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_base');
					my $ldap_scope = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_scope');
					my $ldap_search_string = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_search_string');
					$ldap_search_string =~ s/!!USERNAME!!/$username/g;
					# récupération des valeurs par défaut que le LDAP ne renverra pas (sauf email)
					# get all default values, except email because we don't need it in our instance
					my $ldap_default_email = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_default_email');
					my $ldap_default_country = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_default_country');                                         
					my $ldap_default_org = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_default_org');
					my $ldap_conforms_supann = $self->get_archive()->get_conf('ldap_conforms_supann');
					# connexion à l'annuaire LDAP
					# LDAP directory connection
					my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $ldap_host ) or die "$@";
					my $mesg = $ldap->bind ( $ldap_bind_user, password => $ldap_bind_pass, version => $ldap_version);

					# recherche de l'utilisateur
					# user search
					my $result = $ldap->search(base => $ldap_base, scope   => $ldap_scope, filter  => $ldap_search_string);

					# les entrées sont censées être uniques, on prend la 1ère entrée
					# user entry is meant to be unique, we take the first
					my @entries = $result->entries();
					if (defined (my $ldap_entry = $entries[0])) {
						# récupération du type d'utilisateur par défaut
						# get the default user type
						my $usertype = $self->config("default_user_type");
						my $ds = $self->dataset("user");
						my $user = $ds->create_object( $self, { username => $username, usertype => $usertype } );
						# the previous version was using create_user, deprecated and non-working
						# my $user = EPrints::User::create_user($self, $usertype);

						my $name = {};
						$name->{family} = $ldap_entry->get_value("sn");
						$name->{given} = $ldap_entry->get_value("givenName");
						$user->set_value("name", $name);

						# Set Email
						my $email = defined $ldap_entry->get_value("mail") ? $ldap_entry->get_value("mail") : $ldap_default_email;
						$user->set_value("email", $email);

						if ($ldap_conforms_supann) {
							$user->set_value("org", $ldap_entry->get_value("supannEtablissement"));
						else {
							$user->set_value("org", $ldap_default_org);

						# Set Address
						# my $address = $ldap_entry->get_value("postalAddress")
						# . "\n"
						# . $ldap_entry->get_value("postalCode")
						# . " "
						# . $ldap_entry->get_value("l");
						# $user->set_value("address", $address);
						$user->set_value("country", $ldap_default_country);

						# Set URL
						# $user->set_value("url", $ldap_entry->get_value("labeledURI"));
						# save the information into the database and gives the user an id

						$self->{current_user} = $user;
				# la fonction est aussi appelée avant tout procédé d'authentification, même si l'on accède à la page de login
				# en fait, elle est appelée très souvent, d'où le test qui suit
				# the method is also called before any authentication process, need to check again at this point
				if (defined($self->{current_user})) {
					# création d'un ticket de login interne à l'appli et connexion de l'utilisateur (méthode trouvée dans le package Register.pm où un utilisateur est connecté après avoir été créé)
					# Create a login ticket and log the user in
					EPrints::DataObj::LoginTicket->expire_all( $self );
					$self->dataset( "loginticket" )->create_dataobj({
						userid => $self->{current_user}->id,
		else {
			# custom auth
			if( $self->get_repository->can_call( 'get_current_user' ) )
				$self->{current_user} = $self->get_repository->call( 'get_current_user', $self );
			# basic auth
			if( !defined $self->{current_user} )
				$self->{current_user} = $self->_current_user_auth_basic;
		$self->{already_in_current_user} = 0;
	$self->{processor}->{user} = $self->{current_user};
	return $self->{current_user};

In this method, I have commented some stuff around addresses because I had no need. By the way, you can use/add every useful information from your LDAP that has a place to go in the user object.

This code assumes Apache2::AuthCAS SQL tables are stored with the rest of the Eprints server. It won't work if you use a Postgres database or even if you stored your Apache2::AuthCAS tables on an other MySQL database. If you have any good reason to use a separated database, you will have to change some lines in order to make it work.

Configure your archive

Add the following lines into cfg/cfg.d/misc.pl:

$c->{cas_auth} = 1;
$c->{cas_cookie_name} = 'COOKIE_NAME'; # The same as in manual-secure.conf

$c->{ldap_host} = 'LDAP_HOST_NAME';
$c->{ldap_version} = 3;
$c->{ldap_bind_user} = 'ou=admin,dc=DOMAIN,dc=com';
$c->{ldap_bind_pass} = 'SECRET_PASS';
$c->{ldap_base} = 'dc=DOMAIN,dc=com';
$c->{ldap_scope} = 'sub';
$c->{ldap_search_string} = '(uid=!!USERNAME!!)';
$c->{ldap_default_email} = 'A VALID EMAIL';
$c->{ldap_default_country} = 'USA';
$c->{ldap_default_org} = 'YOUR ORGANISATION';

Test your archive

You should now be able to login through your CAS server.

LDAP Configuration

Once CAS is working, you may need to copy the user entry from an LDAP server. EPrints3 comes with example code in archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/cfg.d/user_login.pl. Just use it !